... World Boss Tier List 2020. The list include tier ranking for 5 types of ships in Azur Lane: Destroyers (DD), Light Cruisers (CL), Heavy Cruisers (CA), Battleships (BB), Aircraft Carriers (CV/L), and Healers.This Azur Lane tier list will be using 4 criteria to calculate the ranks: Survivability, Damage, Accessibility, Oil Cost.For Healers, there is 1 additional criteria: Healing Capacity. Group One – (Purple) Tool box and (blue) Fire extinguisher – (for DD & CL and all kinds of mobs, the basic set), Group Two – Tool box and (purple)Torpedo Bulge – (For CL, CA and when facing Torpedo swarm boss fight), Group Three – Tool box and (Gold) High performance steering. Azur Lane PvE Equipment Guide. FINALLY GOT AROUND TO ADDING THE RELEVANT RUSSIAN EVENT UNITS AND ALLEN M. SUMNER. 2 star Elite. They are called 'Tier Guides' to tell them apart from tierlists and their typical way of handling things (ie. MAIN FLEET DAMAGE FOCUS – Keep the first item locked, the second item can change to health item. Destroyer. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. SORRY FOLKS, NEW JOB'S KNOCKING THE WIND OUT OF MY SAILS. The one and only Azur Lane EN/JP Tierless Guides, as curated by Your Waifu Is Ship. Grand Summoners Tier list Guide. Predominantly focused around equipment mechanics and recommendations. 1 - Destroyers Guns Guide: Equipment priority: 138.6 > 130 > 127 = 100 Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020… CN Usagi Sensei's (W13) PVE Tier List No. You signed in with another tab or window. Wall Text Art Rules Ship Names Art Reference Poses People Art Mobile Game Gaming Manga History. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, AL Common Compbuilding Coqups Compilation.md, Update AL Common Compbuilding Coqups Compilation.md. My coins will probably be ready as well. Tier List for rerolling; Azur Lane. Another case of the Azur lane tier list of a destroyer that needs to be accompanied by other options to be competitive. February 4, 2020. S+ Tier – Very Overpowered S Tier – Overpowered A Tier – Perfectly Balanced Buy me a https://ko-fi.com/J3J6WRI2 !). alext96-January 18, 2020 0. by Samuel Stewart March 17, 2021 1 week ago. The setting button will lead you to this menu where you can check the stats of the Inventory, Skills, Equipment. Let’s get started! ... Equipment Guide; ES: Units. 4. Plates are scarce in early to mid game, save your blue plate for higher level gears. Use the KGV gun for KGV, the original chinese source image for the tier list was released 4th May 2019 (before KGV was announced/released). buff cycle for CV fleet composition, Group Three – Early gameplay pack (lacking gears), Group Four – For certain type maps and PvP, SUBMARINE (rank list from best to less ideal), For continuous damage and higher total damage. Group Four – High level difficult enemy boss, Group Five – Early gameplay pack (lacking gears), Group Six – Incase when facing a lot of ambushes. ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Furthermore, we’ll present examples of top-tier fleets built by top players in the game. Here is the ultimate Azur Lane tier list to help you win more battles. Once you have got the higher tier one, and you have install them to all your ships, any extra you can proceed to scrap the lower version. Tier List; Tier List – Global; War of the Visions. All the values used do not factor in the Reload or Firepower stats. February 10, 2020 0. An Shan. CURRENT NEWS Also provides every ship's hidden stats (accuracy and luck).If you have any questions, you can find us on Azur Lane Homeless Shelter Discord. Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020. AriPanda's Azur Lane Guide (Equipment Guide) Research Projects Tier List Research Project Priority Azur Lane(EN) ... Mar 24, 2020 #18,626 My cubes are ready, I will have over 400 by the time the event starts. A-Tier. To help you in making the best match, this azure lane tier list will surely help you. Win those battles in Azur Lane with ease. You must note that this tier list is forged on the basis of stats, oil cost, crew cost, and power. Note – this guide is more oriented to newer players, veterans can adjust to their needs or explore other options – Equipment last update was early January 2020, so does include the two new equipment we have in this event Maid Battle Royal – Equipment are listed from best favorable option to the least favorable one. Learn more. BFTLS: Basic. Azur Lane Explain: Heavy Cruisers Tier List (April 2020) *ALSO MICROLAYER MEDLEY UPDATE* - YouTube. Skills Your email address will not be published. ... February 10, 2020 0. by Intel8008IntroA General guide for equipment and their respective lower tier options for Commanders who are new to the game or who have limited... Azur Lane Basic Ship Recommendation Guide. Azur Lane is a Bullet Hell, side-scrolling style mobile game in which a character roster uses battleships from World War 2. : AzureLane. – Each group came with a scenario, so change the item base on what maps you are playing. Our Rankings. Class. Ship type and placement information are also provided. (Gold) High performance fire director (main), (Rainbow) Type 93 pure oxygen and (Gold) snorkel, (Gold) Type 93 pure oxygen and (Gold) snorkel, (Purple) Type 93 pure oxygen and (Gold) snorkel, (Blue) Type 93 pure oxygen and (Gold) snorkel, (Gold) Improve sonar and (purple) improve depth of charge, (Purple) Improve sonar and (blue) improve depth of charge, (Purple) Basic sonar and (Blue) basic depth of charge, (Purple) Swordfish Mark-12 and (Purple) TBM-3, (Blue) Swordfish Mark-12 and (Blue) TBM-3, (Grey) Swordfish Mark-12 and (Grey) TBM-3. These two are the best ships. If on mobile, tap View Code to show them. MAIN FLEET HEALTH FOCUS – Keep the first item locked, the second item can change to damage dealing item. The Azur Lane tier list that we have brought you is totally based on their power, stats, oil, and crew costs. These are ships that are still very good, but are lacking in one way or another. Type. 26 March 2020 Ends: 08 April 2020 New Ships [edit | edit source] Icon Name Type Construction Map Other Source(s) ... Equipment Blueprint Drops. alext96-January 18, 2020 0. In this case, for the Changchun we recommend using the Anshan and the Fushun . If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. In this guide, we cover which things are important about the composition of your fleet in Azur Lane. (Aka the washing machine) – (For CA standard load out), Group Four – toolbox and (blue) Naval camouflage (or blue hydraulic steering) – (This set is for those who don’t possess the gold high performance steering). A General guide for equipment and their respective lower tier options for Commanders who are new to the game or who have limited resources to construct or obtain them. Recent Posts. Learn more about these factors in our Azur Lane fleet building guide. – After world map 9, you need to start be concern about backline auxiliaries. While picking a great fleet of ships is necessary, the equipment your ships are using is also important. This is Azur Lane Tier List. This guide presents a list of the best ships in Azur Lane, based on their power, statistics, oil and crew costs, etc.To make it easier for you to assess the individual potential of each ship, in one list of levels you will find battleships, heavy cruisers, destroyers, heavy artillery, light cruisers, healers, submarines and aircraft carriers. In this Azur Lane Equipment Guide for June 2020, we would list out the general recommended equipment for your ship rosters and where to get them. This is a tier list for the Exercise (PvP) portion of the mobile game Azur Lane on the English (Global) servers. Saved by Tommy Atlantist. 