I run workshops where I teach traditional and ancient ways of working with plants to bring about balance, harmony, amazement and respect for nature. If you look at the cap of Turkey Tail, it resembles that of a… you guessed it, Turkey’s tail! Fake Turkey Tail does exist though so you have to be careful when wildcrafting. Once it has brewed I will give it a go. I put the fresh mushrooms in my dehydrator on a low heat (46C/ 115F) for a few hours. Place half of the mushrooms in a clean glass jar; add 150-proof alcohol until the mushrooms are about ¾ covered. ( Log Out / The pores on the other side of a Turkey Tail mushroom are tiny, just visible to the naked eye and should cover 3-8 pores per millimeter. Turkey tail contains flavonoid antioxidants which help reduce inflammation. The true Turkey Tail is white underneath an has pores in the surface, visible to the naked eye (or with glasses in my case) The False Turkey Tail (Stereum hirsutum) is yellow and, as a “crust fungus”, it is smooth.The Trichaptum abietinum looks like a faded Turkey Tail and has a toothy surface underneath.. Turkey Tail Concentrate Directions. I had been away working for a couple of weeks and when I got home I noticed the log in question had a Trametes population. Add water to the stock pot throughout the process. Mushroom Double-Extraction Tincture Divide chopped mushrooms into two equal portions. When making either, you want to chop your fresh or dried mushroom into small pieces. Kiana and I dedicated a Saturday morning foraging some Trametes vesicolor and turned them into tinctures! This medicinal mushroom is also packed with antioxidants, promoting a healthy immune system. Non-water Soluble Compounds Without Alcohol Extraction You can find turkey tail mushroom extracts in health food stores and online in a powder or supplement format. Bring the water to a boil and then cook at a hot simmer for at least 1 hour. Turkey is really cool in that it helps with the natural cycles of Mother Nature. After a month, strain mushroom-infused alcohol into another jar … Cold and flu + COVID season are fast approaching and herbalists everywhere are making immune supporting herbals for their community, myself included. I am the author of four books. Our organic Cordyceps tincture is a potent and bioavailable dual extract. Strain the mixture. My life has been a journey of discovery, my greatest teachers have included some incredible plants along with some incredible humans. Strain using a strainer, funnel and cheesecloth, reserving the mushroom-infused water. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I will leave it there for a few weeks, a minimum of two perhaps up to a month before straining and bottling the finished product. Add a ½ teaspoon of fresh ground turmeric and the honey … Let the mixture extract for 4 to 6 weeks. After a month, strain the mushroom from the alcohol tincture and put it in a saucepan. Next, strain the mixture through a colander or kitchen strainer. ( Log Out / I gathered just enough for a couple of bottles of tincture, leaving the rest to do their thing. After a month, strain the liquid and mushroom and set liquid off to the side. I was very excited, as I always am when a plant, or in this case a fungi, comes to me. 1 oz dried Red Reishi or dried Turkey Tail mushrooms 2 cups of distilled or purified water Take 1 oz. This is a very simple method I use called a "simplers tincture". I have only tinctured mushrooms a few times before, so this is relatively new territory for me. Shake daily. Turkey Tail contains polysaccharide K (PSK), a carbohydrate that supports healthy immune response. However, a log I have been seasoning in my back garden before it gets chopped and added to my wood pile had a special treat for me the other day and I just couldn’t resist. Turkey tail mushrooms (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor) are medicinal mushrooms.You can find them all around the world, mostly in wooded areas since they grow on tree trunks. View all posts by rachelcorby. The Chinese call them Yun Zhi (cloud fungus) and the Japanese call them Kawaratake (mushroom by the riverbank). Thanks to Turkey Tail, all the nutrients trapped in dead wood is returned back to Gaia. Polysaccharies are a type of carbohydrate, a polymer made up of subunits called monosaccharides. The founding member of the American Herbalists Guild, David Winston, co-authored a book on adaptogens and states, “Adaptogenic herbs increase your body’s resistance to physical, biological, emotional, and environmental stressors…They also build stamina, ease anxiety, or enhance cognitive function.” Many adaptogenic herbs work in tandem with the Immune System, supporting and balancing the endocrine system, adrenal