The full-length scientific name of this protein molecule contains 189,819 characters and is considered (by some) as th… Soon you’ll see why it is the largest…Titin is the short name for an extremely massive protein molecule. 1977 isolierten Koscak Maruyama und Mitarbeiter ein elastisches Protein aus Muskelfasern, das sie Connectin nannten. Das Titinfilament ist gemeinsam mit dem Aktinfilament über Alpha-Aktinin mit der Z-Scheibe mechanisch verbunden. Titin is the largest protein molecule ever discovered. Below is a list of characters that appear originally in the Attack on Titan manga. Tintin (/ ˈtɪntɪn /; French: [tɛ̃tɛ̃]) is the titular protagonist of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Dieser enorme Größenunterschied basiert auf unterschiedlich langen I-Band-Titin-Bereichen dieser Muskeln. Titin / ˈ t aɪ t ɪ n /, juga dikenal sebagai konektin, adalah suatu protein yang pada manusia, dikodekan oleh gen TTN. To use all functions of this page, please activate cookies in your browser. Tintin seems to be physically quite strong as he sometimes defeats criminals without much difficulty with punches and onc… 34.000 Aminosäuren und hat 320 Proteindomänen und ist damit das größte bekannte menschliche Protein. Noun. An der Muskelkontraktion ist das Titinfilament nicht beteiligt, es sorgt für die Elastizität und Stabilität des Muskels und bestimmt die Kontraktionsgeschwindigkeit in wesentlichem Maße mit. Labeit und Kollegen bestimmten 2001 die vollständige Sequenz des menschlichen Titin-Gens. Từ dài nhất trong tiếng Anh được xác định phụ thuộc vào định nghĩa của một từ trong tiếng Anh, cũng như là cách so sánh độ dài các từ như thế nào.. Các từ có thể có từ nguồn gốc của tiếng Anh hoặc được hình thành bằng cách đặt ra hay chắp dính. The molecular weight of the mature protein is approximately 2,993,451.39 Da, and it has a theoretical pI of 6.01[2] The protein's empirical chemical formula is C132983H211861N36149O40883S693. Read what you need to know about our industry portal Wikipedia titin The Adventures of Tintin (film) - Wikipedia . It has a theoretical instability index (II) of 39.69, indicating that it would be stable in a test tube. When we are in Snowy's mind, it generally consists of a debate between a "good" and "bad" version of Snowy's conscience. No, I’m not talking about the fictional character Tintin. Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia Titin / ˈtaɪtɪn /, còn được gọi là connectin, là một protein được TTN gen mã hóa ở con người. To use all the functions on Chemie.DE please activate JavaScript. Das humane Titin besteht aus ca. He is a reporter and adventurer who travels around the world with his dog Snowy. With an accout for you can always see everything at a glance – and you can configure your own website and individual newsletter. Titin là một protein khổng lồ, lớn hơn 1 mm chiều dài, có chức năng như một phân tử lò xo chịu trách nhiệm về tính đàn hồi thụ động của cơ bắp. [2] Es ist ein Teil des Sarkomers, der kleinsten funktionellen Einheit in der quergestreiften Muskulatur. Tintin made his first appearance in Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1929–1930) as a journalist reporting on the Bolsheviks of Soviet Russia with his loyal dog Snowy and soon evolved into an investigative reporter and crime-buster whose curiosity draws him into the dangerous circles of drug-traffickers and mercenaries. Privacy policy. Titin, also known as connectin[1] (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466), is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Titin, also known as connectin (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466), is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Die Aufgabe des Titins im Sarkomer ist, die Myosinköpfe zwischen den Aktinfilamenten zu zentrieren und den kontraktilen Apparat nach der Dehnung zurückzustellen. Das humane Titin besteht aus ca. Titin (Human, Homo sapiens) is found to have a chain of 34,350 amino acids with its IUPAC chemical name* having 241,578 letters: "Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanylprolylthreonyl...isoleucylarginylserylisoleucine". From the chemicals which constitute the protein. Your task is to output this entire name! Anschaulich beschrieben wirkt es wie ein großes Gummiband in unseren Muskeln. Außerdem ist das Titin verantwortlich für die Ruhespannung des Muskels und wird daher auch oft in Diskussionen um Sinn oder Unsinn des Dehnens angeführt. See also the list of minor characters from the Attack on Titan Character Encyclopedia. This … Estes módulos repítense centos de veces para formar a proteína completa. Comprising 189819 characters, the full name of titin would take about 3.5 hours to pronounce. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 does not support some functions on Chemie.DE. Stefan Silbernagel, Agamemnon Despopoulos: K. Maruyama, S. Matsubara, R. Natori, Y. Nonomura, S. Kimura: M. L. Bang, T. Centner, F. Fornoff, A. J. Geach, M. Gotthardt, M. McNabb, C. C. Witt, D. Labeit, C. C. Gregorio, H. Granzier, S. Labeit:, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Im Bereich des I-Bandes ist das lange Polypeptid elastisch und kann gedehnt werden. Find out how LUMITOS supports you with online marketing. Es dauerte mehrere Jahrzehnte, bis das Vorhandensein von Titin im Sarkomer allgemein akzeptiert wurde. Titin is believed to play an integral part in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Ngoài ra, … Additional recommended knowledge Essential Laboratory Skills Guide Snowy (French: Milou) is Tintin's Wire Fox Terrier and a protagonist of the series. The name titin is derived from the Greek Titan (a giant deity, anything of great size). The bond between the two is significantly strong, as they have saved each other's lives numerous times throughout the series. About SNPedia Titin, also known as connectin, (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466) is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Titin (auch Connectin) ist ein etwa 3,6 Megadalton schweres, elastisches Protein, welches sich zu Filamenten (Proteinfäden) zusammensetzt. Titian, Italian in full Tiziano Vecellio or Tiziano Vecelli, (born 1488/90, Pieve di Cadore, Republic of Venice [Italy]—died August 27, 1576, Venice), the greatest Italian Renaissance painter of the Venetian school.He was recognized early in his own lifetime as a supremely talented painter, and his reputation has in the intervening centuries never suffered a decline. When ever i search this up, this is what i see "Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl...isoleucine" NEVER the full word. Der Aufbau des Titin unterscheidet sich in Skelett- und Herzmuskulatur, womit die geringere Dehnbarkeit des kardialen Sarkomers erklärt werden kann. März 2021 um 15:25 Uhr bearbeitet. Your browser does not support JavaScript. Vorhandene Strukturdaten: 1bpv, 1g1c, 1h8b, 1nct, 1ncu, 1tit, 1tiu, 1tki, 1tnm, 1tnn, 1waa, 1ya5, 2a38, 2bk8, 2f8v, 2ill, 2nzi, 3lpw, 3puc, 3q5o, 3qp3, 3knb. TTN (Titin) is a Protein Coding gene. Christiaan, with the help of his elder brother Constantijn Huygens, Jr., began building telescopes around 1650 and discovered the first observed moon orbiting Saturn … The chemical formula is: C 132983 H 211861 N 36149 O 40883 S 693. The protein limits the range of motion of the sarcomere in tension, thus contributing to the passive stiffness of muscle. The name titin is derived from the Greek Titan (a giant deity, anything of great size). This page was last edited on 5 May 2016, at 10:36. Titin is a protein found in muscle tissue. In order of first appearance, methionyl (which appears 337 times, including as the first component); threonyl (which appears 2083 times, initially as the second and third component); glutaminyl (which appears 724 times, initially as the fourth component); alanyl (which appears 1632 times, initially as the fifth component) That stands for a scientific name for Trypthophan synthetase And is 1909 letters However, there is a word that stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and is 207000 letters it was never printed. Titin's shortened species name of "Glu'taminyl'serxiso'leucinian" is the final 34 letters of