Though the padded hooves effectively support the camel's weight on the ground,[73] they are not suitable for walking on slippery and muddy surfaces. The Persian invasion of Egypt under Cambyses in 525 BC introduced domesticated camels to the area. [45] The lungs lack lobes. The first is the typical speed of walking, around 4km/h (2.5mph). [17], The cranium of the dromedary consists of a postorbital bar, a tympanic bulla filled with spongiosa, a well-defined sagittal crest, a long facial part and an indented nasal bone. The individual's state of hydration and sex and the time of year can influence blood values. [11][12] The dromedary was given its current binomial name Camelus dromedarius by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 publication Systema Naturae. The domesticated dromedary is generally found in the semi-arid to arid regions of the Old World, mainly in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and a significant feral population occurs in Australia. They appear to remember their homes; females, in particular, remember the places they first gave birth or suckled their offspring. Its long eyelashes, eyebrows, lockable nostrils, caudal opening of the prepuce and a relatively small vulva help the camel avoid injuries, especially while feeding. [79] The male dromedary's ability to penetrate the female on his own is disputed, though feral populations in Australia reproduce naturally. [34] The fibula is reduced to a malleolar bone. [128] A seven-to-eight-year-old camel can produce a carcass of 125400kg (276882lb). It consists of 11.7% solids, 3% protein, 3.6% fat, 0.8% ash, 4.4% lactose and 0.13% acidity (pH 6.5). [17], Camels have a slow growth rate and reach sexual maturity slower than sheep or goat. [124] Nevertheless, cheese and other dairy products can be made from camel milk. Mating occurs once a year, and peaks in the rainy season. The dromedary and the Bactrian camel often interbreed to produce fertile offspring. [17] The dromedary has a rete mirabile, a complex of arteries and veins lying very close to each other which uses countercurrent blood flow to cool blood flowing to the brain. The neck should be medium to long so the head is held high. Products of the dromedary, including its meat and milk, support several north Arabian tribes; it is also commonly used for riding and as a beast of burden. [30] The dromedary eats Acacia, Atriplex and Salsola when they are available. [42] These glands can produce milk with up to 90% water content even if the mother is at risk of dehydration. [37] The lenses of the eyes contain crystallin, which constitutes 8 to 13% of the protein present there. [18], Camel hybridization began in the first millennium BC. [6] The male has a soft palate (dulaa in Arabic) nearly 18cm (7.1in) long, which it inflates to produce a deep pink sac. [5] The dromedary possibly originated in Arabia or Somalia and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Arabian or East African camel. [14] Camel meat is processed into food items such as burgers, patties, sausages and shawarma. The palate, which is often mistaken for the tongue, dangles from one side of the mouth and is used to attract females during the mating season. The domesticated dromedary is generally found in the semi-arid to arid regions of the Old World, mainly in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and a significant feral population occurs in Australia. [17] Though the preparation of butter from dromedary milk is difficult, it is produced in small amounts by nomads, optimized at 22.5% fat in the cream. The uterus is bicornuate. [101], The strength and docility of the dromedary make it popular as a domesticated animal. [6] The word "camel" generally refers either to the dromedary or the congeneric Bactrian; it may have been derived from the Latin word camelus, the Greek kamlos,[7] or an old Semitic language such as the Hebrew gml or the Arabic amal. There is no clear description for the ideal draught camel, though its strength, its ability to survive without water and the flatness of its feet could be indicators. Short communication", "Metabolic rate of camels: effect of body temperature and dehydration", "Observations on the full-term foetal membranes of three members of the Camelidae (, "The penis and prepuce of the one-humped camel (, "Structural Investigation of Epididymal Microvasculature and Its Relation to Telocytes and Immune Cells in Camel", 10.1638/1042-7260(2000)031[0335:ASOCCD]2.0.CO;2, "Detection of antibodies of rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants viruses (Paramyxoviridae, Morbillivirus) during