1: General Equipment Recommendation: 2019/6/30: Ship Equipment Recommendations are HYPERLINKED in ship names. Various guides for Azur Lane. – Each group came with a scenario, so change the item base on what maps you are playing. Astro Empires Beginner’s Guide to the First Seven Days, Fire extinguisher (Main) and High performance steering, Fire extinguisher (Main) and Toolbox (for those who lacks the high performance steering). When creating your fleet in Azur Lane, you should consider other factors than just the power of individual ships. Later on when there is enough resources and higher level, Commanders can consider to increase damage output for vanguards. Purple AA radar or toolbox in case there isn’t enough AA radar in your fleet. You can get equipment either by opening Equipment Boxes or by discovering Equipment Blueprints and after that crafting them. Nation. Reload stat is effectively fixed at 100, which makes the Reload time equal to the base. Translated CN Usagi Sensei's Weapon Recommendation Tier List Ver. WOTV: Basic. However, they don’t lack enough to make any big difference, they simply are not S-tier worthy. Group Three – Damage originate from massive squad of enemy aircrafts. Dragon Empery. 21 : AzureLane. The game seems to be a bit complex as you need to set up the best team from the built-in Azure lane tier list. Discover (and save!) Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020. Kings Raid Beginner Guide 2020. Damage focus: – (Gold) French single 138.6mm – (Gold) US twin 127 mm – (Purple) French single 138.6mm– (Purple) UK twin 120 mm – (Purple) US twin 127 mm – (Purple) US single 127 mm – (Blue) UK twin 120 mm – (Blue) US twin 127 mm – (Blue) US single 127 mm – (Grey) UK twin 120 mm – (Grey) US single 127 mm – (Grey) IJN twin 127 mm, Reload speed focus – (Gold) IJN twin 100 mm – (Blue) US single 76 mm – (Grey) UK single 120 mm – (Grey) US single 76 mm, Armor Piercing (Fast reload): – (Gold) UK PR1 triple 152 mm (Neptune) – (Purple) KMS Twin 150 mm (Tbtskc) – (Purple) KMS single 150 mm – (Blue) Russian single 152 mm (Avrora) – (Blue) KMS Twin 150 mm (Tbtskc) – (Grey) Russian single 152 mm (Avrora) – (Grey) KMS twin 150 mm (Tbtskc), High Explosive (Slow reload): – (Gold) US PR2 triple 152 mm (Seattle) – (Gold) IJN triple 155 mm (2nd gun for BB) – (Purple) IJN triple 155 mm – (Purple) US triple 152 mm – (Blue) IJN triple 155 mm – (Blue) Russian single 152 mm (Avrora) – (Grey) Russian single 152 mm (Avrora) – (Grey) KMS twin 150 mm (Tbtskc), Armor Piercing: – (Gold) KMS PR1 triple 203 mm (Roon) – (Gold) KMS twin 203 mm (Eugen) – (Purple) KMS twin 203 mm – (Purple) UK twin 203 mm – (Blue) KMS twin 203 mm – (Blue) UK twin 203 mm – (Grey) UK twin 203 mm – (Grey) US triple 203 mm, High Explosive: – (Gold) French PR1 triple 203 mm (Louis) – (Gold) IJN twin 203 mm – (Purple) IJN twin 203 mm – (Purple) US triple 203 mm – (Blue) IJN twin 203 mm – (Blue) US triple 203 mm – (Grey) UK twin 203 mm – (Grey) US triple 203 mm, Armor Piercing: – (Purple) KMS triple 283 mm (SKC28), High Explosive: – (Gold) IJN PR2 triple 310 mm (Azuma), High Explosive and High Damage (non-barrages type ship): – (Gold) KMS PR2 twin 406 mm (FDG) – (Purple) IJN twin 410 mm – (Purple) US triple mk6 406 mm – (Gold) UK triple 381 mm – (Gold) French quad 380 mm (Jean Bart) – (Blue) IJN twin 410 mm– (Blue) US triple mk6 406 mm – (Purple) KMS triple 283 mm (SKC34) – (Blue) US triple 356 mm – (Grey) IJN twin 