By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The opening sentence of the article reads "Cushing's syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cortisol." Find 14 ways to say SYNDROME, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones talks about three specific syndromes common in women and discusses why 'syndrome' might not always be the best … CUSHING`S SYNDROME CAN BE A DEATH SENTENCE. Stockholm syndrome. Definition of Syndrome. The appearance, lasting time and response of Horner’s syndrome were monitored; meanwhile, the … View Syndrome usage in sample sentences. How to use severe acute respiratory syndrome in a sentence. metabolic disease a disease caused by some defect in the chemical reactions of the cells of the body. A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is the predictable way the body responds to stress as described by Hans Selye (1907-1982). [3-6] However, they will be joining three and four keywords without the function words or grammatical markers when they have smaller vocabularies (100-200 … 4. A syndrome, on the other hand, is a group of symptoms that might not always have a definite cause. group of actions or behaviors that are typical to a particular illness or disease. syndrome in sentences. Sentence Examples. The risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome within groups were remarkably similar. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 3. On this page we are showing correct ways to write: Syndrome in a sentence. A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms which are correlated with each other and often associated with a particular disease or disorder. Information and translations of syndrome in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. : 1818 When a syndrome is paired with a definite cause this becomes a disease. use "syndrome" in a sentence. impostor syndrome in a sentence - Use "impostor syndrome" in a sentence 1. Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel, Primary endpoints were neonatal respiratory distress, Secondarily, the persistence of the hematocele induce an inflammatory response, that could explain the inflammatory, She often asked jokingly if I had Stockholm, Human immunodeficiency virus is a causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency, He remains well seven years later, with a persistent left Horner's, These plants are poisonous to livestock, causing a toxic, Clinicians consider immune reconstitution, In California a three-person outbreak of streptococcal toxic shock, This is still the case with conditions such as chronic fatigue, When the symptom-picture is carefully examined, it appears that the preferable name for the, Antithrombotic therapy, antiplatelet therapy, and thrombolysis are beneficial for acute coronary, You could as easily call it the Pinter syndrome and it certainly is the BBC, In addition, toxigenic bacteria that have been implicated in sudden infant death, It is important to emphasize that dementia is a, This is not a complete dissection of the flimsy arguments that underlie the country's China, Such findings may have relevance for the common insulin resistance, Tuberous sclerosis, untreated phenylketonuria and fragile X, But most experts now agree that chronic fatigue, The same stress that can be life-threatening in broken heart, In response to cold or stress, the fingers of patients with Raynaud's, The only caregiver was her first daughter, herself married with an alcoholic husband and mother of a Down's, The patient had known exposure to mouse excreta, and because hemorrhagic pneumonia had developed, hantavirus pulmonary, Decreased grip strength may result in loss of dexterity, and thenar muscle atrophy may develop if the, The patient was treated with methotrexate and leukovorin calcium, and tumor lysis, Some studies have suggested a link between the sudden infant death, Fad diets only add to the confusion and contribute to the yo-yo, Whether she knows it or not, she is cited as chief victim of the emerging, I would like to ask other readers if they have experienced road rage trolley, She developed purpura fulminans and compartment, In years to come, we will see that familiar, However, the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, Several teeth may be absent in disorders such as Down's, If the disease is not stopped, children with Hurler's, Administration of surfactant in neonates with infant respiratory distress, Does a blood transfusion in anemic patients with acute coronary, If the patient is pregnant or obese, reassure her that carpal tunnel, It is now 20 years since the immunodeficiency, The evolution of the individual clinical components of the lipodystrophy, When women take the decision to end a pregnancy affected by Down's, But Dudgeon's career at Oakwell was blighted by a bout of post-viral, Obesity, acne, hirsutism, and acanthosis nigricans may be signs of polycystic ovary, In some severe cases, diffuse opacification suggestive of acute respiratory distress, In these analyses children with pre-existing conditions, such as Down's, Many people who get an infection that can cause Reiter's, Hence, our self-reported data are not supportive of the idea that MCS, But the transplant gives him a 95 per cent chance of shedding the, Fluoridation has been linked to bone cancer, irritable bowel, Obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, physical