a new epizootic disease in Ethiopian camels (, "Seroepidemiology for MERS coronavirus using microneutralisation and pseudoparticle virus neutralisation assays reveal a high prevalence of antibody in dromedary camels in Egypt, June 2013", "MERS coronavirus in dromedary camel herd, Saudi Arabia", "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus seroprevalence in domestic livestock in Saudi Arabia, 2010 to 2013", "150-year-old Diorama Surprises Scientists With Human Remains", "Hormonal and behavioral patterns in the male camel (, "The feeds and feeding habits of Old and New World camels", "What secrets lie within the camel's hump? The hump, 20cm (7.9in) tall or more, is made of fat bound together by fibrous tissue. [51] Temperature fluctuations occur throughout the day in a healthy dromedary the temperature falls to its minimum at dawn, rises until sunset and falls during the night. [81] The largest quantity of milk is produced during the early period of lactation. Males typically weigh between 400 and 600 kg (880 and 1,320 lb), and females weigh The major fatty acids in the meat were palmitic acid (26.0%), oleic acid (18.9%) and linoleic acid (12.1%). [90] They are sensitive to cold and humidity,[36] though some breeds can thrive in humid conditions. [132] The animal is stunned, seated in a crouching position with the head in a caudal position and slaughtered. The cycles were about 28 days long; follicles matured in six days, maintained their size for 13 days, and returned to their original size in eight days. [116] The dromedary can be trained to carry baggage from the age of five years, but must not be given heavy loads before the age of six. The individual's state of hydration and sex and the time of year can influence blood values. Hybrids from other combinations tend to be bad-tempered or runts. [14] The semen of a Bikaneri dromedary is white and viscous, with a pH of around 7.8. Camels are described as atypical seasonal breeders; they exhibit spermatogenesis throughout the whole year with a reduction in spermatogenesis during the nonbreeding season compared to that in the In India, dromedaries are fed with forage plants such as Vigna aconitifolia, V. mungo, Cyamopsis tetragonolaba, Melilotus parviflora, Eruca sativa, Trifolium species and Brassica campestris. Among external parasites, Sarcoptes species cause sarcoptic mange. Canter could be used only for short periods of time, for example in races. [68], The hump stores up to 80lb (36kg) of fat, which the camel can break down into energy to meet its needs when resources are scarce; the hump also helps dissipate body heat. It is important for several Bedouin pastoralist tribes of northern Arabia, such as the Ruwallah, the Rashaida, the Bani Sakhr and the Mutayr. [14] The typical mass of either testicle is less than 140g (0.31lb); during the rut the mass increases from 165 to 253g (0.364 to 0.558lb). To attract females they extrude their soft palate a trait unique to the dromedary. [83] Oestrus may be cued by the nutritional status of the camel and the length of day. [64] A study said the typical diet of the dromedary is dwarf shrubs (47.5%), trees (29.9%), grasses (11.2%), other herbs (0.2%) and vines (11%). [14][76], During the reproductive season, males splash their urine on their tails and nether regions. [81] The largest quantity of milk is produced during the early period of lactation. The Persian camels were not well-suited to trading or travel over the Sahara; journeys across the desert were made on chariots pulled by horses. [14], According to Leese, the dromedary walks with four speeds or gaits: walk, jog, fast run and canter. The original range of the camel's wild ancestors was probably southern Asia and the Arabian peninsula. The Bactrian camel has two humps, and makes up just 6% of the worlds camel population. To attract females they extrude their soft palate a trait unique to the dromedary. [20], The extinct Protylopus, which occurred in North America during the upper Eocene, is the oldest and the smallest-known camel. [118] Camel milk has higher thermal stability compared with cow milk,[119] but it does not compare favourably with sheep milk. [14] It may be used for ploughing in pairs or in groups with buffaloes or bullocks. He named two species in his History of Animals; the one-humped Arabian camel and the two-humped Bactrian camel. [19] For about a thousand years, Bactrian camels and dromedaries have been successfully bred in regions where they are sympatric to form hybrids with either a long, slightly lopsided hump or two humps one small and one large. As the