356 mm – (Grey) US triple 356 mm – (Grey) IJN twin 410 mm – (Gold) IJN twin 410 mm (type 3 shell), High Explosive and Fast Reload (barrage type ship): – (Gold) UK twin 381 mm (Hood) – (Gold) KMS PR2 twin 406 mm (FDG) – (Purple) IJN twin 410 mm – (Purple) KMS triple 283 mm (SKC34) – (Blue) IJN twin 356 mm– (Blue) KMS triple 283 mm (SKC34) – (Grey) IJN twin 356 mm – (Grey) US triple 356 mm – (Gold) IJN twin 410 mm (type 3 shell), Amor Piercing and High Damage (non-barrage type ship): – (Rainbow) US PR2 twin 457 mm – (Gold) IJN PR1 triple 410 mm – (Purple) US twin mk5 406 mm – (Purple) UK twin 381 mm, Note: “S.” Means standard load out for most ships, Vanguard: – (Gold) Bofors quad 40 mm (S.) – (Gold) PR Bofors twin 40 mm STAAG – (Gold) twin 113 mm (disc gun) – (Gold) PR twin 100 mm – (Gold) twin 105 mm SKC – (Gold) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Gold) PR Bofors twin 40 mm Hazemeyer – (Gold) PR 40 mm Type 5 – (Gold) PR 37 mm Mle – (Purple) twin 113 mm (disc gun) – (Purple) twin 127 mm – (Purple) Bofors quad 40 mm – (Purple) twin 105 mm SKC – (Purple) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Purple) Bofors twin 40 mm – (Blue) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Blue) twin 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Blue) quad 20 mm machine gun – (Grey) twin 127 mm – (Grey) quad 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Grey) quad 28 mm Chicago, Backline: – (Gold) PR Bofors twin 40 mm STAAG (S.) – (Gold) PR Bofors twin 40 mm Hazemeyer (for ships with low AA efficiency and accuracy) – (Gold) twin 113 mm (disc gun) – (Gold) PR twin 100 mm – (Gold) twin 105 mm SKC – (Gold) Bofors quad 40 mm – (Gold) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Gold) PR 40 mm Type 5 – (Gold) PR 37 mm Mle – (Purple) twin 113 mm (disc gun) – (Purple) twin 127 mm – (Purple) Bofors quad 40 mm – (Purple) twin 105 mm SKC – (Purple) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Purple) Bofors twin 40 mm – (Blue) octo 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Blue) twin 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Blue) quad 20 mm machine gun – (Grey) twin 127 mm – (Grey) quad 40 mm Pom-Pom – (Grey) quad 28 mm Chicago, Auto play: – (Rainbow) quint 533 mm magnetic (Divergent Chessboard limited) – (Gold) quad 533 mm magnetic – (Gold) quint 533 mm magnetic – (Gold) quint 533 mm – (Purple) triple 533 mm magnetic – (Purple) quad 533 mm magnetic– (Blue) triple 533 mm magnetic – (Grey) triple 533 mm magnetic – (Grey) triple 533 mm – (Grey) triple 610 mm, Manual Play: – (Gold) quad 610 mm – (Rainbow) quint 533 mm magnetic – (Gold) quint 533 mm – (Gold) quad 533 mm magnetic – (Purple) triple 610 mm – (Purple) quad 610 mm – (Blue) triple 610 mm – (Blue) quad 610 mm – (Grey) triple 610 mm – (Grey) twin 610 mm – (Grey) triple 533 mm, High Damage – (Gold) US F4U Corsair (VF-17) – (Gold) IJN Reppu – (Gold) UK Sea Fury (Centaur) – (Gold) UK Sea Fang – (Gold) US F6F Hellcat – (Gold) US F2A Buffalo (AA Fighter) – (Purple) US F4U Corsair – (Purple) IJN Reppu – (Purple) UK Sea Fang – (Purple) US F6F Hellcat – (Blue) US F4U Corsair – (Blue) UK Sea Fang – (Blue) US F6F Hellcat – (Grey) US F4U Corsair – (Grey) IJN A2M1 Zero, Functional, Healing and Shield (Fast take off): – (Gold) KMS Me-155A – (Gold) IJN A6M5 Zero – (Purple) US XF5F Sky rocket – (Purple) IJN A6M5 Zero – (Purple) KMS Me-155A – (Blue) KMS Me-155A – (Grey) IJN A5M Claude, High Damage: – (Purple) US SB2C – (Gold) US SBD Dauntless (special squad) – (Gold) US BTD-1 – (Purple) KMS Ju-87C – (Blue) US SB2C – (Purple) US BTD-1 – (Blue) KMS Ju-87C – (Grey) US SB2C – (Blue) US BTD-1 – (Grey) KMS Ju-87C, Functional, Healing and Shield (Fast take off): – (Purple) UK Fairey