Inspector Training Chapter 1: UPCS Inspection Protocol Each deficiency has its own definition for Level 1, Level 2, and Cost: $350.00 per person, $250.00 for group of 5 or more, same day registration costs $50.00 more. NMAI’s expertise includes more than twenty years of experience providing inspection services and millions of HQS, UPCS, and rehabilitation inspections completed. April 19, 2016. 2021 In-Person REAC Training | Both UPCS & NSPIRE! Radon certification courses aren’t just good for keeping clients happy. The resulting UPCS-V training can be used to train existing HQS or UPCS inspectors as well as new inspectors. Inspection Experience + Training Experience The 2 day Uniform Physical Standards (UPCS) training class is the standard, with a test or a hands on UPCS training mock inspection. Call For Aid Policy and Guidance (Inspector Notice No. Course Using "Shutdown" Time Wisely. 2 Lessons $79.00 ... All Courses; Contact US Inspection Group Inspectors learn how to assess the UPCS standards and identify physical inspection deficiencies, as well as use the REAC Record and Process Inspection Data (RAPID) 4.0 software with an emphasis on the unit sampling methodology. More information: UPCS trainings are led by Mike Price, director of Travois Asset Management. UPCS training is co-sponsored by the Department's Inspection staff and either the Rural Rental Housing Association of Texas (RRHA) or the Texas Apartment Association (TAA). This course is ICC approved and is part of the four-point inspection certification. Training Information; UPCS Inspection Training; UPCS Inspection Training. 2 Lessons $79.00. Our web-based reporting system lets everyone know where each deficiency is quickly. Most North Carolina Housing Finance Agency rental properties are covered under HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS) regulations and must be inspected by Agency Staff. Download the Quality Inspector Certification Brochure (PDF, 2.09 MB). Training Overview. On-Demand REAC Training. We provide building owners with UPCS training, pre-inspections in preparation for upcoming Federal and State mandated inspections and consulting services to achieve a successful outcome for your property. Under professional direction, the quality inspector evaluates hardware documentation, performs laboratory procedures, inspects products, measures process performance, records data and prepares formal reports. This two day training class presents UPCS in simple terms which will enable your staff personnel to not only conduct your own annual UPCS inspections, but also interpret the resulting data to prioritize, plan, and budget in a proactive manner. UPCS/REAC Compilation Bulletin Training Date: 02/26/2020. Make sure your property is ready for your next REAC inspection. This interactive and comprehensive training, which discusses specifications of the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and the inspector's roles and responsibilities, enhances Housing Academy and The Inspection Group, Inc. are proud to announce our online UPCS and REAC Inspections Training. Mobile | Self-Paced | Proof of Completion. HUD Issues UPCS Inspection Protocols During COVID-19 HUD recently published an Inspector Notice, Coronavirus (Covid-19) Inspection Protocol , that provides guidance to all Uniform Physical Condition Standards inspectors who conduct physical inspections of HUD assisted and insured properties in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the conclusion of the training session, all trainees will receive a field guide which contains the official deficiency definitions. Grounds: Trees, vines and other vegetation touching buildings and fences. 2010-01) Inspector Candidate will be invited to re-apply 12 months from date of final QA. Certified American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) Landmark Inspection Services, LLC is a woman business enterprise that has been in business since 1998 and has been working with HUD and the Real Estate Assessment Center since the inception of REAC’s PHAS pilot program. Uniform Physical Conditions Standards (UPCS) Training Monday, Sept. 8–Tuesday, Sept. 9 Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, MN Sponsored by Travois Asset Management This UPCS training is led by The Inspection Group, a company that provides trainings and inspection for affordable housing entities around the country. Advanced Electrical Inspection Training Course Electrical The goal of this course is to teach how to inspect a residential electrical panel, including identifying common electrical violations, defects and concerns. SI Certs offers online training for ICC special inspector exams and the CWI certification test. Into that UPCS training we incorporate our expertise with HQS as performed using the HUD form 52580. Online Building Inspector Classes, Courses and Training Programs. Please call us at 407-322-6800 or 1-800-832-2726 if outside the United States Certification (inspector is permitted to conduct inspections independently). Our team of HUD and HQS Certified inspectors conduct REAC, State DCA, Servicing Mortgagee and HQS inspections nationwide.
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