It’s usually not a strong odor, but you may notice that your urine occasionally smells stronger than normal. By maintaining the litter box with the daily additions of hay, the litter box should easily go a full 3-4 days without any noticeable odor. Rabbit facilities should all have ventilation at floor level as well as overhead to maximize air flow and prevent illness. my granddaughter has two rabbits in her room , and the urine , (ammonia) smell is very strong . I recommend running fans at floor level on low all year to help move the ammonia out of the building. If urine becomes highly concentrated — a high level of waste products with little water — your urine may have a strong ammonia odor. . The urine from a buck tends to have a stronger smell than that from a doe. It can precipitate out very easily and it is quite common for enough calcium precipitate to be left in their bladders, which causes a serious problem called bladder sludge. His litter box has a liner, hay, and CareFresh. I feed pellets that have yucca and it is still a strong smell. Rabbit’s urine is very high in calcium, which does not dissolve well in solution. It hasn't eaten anything different just some parsley, celery, water and pellet mix. If you do not remove the pee stain fast enough you can expect some truly catastrophic results without proper cleaning. This, coupled with their speed, keeps wild rabbits alive. This is because she is sniffing the air around her. If you have foul-smelling or pungent urine that has a strong ammonia scent, then it's likely you're dehydrated, leading to more concentrated urine. Occasionally giving it a white vinegar rinse will help keep calcium residues down and control the odor. A urine sample can determine whether the ketones have increased. Most rabbit owners and veterinarians report that healthy rabbits don’t have a naturally strong body odor. In fact the smell is throughout the whole house . One such example is a sweet smell to the urine, which can indicate excess glucose (blood sugar) in the urine. Check if the bad smell is coming from your rabbit or its hutch, and clean and care for it safely to stop your rabbit from smelling. Some foods and medications, such as asparagus or certain vitamins, can cause a noticeable urine odor, even in low concentrations. If you notice a strong ammonia scent when you wee, it might be time to full up your water bottle. You will no doubt notice your pet twitching her nose regularly. Do Rabbits Have a Strong Sense of Smell? Bucks also use urine to mark their territory, so they urinate more often, producing more scent. Tip of the Month: Rabbit Urine Odor Control Some helpful tips for odor control from a recent San Diego Rabbits Online Newsletter (thanks to Dr. Krempels for her contributions to this list): When you change the litter, be sure to rinse the box *thoroughly* with water. Make sure she is litter box trained: don't allow her to just do it anywhere. If your bunny’s urine appears gritty or thick in texture, this is a real concern. Urine that contains a lot of water and few waste products has little to no odor. Urine spraying is a common behavioral issue in bunnies, which can lead to smells around your house. Is it normal for rabbit urine to suddenly become stronger smelling? In fact, pee that has a strong ammonia smell, or foul, or slightly sweet-smelling urine is often the first indication that you have a UTI. Another 2012 study found that liver disease can change the way urine smells. But some foods -- especially asparagus, which has a smelly sulfur compound -- can change the odor. One of the main causes of strong smells from pet rabbits is urine. When rabbits spray, their urine has a very strong odor in comparison to their normal urine discharge. A sexually transmitted infection . Rabbit urine is commonly very strong smelling. Less commonly, strong smelling urine can also be caused by infection, high blood sugar, or liver damage. If you have a rabbit that is giving off a strong smell, it could be a sign of sickness or infection. Fourth, the hay that does get stamped down serves as extra layering that holds any urine odor down in the litter. Rabbits are clean and would prefer to use a litter box. Urine is mostly made up of water, with the addition of waste products like urea. Urine could have foul, strong, or sweet smelling characteristics. Otherwise, Rabbits don't smell… The pee still looks the same, but it smells horrible and my rabbit is smelling fishy now too. Sometimes, some people have complained about their rabbit spraying white urine. It’s important to get blood sugar levels checked when dealing with frequent urination and strong-smelling urine because it could be a symptom of a much bigger problem, like u ncontrolled diabetes. According to one 2012 study, some people with kidney failure, for example, notice a bad body odor or foul-smelling urine. However, occasionally, it will have a pungent smell of ammonia. Urine naturally has an odor that’s unique to everyone. I have noticed that my rabbit's pee has a strong fishy smell and that was never there before. Sick rabbits can also have bad body odor. Asparagus is notorious for making urine smelly. He is a neutered 6 mo male, could it be hormones? Any time a rabbit experiences change such as being moved to a new place or having their food changed, etc it causes stress and stress can give a rabbit diarrhea. Urine does not usually have a strong odor to it. Take your rabbit to the vet if they are very smelly, and you’re sure it’s not a result of poor cleaning. Their litter tray is cleaned every day very well but still whenver urine is present this terrible odour is here. Rabbit urine can destroy your carpet with both odor and stains. I clean it out every other day, so it isn’t super soiled. When a rabbit has diarrhea they put off a fairly foul smell. The most common causes of bad smelling urine are dehydration, dietary changes, or a side-effect of medication. Blood coming from the urinary tract should cause the urine to be a uniform dark to bright red color. Getting the rabbit altered will help somewhat. can make the process of cleaning up after your rabbit that much easier, by offering you resources on best odor … Not normal but fishy, really strong fishy. Urine typically has a subtle odor of its own, but this can change or fluctuate for a number of reasons. One explanation for an ammonia odor is high amounts of waste in the urine. Normal rabbit urine can range in color from a light yellow to a deep orange-red (a "rusty" color) due to a variety of plant pigments that may have been eaten or pigments, called porphyrins, produced by the bladder itself. Just like any other pee, rabbit urine can smell very strong, and this is usually due to ammonia. For rabbit owners, it’s not the same. . So can vitamin B-6 supplements. Rabbits that eat lots of high calcium foods such as broccoli or alfalfa hay will often have more granular urine and asparagus or broccoli will lead to strong smelling urine. Wild rabbits have a nose so sharp they can smell food buried underground. Otherwise, Rabbits don't smell. Every rabbit owner must know the difference between spray urination and normal urination of their pets. The symptoms are noticed when the rabbit’s urine flows down one or both hind legs instead of being expelled backwards cleanly past the tail, causing it to be either very damp or soaking wet, depending on the severity of the condition. Does or female rabbits can spray urine to mark their territory, i.e., “mature, unneutered males spray urine, and both males and females ... Spraying is characterized by urination on a vertical surface and the urine will tend to have a strong odor as opposed to ordinary urine. 11. In addition, a rabbit can smell predators long before they are visible. Fishy Smelling Urine? In fact the smell is throughout the whole house . An STD, like … Does this have an effect on their health ?
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