Mulmar – (Gold) IJN Comet – (Blue) UK Fairey Mulmar – (Grey) UK Fairey Mulmar, High Damage: – (Gold) UK Barracuda– (Gold) IJN B7A Ryusei – (Gold) UK Swordfish (818 squad, for speed reduction) – (Gold) US TBD (VT-8 squad, Boss only) – (Purple) UK Barracuda – (Purple) IJN Nakajima – (Purple) IJN B7A Ryusei – (Purple) US TBF Avenger – (Blue) UK Barracuda – (Grey) US TBF Avenger – (Blue) IJN Nakajima, Functional, Healing and Shield (Fast take off): – (Gold) UK Barracuda – (Purple) UK Barracuda – (Blue) UK Barracuda – (Grey) IJN Nakajima, SEAPLANE – (Purple) IJN Seiran – (Purple) IJN Zuiun – (Blue) IJN Zuiun – (Grey) IJN Zuiun. Contents1 PVE Equipment Guide1.1 Destroyer (DD) Guns1.2 Light Cruiser (CL) Guns1.3 Heavy Cruiser (CA) Guns1.4 Main Fleet (BB/BC/BM/BBV) Guns1.5 Torpedoes1.6 Carrier (CV/CVL) Aircraft1.7 Anti-Air (AA) Guns1.8 Auxiliary Equipment PVE Equipment Guide This guide is meant to serve as both an in-depth guide to end-game equipment and a quick reference to compare pieces of equipment … Making it easier for you to assess the individual ability of each Azur Lane ship, in one list of levels, you will find battleships, heavy cruisers, destroyers, heavy artillery, light cruisers, healers, submarines, and aircraft carriers. To make it easier for players to quickly get an overview of each Ship’s individual potential, you’ll find Battleships, Heavy Cruisers, Destroyers, Heavy Artillery, Light Cruisers, healers, Submarines and Aircraft Carriers in one single tier list. Azur Lane Tier List: A Complete Guide to the Best Ships Action RPG Walter October 4, 2019 There are hundreds of ships in Azur Lane, and it can get difficult to pick which one is the best to proceed. – But should at least kept one health or evasion item in the other slot. AL: Basic; AL: Units. If all this sounds interesting to you, hop in and have a read; in the future I'll be adding more Guide content too, so look forward to it~ Group One – Damage originate from enemy scoring direct hits against your main fleet (Burn Damage mainly), Group Two – Damage originate from enemy scoring direct hits against your main fleet (Burn Damage mainly). Azur Lane is a charming mix of side-scrolling shooting and RPG with a sprinkle of gacha elements on top. Group One – (Purple) Tool box and (blue) Fire extinguisher – (for DD & CL and all kinds of mobs, the basic set) Group Two – Tool box and (purple)Torpedo Bulge – (For CL, CA and when facing Torpedo swarm boss fight) Group Three – Tool box and (Gold) High performance steering. ; The Reload stat affects only Reload, and does not affect Volley Time or Absolute Cooldown, so relative DPS … – Each set is match with different scenarios, you can match the equipments to your needs. Azur Lane Ship Tier List Guide. Jul 24, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Tommy Atlantist. Rarity. small portraits with a tier and no explanation of how and why the tier has been decided that way); indeed, one of the reasons tierlists are rather poorly regarded by the less casual members of the playerbase is precisely that lack of information and perceived arbitrariety, both issues the Guides seek to remedy by way of in-depth descriptions and details for each unit and publically visible tiering criteria. Our Azur Lane Tier List provides the best ships you should focus on during different stages of the game: Early, Late and Endgame! Azur Lane Tier List created and supported by Azur Lane Official's #gameplay-help channel and a bunch of AL veterans from various servers.This tier list ranks the ship's performanc January 15, 2020. small portraits with a tier and no explanation of how and why the tier has been decided that way); indeed, one of the reasons tierlists are rather poorly