1. The minimum tank size for White Cloud Mountain Minnows is around 10 to 12 gallons! You have to find fish that can live in the cooler environments these fish prefer. You can find golden specimens with cream-colored stripes and fish with a vibrant blue stripe. Later a small wildlife population of the fish was discovered in close proximity to its typical habitat on Hainan Island. Even the snout has a soft point. A large group is needed to make your fish feel safe and confident. I've had them for several months now but since I added the last 2 she began behaving differently. This is because white cloud mountain minnows are very easy to care for; even a beginner aquarist with a bit of knowledge about the fish can house them easily. While you can sometimes use size as a gauge for health when buying fish from a breeder, it’s a lot harder when you’re dealing with such small species! Maximum length: 3.5 to 4.5 centimetres . Zebra Danio 101: Care, Size, Lifespan, Tank Mates…. Parts of the fin that aren’t colored are completely transparent. For over a half century the White Cloud Mountain Minnow was the only species in the newly defined genus. The plants will act as a form of shelter for the fish. Good luck. These fish are good looking and peaceful schooling creatures and can get along with other fish with ease. However, doing so puts them at risk for disease and premature death. They also have a high risk of experiencing streptococcal infections. Then, introduce live plants into the aquarium. They often have more vivid coloration, too. Once you have stable water parameters with a suitable temperature for them, there’s not much else to worry about! This means they require warmer waters to stay healthy. White Clouds are generally peaceful and happy to coexist with other fish, as long as they are not put in a tank with larger fish that may eat them. White Cloud Mountain Minnow – Conclusion. White Cloud Mountain Minnow. They can growth to between 4cm and 5cm in length (approx 1.5-2 inches). White Cloud Mountain Minnows are peaceful shoaling fish that do best in groups of at least six. Throughout the day, you’ll find the fish grouping up and exploring the tank together. The fish is rather plainly colored. However, creating a separate breeding tank will provide better survival rates for the fry. White Cloud Mountain Minnows in the home aquarium can be fed on flake, frozen and live foods. They are part of the Carp family and are often used to control mosquito populations in ponds. There is silver blue and golden stripe that goes along the body from its eyes to the tail. White cloud mountain minnow are not good tank mates for goldfishes, despite the fact that quite often they are recommended as the fish tank mates. Check conditions to ensure that the water is always within the accepted parameter ranges. The main color looks like a shimmering bronze. A stripe of thin black shadows the iridescent color. The minimum tank size for White Cloud Mountain Minnows is around 10 to 12 gallons! But once you have those covered, these fish are pretty low-maintenance. Care And Habitat Of White Cloud Minnow Fish. He is the biggest of the four minnows I have in the tank. In winter the temperature drops up to 14 °C (57,2 F), in summer it gets its maximum value — 26 °C (78,8). His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. They enjoy cultivars like Hornwort, Pondweed, Water Sprite, Duckweed, and Dwarf Rotalia. Typically, males have a more slender profile. The eggs will hatch in 48 hours, at this period, only feed them with infusoria feeds. The average White Cloud Mountain Minnow lifespan is anywhere between five and seven years. These are small fish, body length is about 4 cm (roughly 1.5 in). How to Care for White Cloud Mountain Minnows White cloud minnows are one of the oldest fish in the hobby. In our opinion, these fish aren’t talked about enough in the aquarium scene. You might also see tinges of green depending on the lighting. Nov 11, 2012. Common name: White cloud mountain minnow, poor mans neon, meteor minnow . However, you still need to pay attention to the substrate! Answer Save. I know they prefer the 60s F so I wanted double check with people who may own them. In fact, they are the perfect fish to live in your tank especially in the community tank. In this video, I'm showcasing my Planted White Cloud Mountain Minnow and Cherry Shrimp tank! The fish is very plain and not demanding, peaceful and good-looking. Source(s): Owner of WCM. White Cloud Mountain Minnow is an ideal fish for those who are just planning to know more about the fish keeping hobby. Here are some good tank mates that can cohabitate with the White Cloud Mountain Minnow: White Cloud Mountain Minnow breeding is a very doable process in captivity. In fact, “mountains” are made up of 3 peaks and they are a very popular place of tourism, including hotels, highways and public parks. Everything looks good except for this one little guy. However, some native populations have survived in regions far away from White Cloud Mountain. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tropical Fish Learn all about the White Cloud Mountain Minnow's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Once juveniles appear in the tank it’s desirable to put some food for them into the tank – rotifers, infusorians. Temperature preference: 5-30 deg C . In such conditions female starts to lay about 5-10 eggs on small leaved tank plants and it lasts for 3-4 weeks. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. The hardness of the water should be 5-19 dGH. In this situation it makes the fish more prone to disease. Hi, this is my first time posting I recently purchased five white cloud minnows and they are already in a group happy (they seem). The species was already on the verge of extinction, and is now considered extinct in this area, but it is very easy to breed in captivity. What do White Cloud Mountain Minnow eggs look like. When they breed, the female will scatter eggs all over the plants or spawning mops. Yesterday and today I have noticed my female White Cloud Mountain Minnow having swimming problems; specifically, this morning she was hanging just above the gravel in the far corner under the filter, quite still - sometimes lying on the gravel - and this afternoon she was lying right up the corner, on the gravel, with the younger of the two male Minnows over her. Just reach out to us with your question and we’ll do our best to give you a hand. Thanks! This is assuming they’re receiving proper care and are kept in good water conditions. Unfortunately, the natural habitat of the White Cloud Mountain Minnow has been destroyed thanks to pollution and tourism. Pygmy Cory Care: Size, Tank Mates, Diet & More! It feeds on small insects, worms, crustaceans and other kinds of zooplankton. This tank size can work for a group of up to five fish without any issues. Quite often in private tanks you may encounter long finned species. The fins are lemon-yellow, dorsal, anal, abdominal fins top and the middle side of the fluke are red colored. However, two additional species of its kind were found … In the wild is a schooling species, that’s why you should buy 8-10 species at once. If this sp… Author Note: They even eat as a group! Minnows can swim at the top and the middle of the fish tank. I'm all … Is this normal. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. White Cloud Mountain Minnow care is fairly straightforward. White cloud mountain minnow school made up of species of different age looks especially spectacular. Also they live in a 15 gallon/60 litre aquarium with 3 guppies. All of these will let you recreate the natural habitat. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tank Size. Minimum Tank Size: 2ft. Of the two, only Tani… White Cloud Mountain Minnows are small fish with a lot of unique physical details. White cloud minnows stays at the bottom! When they’re big enough, transition their diet to baby brine shrimp. 21 Best Fish For 5 Gallon Tanks (With Pictures). White cloud mountain minnows are poor with parental care, so remove them from the tank after the eggs have been laid. Now, you have more interesting information about the Minnows. The white cloud minnow (Tanichthys alonubes), also known as the poor man’s neon tetra, is a hardy and attractive cold-water fish. The other three minnows are swimming at the bottom and I just tested the water. To supplement everything we listed above, provide balanced flake or pellet food. After the fry emerge, remove the adult fish. This species isn’t particularly sensitive to light, but dimmer lighting will help the color of the fish pop. Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha). Enjoy White Cloud Mountain Minnow swim freely and find the joy of your life. Aggression is only an issue during times of spawning when males can sometimes exhibit territorial behavior. Large number of the fish in the school will both decrease stress level of each fish and make observing the fish in the tank more spectaculous. This is a bacterial infection that causes the fish to swim erratically. Affordable and easy to find, these freshwater fish are a popular choice for beginners and those who want a species that’s easy to take care of. Relevance . You can breed fish in a larger community tank. for breeding minnows the fish tank water temperature should be around 16-18 Celsius. Water pH Range: 6.5-8.0. Keeping the fish in warmer environments will decrease their lifespan significantly. Their back is greenish and the abdomen is white. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. They’re peaceful, low-maintenance, and a lot of fun to watch! They are often mistakenly sold as a tropical fish, but are much healthier and have brighter coloring when kept in cooler temperatures. Tanichthys albonubes is an ideal fish for those who are just getting to know aquarium husbandry. There are a few different color variants available. Make sure to go with a reputable company and high-quality product to avoid potential health complications that suboptimal food can lead to. Originally, this species was discovered on White Cloud Mountain in China (hence the name). They are rarely seen at the bottom of the tank. A typical lifespan can last for five years or longer. I added 17 White Cloud Mountain Minnows and 28 snails to the no tech planted aquarium! Due to there small size and hardy nature, they are still very popular among aquarists today. They rarely stay at the bottom of an aquarium. A White Cloud Mountain Minnow should be kept in at least a 10 gallon aquarium. For breeding you should renew 1/10 of the tank volume with fresh water once a week. The most famous location for these fish were the fast flowing and cool streams of Baiyunshan Mountain —also known as White Cloud Mountain — in China where it was first discovered in 1932 by Shu-Yan-Lin. These fish like to group up and swim in large schools. On the center of the body, these fish have a prominent horizontal stripe. pH preference: 6 to 7 . The dorsal and fluke have two main colors: lemon-yellow and bright-red. Hardness preference: Soft. Discovered in 1932, the White Cloud Mountain Minnow (scientific name: Tanichthys albonubes) has quickly become a staple in the fish trade. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. They can be kept in tropical temperatures but if you want to see them at their full potential you should keep them in cooler temperatures. This makes feeding time very fun to observe as an owner since there will be a high level of activity. white cloud minnows usually breed in mornings , it's a good thing to do water changes 20% of the fish tank water in the evening time and the tap water temperature should be few degrees less than fish tank water. Tanichthys albonubes tank should be at least 30 liters (8 gal) large. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is a small and colorful fish commonly described as the "working man's Neon Tetra". Larger fish will quickly eat White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Cleaning Method. Nevertheless, white cloud minnow fish … White Cloud Mountain Minnow care is really quite simple. How many can I get for a 10 gallon tank? The plants underneath the tank are where the female will lay the eggs. The ventral and dorsal fins of the typical white cloud mountain minnow variety are red with white ends. They've been compared to Neon Tetra fish because they have a similar color scheme and are quite expensive. Trust us, this will be money well-spent! Unfortunately, the species is extinct in its native habitat. In captivity food may be any aquarium fish feed. Then, introduce a couple of males and several females. They are opportunistic omnivores that will eat anything they can! The easy maintenance and their vibrant colors will get you impressed. By the time you’re done reading it, you’ll be ready to get some for yourself! You may see intense silver-blue coloring of the juveniles together with ruby-red coloring of the adults and this can’t leave their spectators untouched. It has green and silver scales with black and iridescent pink stripes along its lateral lines. Contrary to your first answer, WCMM's are very active, much like Danios. But that’s not the case with White Cloud Mountain Minnows! In the aquarium hobby, it is also known as the Cardinal Fish, or Canton Minnow. Condition the fish with live protein-rich foods. Tank water surface should be covered with small leaved plants or with plants having developed root system. It is safe with other peaceful, small fish and is neither bashful nor brash. There is silver blue and golden stripe that goes along the body from its eyes to the tail. Author Note: For several decades, the species was thought to be extinct in the wild. Member. Is it aupposed to be very small, and I am talking minute the eggs, white, bunched up together all over the tank, or is it a disease. The White Cloud Mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) is a native of the Pearl River in the Guangdong Province of China. Maintaining the recommended water parameters is crucial when it comes to White Cloud Mountain Minnow care, and a good test kit is necessary in order to do this.There’s a big difference between the cheap test kits and the good ones. It gave the species its specific name – albonubes (alba nubes – from Latin is white clouds). I looked up as much information about them to know. Here is a list of possible tankmates: They enjoy micro worms and brine shrimp, too. Unlike many other popular freshwater fish, this species requires cooler water temperatures. Try to keep some open swimming space towards the center of the tank. Cobra Guppy. As long as you have the fundamentals covered, this species can thrive. If this species is kept in a sickly planted tank with dark bottom substrate, the body gains inimitable purple color. The fins often have a hint of white on the edges as well. It’s worth pointing out that some stocks are a result of inbreeding. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow typically occupies the top and middle level of the water column, although it can often be seen swimming and feeding in the middle and bottom levels as well. John B. Lv 7. White Cloud Mountain Minnow White cloud minnow behaving strangely ... May 7, 2008. jen21. These fish make an excellent introduction to the hobby because they tend to breed multiple times throughout the year! Sometimes owners choose to keep these fish in warmer tanks or outdoor ponds for the sake of convenience. Are WCMM very active like guppies or shy like neon tetras? For the most part, White Cloud Mountain Minnows are hardy and healthy fish. In captivity, these fish thrive. Author Note: Differences between males and females are subtle. They adapt well to life in captivity and aren’t fussy when it comes to minor details. The White Cloud Mountain minnow is fairly a hardy species. White cloud mountain minnows can live with tropical fish if the tank is kept at 72 degrees Fahrenheit—a higher temperature is too warm for them, and a lower temperature is too cold for warm-water fish. RogueAgent94. You can add some larger pebbles or rocks to create a more natural look. White Cloud Mountain Minnows. These fish are very small, meaning they can thrive in smaller tank sizes (we cover that in more detail further down). The fish is rather plainly colored. This means you need to ask more questions about breeding practices and early care conditions. Species representatives were first found at White Cloud Mountain (also known as Baiyun Mountain) located several kilometers north of central Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. I just had 2 quick questions about white cloud mountain minnows: 1.
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