the word, albeit similarly separated by apostrophes and with the final letter also replaced by the "-ian" suffix. Das menschliche Gen, das für Titin kodiert, befindet sich auf dem langen Arm von Chromosom 2 und enthält 363 Exons, die zusammen für 38.138 Reste (4200 kDa) kodieren. Franziska Rudolph, Judith Hüttemeister, Katharina da Silva Lopes, René Jüttner, Lily Yu, Nora Bergmann, Dhana Friedrich, Stephan Preibisch, Eva Wagner, Stephan E Lehnart, Carol C Gregorio, Michael Gotthardt: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 18. Berechnungen ergeben, dass es bei einem erwachsenen Mann 400 Gramm des Körpergewichts ausmacht. 1995 bestimmten Labeit und Bernhard Kolmerer die cDNA-Sequenz des menschlichen kardialen Titins und zeigten, dass in verschiedenen Muskeln Isoformen des Protein existieren, die sich erheblich in ihrer Größe unterscheiden. Titin's Chemical Name (Full Form) of 189,819 is shown Below :-. Titin (auch Connectin) ist ein etwa 3,6 Megadalton schweres, elastisches Protein, welches sich zu Filamenten (Proteinfäden) zusammensetzt. It’s Titin I’m talking about. Die maken samen met de filamenten van actine en myosine deel uit van de sarcomeer, die ervoor zorgt dat spieren kunnen samentrekken. Champion of the Doubles Hand-pelota tournaments of 1994, 2000, 2004 and 2012. Paradoxerweise wurde es gerade auf Grund seiner Größe lange Zeit übersehen: Das Protein hat in den üblichen Gel-Elektrophoresen eine zu geringe Mobilität und kann nicht nachgewiesen werden; erst wenn man extrem dünne Gele verwendet, wird es auf dem Gel sichtbar. Find out more about the company LUMITOS and our team. titin ( uncountable ) ( biochemistry) A protein important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Im Bereich des A-Bandes ist es mit seinem steifen Carboxylende mit der M-Scheibe verbunden.[3]. The full chemical name, containing 189,819 letters, is sometimes stated to be the longest word in the English language. Titin, also known as connectin, (UniProt name: Q10466_HUMAN; accession number: Q10466) is a protein that is important in the contraction of striated muscle tissues. Diseases associated with TTN include Myopathy, Myofibrillar, 9, With Early Respiratory Failure and Tibial Muscular Dystrophy, Tardive.Among its related pathways are Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+ and Striated Muscle Contraction.Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include nucleic acid binding and identical protein binding. [1] [2] Titin is a giant protein that functions as a molecular spring which is responsible for the passive elasticity of muscle.It is composed of 244 individually folded protein domains connected by unstructured peptide sequences. So besitzt die kardiale Titinisoform eine Masse von ungefähr 3 MDa, während das Titin des Musculussoleus ungefähr 3,7 MDa aufweist. Titine of connectine is een proteïne dat vezelachtige structuren (microfilamenten) vormt. The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what constitutes a word in the English language, as well as how length should be compared. Titin, which has Ig-folds itself, binds directly to the Ig-fold domain of both A- and B-type lamins in vitro, with a slight preference for lamin A (Zastrow et al., 2006).Titin binding was mildly but selectively sensitive to specific laminopathy-causing missense mutations in the Ig-fold domain of lamin A, suggesting these mutations might perturb lamin–titin connections. The full name can be found here: Pastebin Details. epimysium, fascicle, perimysium, endomysium, muscle fiber (intrafusal, extrafusal), myofibril. Titin connects the Z line to the M line in the sarcomere. Die Anzahl der PEVK-Motive im Titin-Gen scheint im Laufe der Evolution zugenommen zu haben, wodurch sich offenbar die genomische Region, die für die Eigenschaften der Titin-Feder verantwortlich ist, verändert hat.