regarded by the less casual members of the playerbase is precisely that lack of information and perceived arbitrariety, both issues the Guides seek … Game Reviews Play Azur Lane English Version on PC August 28, 2018 July 9, 2020. Translated Usagi-Sensei's Tier List v41. Feel free to drop us a … Sep 3, 2020 - 1,070 votes and 258 comments so far on Reddit. Here is a short rundown of all the things you should consider when building your fleet in Azur Lane. This is a top rated game based on the naval warhead. tip: Do not enhance grey and blue gears (except fire extinguisher) past level 3 (Max is level 10). SEE MORE. This guide is far from a solo effort: while the writing is mine, the tierings are researched and approved collegially with Gurosebe#4054, Enbayft#2527, Dami, Curating, maintaining and researching for this Guide is something I've been doing for over two years now, ever since a few months after the first CN servers were opened to the public. Wall Text Art Rules Ship Names Meme Template People Art A Comics Weapons Words Mobile Game. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. 59 (29/11/2020, Including DOAXVV Ships!) It's a time-consuming endeavour, to be sure, but one I gladly do. You should use these ships if you cannot use all S-tier ships. If you've landed here because someone linked the Tier Guides to you or happened to read a pin about them, chances are you already know what these are all about and why the insistence on them being called 'Tier Guides'; on the off chance you don't, here's the long and short of it. Azur Lane can be played with AI or you can choose the battle manually. Next on our Azur Lane tier list are the A-tier ships. ... Azur Lane EN Ship Tier Guide?by Shipflow? Basically if a ship has a specific gun, use that specific gun and ignore these tier lists (usually anyways). Equipment Strategy Guide From: Jankdude. (Like what I do? Map Enemy Fleet Level Enemy Boss Level Boss Location Required Battles A2 ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tag: azur lane tier list. Search for: Search. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Instructions too complicated, dick stuck in toaster. The DMG bonus of this ammo is based on the skill's level. Just hover over each hero’s portrait to see all info available. (. Work fast with our official CLI. alext96-January 18, 2020 0. Azur Lane's machinery scheme is very complex and the secret to achievement in this match is to use the correct materials in the correct scenario.Some participants may attempt Azur Lane for the sake of beautiful Waifus, but most of them will get stuck once they get a flavor of the Tier List; Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner. The next part is auxiliary equipment – Newbie Commander just have to remember that vanguard needs health, backline needs damage. This equipment guide will help discuss the equipment system in Azur Lane. If you are an avid player of Azur Lane and you need to know which Shipgirls are the best to use, then this tier list is made for you! *Auxiliary gear (continuous damage) bundle not separable. Azur Lane Tier List. Name of Ship: Here is a short description of each tier: S tier – Ships in the S-tier are the best in the game, will do well on any fleet, and bring extraordinary power. Group Four – Damage originate from massive squad of enemy aircrafts. December 25, 2019 0. Welcome to Your Waifu is SHIP's highly opinionated and extra-biased Guides! AIRCRAFT CARRIERS (CV & CVL) – steam catapult is a must (primary) – If you want more health for carriers, exchange the second slot for health base items such as fire extinguisher/toolbox etc.. Group One – timing the 20 sec.
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