functions and helping cells use oxygen more efficiently and increasing cellular respiration. A number of studies have shown that turkey tail mushrooms have immune boosting properties. My apprentice, Kiana and I are focusing on the Root Chakra and Nervous System in class and going over all types of adaptogenic herbs and plant friends. Leave a 1/2 inch of space at the top. This keeps the levels of beta-glucans high. I could write a book about the long-lauded benefits of reishi mushrooms, the king of the medicinal forest, the crowning glory of medicinal mushrooms, the mushroom of immortality, the fungus of long and vibrant life, as it is known in much of Chinese medicine. Recipe and instructions are below but first, some information I found on Turkey Tail. Turkey Tail will also have a white or cream outer ring. Information & products contained in this website are not intended to diagnose or cure disease. Aids in Digestion. Three half gallon mason jars extracting reishi mushrooms in alcohol. My continuing love affair with Angelica... Just planted out one of the seedlings I have grown on from last years seed. The reason I began by doing this was to get the texture to snapping point rather than the spongy nature of the fresh mushroom. Turkey Tail Turkey Tail Mushrooms: A Simple Identification Technique for Beginning Foragers Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Then & Now Turkey Tail is a common polypore mushroom that has become popular among nature lovers and foragers of all kinds. Turkey Tail is a polypore mushroom, which grows abundantly in the wild in most of the world. For our 5 Defenders Mushroom Complex, our shiitake, maitake and turkey tail extracts are all hot water extracts. Once I found all that Turkey Tail, I knew Gaia was nudging us to make a few plant offerings and it came just in time for flue season to be honest. ( Log Out / For a decoction, place about 1-2 tablespoons of your chopped Turkey Tail in a saucepan with two cups of water and bring it to a simmer for about 25 minutes. There had been turkey tail on another of my logs earlier in the autumn but I left it too long and that population is now looking a bit weather beaten. Add them to a large pot of water. When there’s about half a cup of liquid left, strain the … I put the fresh mushrooms in my dehydrator on a low heat (46C/ 115F) for a few hours. 3-8 pores per millimeter of a Turkey Tail mushroom. While hiking at one of our favorite local spots in Atlanta, we stumbled upon tons of Turkey Tail, a famous polypore. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 20-30 minutes. Fill jar with alcohol, making sure that it completely covers the mushrooms, but leave about a 1/2 inch space at the top of the jar. T. versicolor extract (ie, PSK) is approved as a pharmaceutical-grade medicine in Japan and has been used for more than 30 years as a treatment for cancer. Leave a 1/2 inch of space at the top. Before you think this is a strange Christmas dinner beverage, I am talking about a kind of mushroom, Trametes versicolor, common name turkey tail! Reduce the heat and let simmer until most to the water evaporate. I could then whizz the mushrooms up into a rough powder before submerging in vodka (min 40% vol). In clinical trials, PSK has been used as an adjuvant to chemotherapy to manage gastric, colon, and colorectal cancer, whereas the extract PSP has been used for late-stage lung cancer and as a prebiotic. But this blog post is not that. A popular way to enjoy Turkey Tail Mushroom is by making a decoction or tea. If you listen to the radio Saturday morning, then tune into @, Due to some logistical changes to my rewilding apprenticeship, necessary for Covid compliance, a couple of people h…, Last chance to join this years Sacred Plant Medicine online mentorship programme! Another way to make the distinction between Turkey Tail and other mushrooms is its fuzzy layer of hair and its leather-like texture. Simmer for about 2 hours. Cover and fill your mason jar with 80+ proof vodka. Information on workshops, one to one sessions & writings. ( Log Out / Place all ingredients in an Instant Pot that is at least 6 quarts. Made to be taken everyday, this tincture acts to stabilize energy and stress levels, to enhance athletic performance by increasing endurance, stamina and oxygen uptake, and may boost libido. Congratulations on making a mushroom extract! All three Latin names for turkey tail mushrooms refer to the same common medicinal mushroom. And then we put extra turkey tail into that shake. The water should reduce to approximately 8 to 16 ounces. Chop or break up the fresh or dried mushroom into small pieces (this increases surface area and gets ‘more out’ of them. Strain really well, squeezing it