[7]. quotations . Chemical Name of Titin–The Longest Word ylglutaminylalanylarginylthreonylthreonylglutaminylvalylglutaminylglutaminylphenylalanylserylglutamin ylvalyltryptophyllysylprolylphenylalanylprolylglutaminylserylthreonylvalylarginylphenylalanylprolylglycy A titina, tamén chamada conectina, é unha proteína do tecido muscular, que nos humanos está codificada polo xene TTN do cromosoma 2. The initial part of it is pronounced almost like Titan, but please do not confuse it with Titan. Zusätzlich bindet es im Bereich der Z-Scheibe an Telethonin (T-Cap). Die Theorien zur Muskelkontraktion basierten auf den damals bekannten Molekülen, insbesondere auf Aktin und Myosin. The protein's in vivo half-life, the time it takes for half of the amount of protein in a cell to disappear after its synthesis in the cell, is predicted to be approximately 30 hours (in mammalian reticulocytes).[3]. Augusto Ibáñez Sacristán is a Basque pelota forward player. Zwei Jahre später identifizierten Kuan Wang und Mitarbeiter auf einem Elektrophoresegel eine Dublettenbande, die einem hochmolekularen, elastischen Protein entsprach, das sie Titin nannten.[5][6]. Titin is the largest protein yet discovered. © 1997-2021 LUMITOS AG, All rights reserved,, Your browser is not current. Snowy seldom "speaks", but is instead seen thinking. The name of the protein titn is 189,819 letters long and the longest one in English. Huygens was inspired by Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610 and his improvements in telescope technology. Recommended Name: Titin Size: 34350 amino acids; 3816030 Da Cofactor: Magnesium Subunit: Interacts with MYOM1, MYOM2, tropomyosin and myosin. Below is the full 189,819-lettered word for 'titin': ... ©2021 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. English Etymology. Diese Bindung ist relativ schwach und gut regulierbar, eine notwendige Voraussetzung für den ungehinderten Kontraktionsvorgang. In all of his appearances, he wears a blue shirt with a white collar, brown pants, white socks, shoes, and frequently wears a beige trench coat. Titin is the largest known protein, consisting of 26,926 amino acids. All 189,819 letters of the chemical name of titin, the largest known protein. Die Geschichte von Titin begann Ende der siebziger Jahre. Während des größten Teils des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war die Existenz von Titin, dem größten Protein im menschlichen Körper, unbekannt, obwohl es nach heutigen Erkenntnissen das dritthäufigste Muskeleiweiß nach Myosin und Aktin ist. As the largest known protein, titin has the longest full chemical name. [4] Es stellte sich heraus, dass dieses Protein größer ist als alle bislang bekannten Muskeleiweiße. Siegfried Labeit isolierte 1990 einen partiellen cDNA-Klon von Titin. Titan was discovered on March 25, 1655, by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens. sarcomere (a, i, and h bands; z and m lines), myofilaments (thin filament/actin, thick filament/myosin, elastic filament/titin, nebulin), tropomyosin, troponin (T, C, I), costamere (dystrophin, α,β-dystrobrevin, syncoilin, synemin/desmuslin, dysbindin, sarcoglycan, dystroglycan, sarcospan), desmin, neuromuscular junction, motor unit, muscle spindle, excitation-contraction coupling, sliding filament mechanism. It is a pretty big protein, and its full chemical name is giant as well. 34.000 Aminosäuren[1] und hat 320 Proteindomänen und ist damit das größte bekannte menschliche Protein. Innerhalb des Gens befindet sich eine große Anzahl von PEVK-Exons (Prolin-Glutamat-Valin-Lysin – reichlich Exons) mit einer Länge von 84 bis 99 Nukleotiden, die für konservierte 28- bis 33 Restmotive kodieren, die Struktureinheiten der Titin-PEVK-Feder darstellen können. Its full chemical name is 189,819 letters long and, depending on how you define a “word” is the longest word in the English language. Tintin has fair skin and ginger hair swept upwards. [4] [5] Titin adalah sebuah protein raksasa, panjangnya lebih dari 1 µm , [6] fungsinya yaitu sebagai molekul pegas yang bertanggung jawab atas elastisitas pasif otot . Titin ( / ˈ t aɪ t ɪ n /), also known as connectin, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TTN gene. It is not included in the dictionary – few lexicographers accept chemical formulae as words.
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