animal ages, the meat grows tougher and deteriorates in taste and quality. [63] Camels scratch parts of their bodies with their legs or with their lower incisors. A study found bovine calf rennet could be used to coagulate dromedary milk. [14] The typical mass of either testicle is less than 140g (0.31lb); during the rut the mass increases from 165 to 253g (0.364 to 0.558lb). The dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) (/ d r m d r i / or /- d r i /), also called the Arabian camel, is a large even-toed ungulate, of the genus Camelus, with one hump on its back. This page was last edited on 3 May 2021, at 13:16. [65] The dromedary is primarily a browser; forbs and shrubs comprise 70% of its diet in summer and 90% of its diet in winter. [55] In another study, dromedaries were found to have natural antibodies against the rinderpest and ovine rinderpest viruses. [101][103], In Asia, nearly 70% of the population occurs in India and Pakistan. [17] There are 31 pairs of acrocentrics. The dromedary can tolerate greater than 30% water loss, which is generally impossible for other mammals. [40] Each cover hair is associated with an arrector pilli muscle, a hair follicle, a ring of sebaceous glands and a sweat gland. The hump, 20cm (7.9in) tall or more, is made of fat bound together by fibrous tissue. The main symptoms are recurring fever, anaemia and weakness; the disease is typically fatal for the camel. Most of the dromedaries occur in Western Australia, with smaller populations in the Northern Territory, Western Queensland and northern South Australia. [77] As the male gurgles, copious quantities of saliva turns to foam and covers the mouth. [33] Typically, there are eight sternal and four non-sternal pairs of ribs. [101] Most of the Australian feral camels are dromedaries, with only a few Bactrian camels. The dromedary belongs to the family Camelidae. Groups of camels avoid excess heat from the environment by pressing against each other. [67] The dromedary is able to close its nostrils voluntarily; this assists in water conservation. [15], The dromedary has 74 diploid chromosomes, the same as other camelids. [31], Compared with the Bactrian camel, the dromedary has a lighter build, longer limbs, shorter hairs, a harder palate and an insignificant or absent ethmoidal fissure. Both sexes might mature by three to five years of age, though successful breeding could take longer. Wild dromedaries inhabited arid regions, particularly the Sahara Desert. [14] Hair of highest quality is typically obtained from juvenile or wild camels. He estimated a speed of 1419km/h (8.711.8mph) during a fast run, by observing northern African and Arabian dromedaries. The first is the typical speed of walking, around 4km/h (2.5mph). [21] During the transition from Pliocene to Pleistocene, several mammals faced extinction. [27][41] Females have cone-shaped, four-chambered mammary glands that are 2.4cm (0.94in) long with a base diameter of 1.5cm (0.59in). [75] [44] The triangular, four-chambered liver weighs 6.5kg (14lb); its dimensions are 60cm 42cm 18cm (24in 17in 7in). The chest should be deep and the hump should be well-developed with sufficient space behind it to accommodate the saddle. [24], The modern dromedary probably evolved in the hotter, arid regions of western Asia from the Bactrian camel, which in turn was closely related to the earliest Old World camels. [44] The pH of the blood varies from 7.1 to 7.6 (slightly alkaline). Depicted as a palm tree with long, green, feather-like leaves and a Two-Hump Camel [14] A jawbone of a dromedary that dated from 8,200 BC was found in Saudi Arabia on the southern coast of the Red Sea. In temperatures between 30 and 40C (86 and 104F), it needs water every 10 to 15 days. The main symptoms are recurring fever, anaemia and weakness; the disease is typically fatal for the camel. Four of the five patients had severe pharyngitis and submandibular lymphadenitis. The carcasses of well-fed camels were found to be covered with a thin layer of good quality fat. [80] Lactational yield can vary with species, breed, individual, region, diet, management conditions and lactating stage. [22] The vulva is 35cm (1.22.0in) deep and has a small clitoris. Yes, the worlds a ship on its passage out, and not a voyage complete; The meat is bright red to a dark brown or maroon, while the fat is white. [17], Free-ranging dromedaries face large predators typical of their regional distribution, which includes wolves, lions[61] and tigers. [111] An account by Aurelian also cited that, in her escape to Euphrates, Zenobia used a dromedary to outrun