through a cheesecloth or putting it in a tincture press. The complex triple helix structure of the mushroom beta-glucans is what gives turkey tail and other medicinal mushrooms their immune-boosting properties, while cereals have very little of it. For example, its extract may be useful in fighting certain … Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. how to prepare turkey tail Fill a mason jar half way with your chopped medicinal mushrooms. I use a 64 ounce mason jar. This time I have made enough for 2 bottles, one for me and one spare for gifting. When done, remove lid and let cool. * Rainbo mushrooms are sustainably cultivated in Canada. Take the mushrooms from the alcohol extract and add to the simmering water. Strain the mixture through a colander. Secure lid. Place about 1 tablespoon in a saucepan and cover with two cups of water and a lid. If you are using Reishi you will need to chop it up as close to 1 inch squares as you can. Long used in indigenous North American medicine, it is quickly gaining popularity in the realm of mainstream medicine for its use in reversing tumor growth. If you’re buying turkey tail mushrooms for your dog, be sure your mushroom has a certificate of analysis with a beta-glucan content of at least 30% . Cover and refrigerate for up to 1 week … Turkey Tail mushrooms are known by three different scientific names: Trametes versicolor, Coriolus versicolor, and Polyporus versicolor. Turkey Tail Tincture: The turkey tail mushroom is very well researched for cancer, especially when used in conjunction with other medicines. And so yeah, he’s taking a blend, the 10 blend along with extra turkey tail AHCC. One study showed that the polysaccharide PSP in turkey tail greatly improved immune health in 97 percent of cancer patients. Marcophage stands for big (marco) eater (phage) and they destroy pathogens int he blood like bacteria and viruses. A DIY Turkey Tail Mushroom recipe. Musings of an author, medicine woman, plant whisperer, gardener…. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. One popular adaptogen that also strengthens immunity, is the medicinal mushroom. So happy that they made it through the winter and are ready to get their feet in the soil. Research suggests that mushrooms like turkey tails may have several health benefits. I could then whizz the mushrooms up into a rough powder before submerging in vodka (min 40% vol). Turkey tail tincture is also a prebiotic and so can help improve gut health, that along with the immune boosting properties are what I am most interested in. Let it sit for a month. Adaptogens have the ability to simulate macrophage, a specific white blood cell. Combine the water extract with the alcohol extract. Macrophages are the defensive linemen and protect us from colds, flu and other kinds of infections. The tincture is said to be immune boosting, which is perfect at this time of year when so many people have the sniffles. The one thing with Angelica is that the seeds are not viable for long so within a couple of weeks of gathering the seed in late summer and giving a gazillion seed away to my former apprentices, I planted up half a dozen pots for myself. Let sit in dark space for one month. I use a 64 ounce mason jar Cover and fill your mason jar with 80+ proof vodka. #3: Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)I take Turkey Tail Mushroom Tincture for many reasons, including its effect on the gut. Well I have yet to use the tincture myself, so I will do a proving once it is complete. The final product is your mushroom double extract! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If you decide to decoct your mushrooms for longer than 25 minutes (up to one hour), be sure to add more water should your liquid evaporate. To overcome this, but obtain the health benefits this mushroom offers, it must be cooked a long time and have its flavor boosted with a few healthful ingredients. Turkey Tail Tea. The reason I began by doing this was to get the texture to snapping point rather than the spongy nature of the fresh mushroom. Make a water extract by bringing a half gallon of water to a simmer in a stock pot. Trametes vesicolor breaks down dead wood all along North America, Europe and Asia. 80 proof or higher alcohol (we used vodka), Consciously harvested dried mushrooms such as reishi, maitake, chaga, or shiitake, Fill a mason jar half way with your chopped medicinal mushrooms. Registration closes this Saturday…. You can add some drops to water, smoothies, juices, and other drinks or recipes. It is a prebiotic and also helps with Candida and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Turkey Tail Mushroom is chewy and tasteless on its own. Older Turkey Tail becomes covered