inactivity and the metabolic, The first appeals by parents whose children were taken from them after medical experts diagnosed Munchausen's, The overall mortality was 7 per cent and there were 18 cases of streptococcal toxic shock, Fetal cells contained in the amniotic fluid will be tested for Down, The result suggested that apitherapy using worker honeybee is an effective treatment for sows with oligogalactic, The Howard victory last night certainly looks like burying the Spanish, Next to tropical sprue, it is the most important cause of malabsorption, Editor Gottlieb reports that more cases of the sudden infant death, Second, the evidence refutes the notion that the underclass, Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress, She was diagnosed with a thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura like, Similarly, persons with acquired immunodeficiency, This can decrease operator fatigue, which can lead to carpal tunnel, Different from a heart attack, broken heart, Staphylococcus aureus is the organism responsible for classic toxic shock syndrome and scalded skin, Sometimes, gas indicates a digestive disorder such as irritable bowel, Men born with a genetic disorder called Klinefelter's, Conditions that benefit from acupuncture include neck pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, carpal tunnel, And there was another outbreak I think maybe it was in the Minneapolis area of toxic shock, In a clinical setting this species has been implicated in the so-called blue baby, One hypothesis about the cause of sudden infant death, Nick, aged 23 at the time, was plunged into locked-in, In autism children are withdrawn, whereas in Asperger's. After being held captive for several months, the prisoner started to exhibit symptoms of Stockholm syndrome like developing positive emotions towards his captor and paranoia that rescuers are the enemy. Examples of Syndrome in a sentence. Syndrome in a sentence 1. me: not many people do, you will love him. Examples of syndrome in a sentence, how to use it. , The most terrifying fact about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is that unlike in typical syndromes, the infants are asymptomatic. 2. , All of the patients with the syndrome exhibited similar fits of depression, lethargy, and paranoia. ... "For hand-foot syndrome and hyperbilirubinemia, see section 4.4" "Is crush syndrome good or bad?" metabolic [met″ah-bol´ik] pertaining to or of the nature of metabolism. Here are some examples. Sentence Examples. 2. 3. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As long as a set … This syndrome mostly affects women in … And when everyone's super... no one will be. think jim carrey, just 11 and shorter normal person: haha sounds good =). , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Tall poppy syndrome definition: a tendency to disparage any person who has achieved great prominence or wealth | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Quotes ... Carpal-tunnel-syndrome Sentence Examples. Examples of syndrome in a Sentence. The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome. These cookies do not store any personal information. Severe acute respiratory syndrome definition is - sars. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological disorder that was first identified in the 1970s, though the term is sometimes applied more generally. Mentors can discuss experiences where impostor syndrome was prevalent. A number of management options are available to ease impostor syndrome. The word derives from the Greek σύνδρομον, meaning "concurrence". "Locked-in syndrome is many people's worst nightmare" "My restless legs syndrome is cured" "Paraneoplastic syndrome would explain the bronchospasm" What does syndrome mean? Posted on October 27, 2015 Author andy.tienganhxd Leave a comment. This type is called pituitary-dependent Cushing`s syndrome. Children, including those with Down syndrome, do not begin to use most function words or tense markers in their spoken sentences until they have at least 200 to 300 words in their spoken vocabulary though they may understand them much earlier. sentence with Syndrome. Like victims of the Stockholm syndrome, culturalists believe that if they love their captors their lives will be spared. Wanting so desperately for the lead actress of a drama to end up with the better guy, but you always know that she is going to end up with the lead bad guy in the end. So when diagnosing a condition or disease, doctors tend to look for a group of symptoms existing together. 2. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Sentence with the word Down Syndrome. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Academic English Words List and Example Sentences. 1-After many failed attempts to escape, the woman quit trying because she had developed Stockholm Syndrome for her captor. normal person: id like to meet him, i don't know what to make of people with DS. About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The less frequent cause (about 15 … Combining its two Greek roots, syndrome means basically "running together". Syndrome definition: A syndrome is a medical condition that is characterized by a particular group of signs... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. Syndrome sentence. When I get too old I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be super. This syndrome is characterised cl How to use Stockholm syndrome in a sentence. There can be confusion between syndromes, symptoms, and diseases. This phenomenon has become known as the "Californian syndrome ". Due to a genetic predisposition, urban Indians suffer from extremely high obesity, In previous surveys, mild diagnoses such as Asperger's, There are a number of similarities in the brains of individuals with Down's, She was said to be suffering from factitious illness by proxy, a disorder previously referred to as Munchausen's, The authors of this study suggest that the etiology of the, Some investigators have suggested that the, Like all people, me included, there is a certain amount of not-in-my-backyard, This patient had no previous history of carpal tunnel, The company also claims that eye strain is replacing carpal tunnel, It is probably unlawful to place lower priority on children with Down's, Recent surgery for a nagging case of carpal tunnel, Patients with a deep vein thrombosis should wear compression stockings as the rate of post-thombotic, At the time, she was dealing with fickle-mother, The medical profession has known about the childhood obstructive sleep apnea, Another name for something similar to Tietze's, More than one half of the children with aspiration, Differentiating reactive airway dysfunction, For example, a family history of multiple relatives with Down, These patients attributed their symptoms to axillary web, There is no definitive test for chronic fatigue, A physician examined 10 patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue, The PSAs encourage audiences to learn more about sudden infant death, This reported acalculia, specifically anarithmetria, is a feature atypical for the pure, Statistical evidence links several auto-immune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel, All of these possibilities must be excluded before the diagnosis of sick sinus, Central or visceral obesity is a central feature of, We have used a video of women describing their experiences when undergoing screening for Down's, In severe cases, this is known as post-traumatic stress disorder, a, No matter which input device you use, take special care in keeping your wrists from bending upward to help avoid carpal tunnel, An apical lung tumor, also known as a Pancoast tumor, may invade local neural structures and produce a characteristic syndrome of pain and possible Horner's, His description of Falluja, tinged with Stockholm, The vast majority of parents and siblings of people with Down, Doctors say his symptoms are typical of the hand-arm vibration, This is a controversial diagnosis that some regard as simply another name for chronic fatigue, Thus, it is easy to see how diseases as different as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue, Group A streptococci also produce toxins that can cause circulatory collapse in streptococcal toxic shock, While the authors admit there is no cure, they align chronic fatigue, The findings of a number of studies indicate that aggressive alimentation in patients with a wasting, This patient appears to fit the criteria of Munchausen's, Among them was the trial of a nurse diagnosed with Munchausen's, Some of the mothers were accused of having Munchausen's, As the trip continued, the author wondered if Stockholm, A significant cause of death in premature infants and, on occasion, in full term infants is respiratory distress, The couple, who have two other grown-up daughters, were determined to help find a cause for the mystery, The recommendation that an incipient diagnosis of chronic fatigue, The essential clinical feature of compartment, The government's working group on chronic fatigue, Only five years had elapsed since the first narcoma, They're the people who've been evicted, and in a way it's kind of the tall poppy, Richard Dawkins recently tweeted that knowingly birthing a baby with Down, And while veterans suffered from Gulf War, The use of fludrocortisone, a mineralocorticoid, was based on the hypothesis that chronic fatigue, To date, a quarter of the 1268 people with severe acute respiratory, Jolly somehow finds the time to also manage a restaurant and help kids who have autism and Down, In the respiratory field in our hospital, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or the hyperventilation, In addition, pathologists and coroners vary in their willingness to accept the sudden infant death, A nonsignificant trend was observed for relatedness between infants who died with sudden infant death syndrome and patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea, Selective termination of pregnancy in severe twin-twin transfusion, Any family physician who has had to counsel a family after a sudden infant death, Share your symptoms with your doc to determine if restless legs, These include conditions such as hypoplastic left heart, Apparently, he thinks people who love someone with Down, I would like to propose a term for the texts that voice this Janus-faced perspective on grief and for the wider cultural, The patients who are likely to overproduce these inflammatory factors and to develop septic shock, Beginning this procedure early enough in the course of carpal tunnel, However, the substance abuse can trigger or worsen personality disorders, or produce a, The horrific case of an abandoned baby with Down, Burnout