her pursuers after she was defeated at Palmyra. It has the taste and texture of beef. [30] Like the giraffe, dromedaries moves both legs on one side of the body at the same time. This period marked the successful radiation of the Camelus species, which migrated over the Bering Strait and dispersed widely into Asia, eastern Europe and Africa. This camel feeds on foliage and desert vegetation; several adaptations, such as the ability to tolerate losing more than 30% of its total water content, allow it to thrive in its desert habitat. [14], The dromedary is prone to trypanosomiasis, a disease caused by a parasite transmitted by the tsetse fly. [92][93] The dromedary was introduced into Egypt from south-western Asia (Arabia and Persia). [66], In the Sahara, 332 plant species have been recorded as food plants of the dromedary. Western Africa followed with 2.14 million, while northern Africa had nearly 0.76 million. [122], The acidity of dromedary milk stored at 30C (86F) increases at a slower rate than that of cow milk. [13] In 1927, British veterinarian Arnold Leese classified dromedaries by their basic habitats; the hill camels are small, muscular animals and efficient beasts of burden; the larger plains camels could be further divided into the desert type that can bear light burdens and are apt for riding, and the riverine type slow animals that can bear heavy burdens; and those intermediate between these two types.[14]. In an observational study, the seroprevalence of this disease was generally low (2 to 5%) in nomadic or moderately free dromedaries, but it was higher (8 to 15%) in denser populations. [32] Unlike the camelids of the genus Lama, the dromedary has a hump, and in comparison has a longer tail, smaller ears, squarer feet, and a greater height at the shoulder. This camel feeds on foliage and desert vegetation; several adaptations, such as the ability to tolerate losing more than 30% of its total water content, allow it to thrive in its desert habitat. In Australia, short-term home ranges of feral dromedaries cover 50 to 150km2 (19 to 58sqmi); annual home ranges can spread over several thousand square kilometres. [128] A seven-to-eight-year-old camel can produce a carcass of 125400kg (276882lb). The carcasses of well-fed camels were found to be covered with a thin layer of good quality fat. [14] Hair of highest quality is typically obtained from juvenile or wild camels. He named two species in his History of Animals; the one-humped Arabian camel and the two-humped Bactrian camel. [131] The dressing percentage the percentage of the mass of the animal that forms the carcass is 5570%,[84] more than the 4550% of cattle. [69] When this tissue is metabolized, through fat metabolization, it releases energy while causing water to evaporate from the lungs during respiration (as oxygen is required for the metabolic process): overall, there is a net decrease in water. ", "Seasonal Variation of the Intraepithelial Gland in Camel Epididymis with Special Reference to Autophagosome", "Semen-induced ovulation in the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)", "Reproduction in dromedary camels: an update", "The ovarian follicular wave pattern and induction of ovulation in the mated and non-mated one-humped camel (, "A study of the genital organs of the female dromedary (, "The Canarian camel: a traditional dromedary population", "The Introduction of camels into Australia", Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, "The camel in Rajasthan: Agricultural biodiversity under threat", "Camelid genetic resources. The feet resemble flat, leathery pads. [28] Piebald coloration in some camels is thought to be caused by the KITW1 allele of the KIT gene, though there is likely at least one other mutation that also causes white spotting. Normally, three to four ejaculations occur. [14][76], During the reproductive season, males splash their urine on their tails and nether regions. Like the horse, the dromedary has no gall bladder. However, the levels of thiamin, riboflavin, folacin, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, lysine, and tryptophan were lower than those in cow milk. [88], The dromedary has not occurred in the wild for nearly 2,000 years. [118] The quantities of sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, niacin and vitamin C were relatively higher than the amounts in cow milk. In 2007, Peng Cui of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and colleagues carried out a phylogenetic study of the evolutionary relationships between the two tribes of Camelidae; Camelini consisting of the three Camelus