in green algae and the underside of it where the pores are will turn brown. What is it used for? Ingredients: ¾ cup chopped turkey tail mushroom; 4 cups purified water; Instructions: Chop the mushrooms into small pieces. I was once gifted a bottle but at the time a close friend was riddled with cancer and going through chemo, which the tincture is said to help so I gifted it on. Strain, season to taste with salt, and pour the broth into jars. The benefits of using a tincture compared to an encapsulated powder or tea is that tinctures are specifically designed to maximize the bio-availability of Turkey Tail’s bioactive components due to our double extraction process. I am also a rewilding coach, encouraging the nurturing of that wild place inside, the wildness that connects us and all life on this planet. A polysaccharide’s purpose is for cellular communication, energy storage and structural support. The first way to spot Turkey Tail is buy the brown, cream, orange and/or green concentric rings on its cap. This is a potent liquid extract of sustainable wildcraft Turkey Tail … Fill the saucepan with water and bring the mushrooms to the boil. Cover and label your tincture with the plant material, menstrum used and the date made. Ingredients. Turkey tail mushrooms are one of the top choice medicinal mushrooms and are often turned into powders, tinctures, and extracts. Copyright © 2017-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Rose & Ritual Apothecary | All Rights Reserved, Holistic health for nourished bodies & souls, PSP in turkey tail greatly improved immune health in 97 percent of cancer patients. Fill a quart-sized glass jar halfway with dried mushrooms. I was given a second chance and this time I was not going to miss it! Turkey Tail is known for its natural polysaccharides. We also put extra chaga into that shake. So we’ll see. Mix / shake for synergy. A fresh mushroom will also be flexible. The final mushroom in this lineup is Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor). The Medicine Garden, 20 Amazing Plants & their Practical Uses, Rewild Yourself: Becoming Nature and my most recent book: Rewilding & The Art Of Plant Whispering. Change ), I am in love with planet Earth. TURKEY TAIL TINCTURE Turkey tail tinctures are a liquid format you can use to reap the benefits of these medicinal mushrooms. Bring the water to a boil then simmer for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 mins. It is a well-researched adaptogen and it is the best-researched mushroom for its role in immune modulation, which is part of why Nicole uses it daily for MS.It has been shown to be good for use with the cold and flu, HPV, Herpes, HIV and more. Turkey Tail found on dead hardwood log, Atlanta GA. Its flexibility will decrease the older the mushroom gets, and also becomes thinner. This mushroom is perhaps the most convoluted in nature when it comes to historic use. So we use a 10 mushroom blend from Four Sigmatic, which has all of those, the seven mushrooms that I mentioned before, plus a few others. Cook for 4 hours on the soup setting with low pressure. The alcohol percentage should be somewhere between 25% and 35%, making it shelf stable. Cover the mushrooms with 80 proof alcohol, filling the jar to within an inch of the top rim. It takes about 1 pound of fresh mushrooms to fill a 1/2 gallon mason jar for tincture. Because of its leather-like texture, its best to prepare Turkey Tail via a decoction or a tincture. If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome or another digestive disorder, turkey tail … Made with love. Under the microscope at 20X the differences are more clear. They’re often found growing off of hardwood and conifer trees (pine, hemlock, Douglas firs, spruces, etc) and are native to North American wooded areas. So for mushrooms that have few non-water soluble compounds, a hot water extract is a more valid method of extraction. It may help boost immune function in people suffering certain cancers and has been reported to suppress the growth and spread of colon cancer cells, and is not contraindicated when the person is already receiving chemo or radiotherapy, in fact it is said to work even better in these circumstances. Making Mushroom Tea (Water Extraction): To make a pleasant medicinal mushroom tea, simply add your mushroom slices or pieces to a large pot of water. of the mushroom of your choice and place them in 2 cups of water. Touch wood I don’t need the tincture for those properties. Turkey Tail contains compounds that improve stamina and gut health and prebiotics that restore balance of good flora in the gastrointestinal tract, improving immunity but also digestion!
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