has been defined by Maslach and Jackson as a tripartite, Commonly, these infants need supplemental oxygen treatment for mild respiratory distress, Other uncommon manifestations in AIDS patients include pan-hypopituitarism, the, For those of you in the audience with no medical background, frontal lobe, Chronic use of GHB may produce dependence and a withdrawal, This is very important because aspirin may cause a serious illness called Reye's, All this becomes part of the corporate experience, a healthy look in the midst of sick building, The diagnosis of mass psychogenic illness shares many characteristics with sick building, This relates to the fact that group A streptococci can cause necrotising fasciitis and associated toxic shock, The main clinical features of the lipodystrophy, Some people might think that carpal tunnel, One of my mentors and friend Jim Bridges was the director of The China, A post-mortem examination concluded that she had died of hepatorenal, Does it appear likely that I have secondary Sjogren's, Prenatal diagnosis can now detect conditions as different as Lesch-Nyhan, She is also the director of the menopause program and the program for polycystic ovary, A prospective study of the prevalence of the polycystic ovary, Other features include sicca or Sjogrens-like, Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with Middle East respiratory, Transarterial embolization of acute external carotid blowout, Using multidetector-row CT for the diagnosis of afferent loop, Acute transverse myelitis and Guillain-Barre overlap, But a few days later, she was struck down with toxic shock, Examples of frequently covered critical illnesses include Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, The 63-year-old Wicklow farmer, who lived in a Dublin nursing home before his trial, suffers from Parkinson's, This paper will focus on the two most common types of vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, Discovery is also developing Surfaxin for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS and infant respiratory distress, Suppression by gamma-hydroxybutyric acid of ethanol withdrawal, Necrolytic migratory erythema with myelodysplastic, Chronic voriconazole therapy can produce a, At the same time, she said, she was dealing with empty nest, Previously, memantine had been shown to be effective in other pain conditions such as complex regional pain, Maladaptive behavior differences in Prader-Willi, It has specifically identified a disproportionate occurrence of Goldenhar, We never heard about those changes coming, and were told everything would be staying the same. It is not clearly stated in their study if the patients overcame this syndrome during the therapy. ‘Asthma is a syndrome characterized by episodes of reversible airway obstruction.’ ‘There are likely to be several distinct fat alteration syndromes occurring in a variety of combinations.’ 1.1 A characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior. Twenty four hours after admission toxic shock syndrome was finally diagnosed: 3. (also imposter syndrome) noun The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills. Example sentences with the syndrome, a sentence example for syndrome, and how to make syndrome in sample sentence, … 1. , The therapist knew that the patient was not cured of her syndrome because she still exhibited a number of unhealthy psychological symptoms. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. “I don’t know what the odds are of a woman born with Down syndrome marrying the love of her life,” he writes. Typical mushroom, No detection of severe fever with thrombocytopenia, This classification was based on three reports of myelomeningocele and one of Dandy-Walker, On examination, she had symptoms of Horner's, Bats host many high-profile viruses that can infect humans, including severe acute respiratory, Nevirapine and the risk of Stevens-Johnson, Rosiglitazone for prevention or adjuvant treatment of Nelson's, Phenotypical abnormalities suggestive of Turner, Predictive testing for cognitive functioning in female carriers of the fragile X. group of actions or behaviors that are typical to a particular illness or disease, After being held captive for several months, the prisoner started to exhibit symptoms of Stockholm syndrome like developing positive emotions towards his captor and paranoia that rescuers are the enemy. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. How to use Syndrome in a sentence? The bacteria that causes toxic shock syndromecan be carried on unwashed hands and prompt an infection anywhere on the body. A disease usually has a defining cause, distinguishing symptoms and treatments. 1. He clearly demonstrated that he is the latest victim of the Stockholm syndrome. Examples of how to use “metabolic syndrome” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs , Psychologists can now diagnose many forms of autism, like Asperger syndrome, by identifying key symptoms like fixation and lack of emotional response. which is consistent with the its inline citations. 2. Dictionary ! Login . We will examine the meaning of the term Stockholm syndrome, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. Usually goes with the feelings of either wanting to curl up and cry over your ramen, knock someone's teeth in or both.
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