species (the study considered the wild Bactrian camel as a subspecies of the Bactrian camel) and Lamini, which consists of the alpaca (Vicugna pacos), the guanaco (Lama guanicoe), the llama (L. glama) and the vicua (V. vicugna). It has the taste and texture of beef. Between January and April when these levels are high during the rut, they become difficult to manage, blow out the palate from the mouth, vocalize and throw urine over their backs. [14] Copulation takes from 7 to 35 minutes, averaging 11 to 15 minutes. [54] Other internal parasites include Fasciola gigantica (trematode), two types of cestode (tapeworm) and various nematodes (roundworms). [109] It is particularly prized for its capability to outrun horses in the deserts. [17] The right testicle is often smaller than the left. Nine camels in the date palm plantations in Arava Valley were injected with ivermectin, which is not effective against Hyalomma tick infestations. Most of the dromedaries occur in Western Australia, with smaller populations in the Northern Territory, Western Queensland and northern South Australia. [5] The dromedary possibly originated in Arabia or Somalia and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Arabian or East African camel. [17] Some males either form bachelor groups or roam alone. Yes, the worlds a ship on its passage out, and not a voyage complete; [62] Herds may congregate to form associations of hundreds of camels during migrations at the time of natural disasters. [74] The age of sexual maturity varies geographically and depends on the individual, as does the reproductive period. [133], Camels in hot climates generally do not develop long coats. They appear to remember their homes; females, in particular, remember the places they first gave birth or suckled their offspring. The dromedary may also graze on tall, young, succulent grasses. [127], The meat of a five-year-old dromedary has a typical composition of 76% water, 22% protein, 1% fat, and 1% ash. [40] Copulation begins with foreplay; the male smells the female's genitalia and often bites her there or around her hump. [109] It is particularly prized for its capability to outrun horses in the deserts. Camel hair is light, and has low thermal conductivity and durability, and is thus suitable for manufacturing warm clothes, blankets, tents, and rugs. [14], CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "A complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the wild two-humped camel (, International Livestock Centre for Africa, "A Frameshift Mutation in KIT is Associated with White Spotting in the Arabian Camel", "Cranial capacity of Indian camel. The coat is generally a shade of brown. The hump is at least 20cm (7.9in) high. Males try to defeat other males by biting the opponent's legs and taking the head between his jaws. [40] Copulation begins with foreplay; the male smells the female's genitalia and often bites her there or around her hump. [64] A study said the typical diet of the dromedary is dwarf shrubs (47.5%), trees (29.9%), grasses (11.2%), other herbs (0.2%) and vines (11%). This period marked the successful radiation of the Camelus species, which migrated over the Bering Strait and dispersed widely into Asia, eastern Europe and Africa. It was probably first domesticated in the Arabian Peninsula about 4,000 years ago, or in Somalia where there are paintings in Laas Geel that figure it from more than 5,000 to 9,000 years ago. [14], Draught camels are used for several purposes including ploughing, processing in oil mills and pulling carts. breeding season (Zayed et al., 1995). [58] Another study in Saudi Arabia showed the presence of MERS-CoV in 90% of the evaluated dromedaries and suggested that camels could be the animal source of MERS-CoV. Adult males range in height between 1.8 and 2m (5.9 and 6.6ft) at the shoulder; females range between 1.7 and 1.9m (5.6 and 6.2ft). They use their lips to grasp the food and chew each bite 40 to 50 times. From thence it is the God of breezes fair or foul is first invoked for favourable winds. [14] According to Richard Bulliet, they can be used for a wide variety of purposes: riding, transport, ploughing, and trading and as a source of milk, meat, wool and leather. This page was last edited on 3 May 2021, at 13:16. In a 2005 study, the mean volume of adipose tissues (in the external part of the hump that have cells to store lipids) is related to the dromedary's unique mechanism of food and water storage. [36] The placenta is diffuse and epitheliochorial, with a crescent-like chorion.
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