Remember that protein/pellets are supposed to equal the size of his head, every day once a day when the turtle's a hatchling. And This is the first time he's EVER been on the doc long enough for me to even watch him, and thats when he yawned a couple times :/. So, even a very small turtle that maxes out at a few inches is going to require a pretty sizable aquarium. Signs of disease in turtles may be specific for a certain disease, such as nasal discharge in the case of a respiratory infection. He's only been overfed for a week, and I am cutting down the amount of food he will get. Seeing changes in your pet can be very daunting and being able to identify the problem, can help you identify the best treatment as quickly as possible to ensure your pet remains healthy. In other cases, overeating may even develop into long-term health issues. ), and even organ failure (this all happens from high amounts of protein). 100% water change. Overfeeding pets is a much more common problem for most pet owners, but not with Betta fish, or so it seems. What is the rest of your set-up like? I have my worms (1000 pcs.) I think I am overfeeding my turtle. Your guest might not consider how much intake your turtle should be eating. Fill an escape-proof tub with electrolyte solution to halfway up her shell. However, a sick tortoise will show signs such as weight loss, dry skin, loss of appetite, and lethargy. So yeah, I guess 10 dollars was slightly misleading, haha. 11476. In some cases you will see the turtle moving their neck forward to try to bring more air into their bodies. A mother’s love can overflow in case of her child quite easily, leading her to feed him a lot more than he actually needs. One more pellet stick won’t hurt right? What should I do? 1. There are differences of opinions among the turtle keepers about the feeding schedule for them. What is the best basking lamp for my turtle? I clean his tank every 2 weeks, btw. Unlike humans, most animals are programmed for survival, regardless of whether they live in captivity or in the wild. My plan had been to let them dry out properly and then give them only water for the next week or 2. they will eat whatever is given to them and eat their fill until the next one. A normal shell should be smooth and evenly spread out. More commonly, signs of illness are non-specific, such as a turtle with lack of appetite and lethargy, which can be seen with many diseases. Overfeeding a baby is a problem that is easily avoidable by following the right feeding methods. Uneaten food is the biggest danger, but even surplus food that has been eaten can wind up back in the tank as excess fish waste. I've been feeding them each a small amount of pellets a day, … I will slow down in my feedings, so does 4 reptomin a day sound good (thats about the size of his head) and I'll toss in some veggies! Some signs of over feeding is that you have accelerated growth of the body, premature sexuality, shell disfigurements (excessive shedding etc. Those two items might not work together, and there also might be better or cheaper options. This process may have to be repeated several times over the course of a few weeks. After about a year, start switching to every other day and add veggies. These spots will feel a bit squishy under your finger, though your tortoise will … Bulb, 11 dollars on Amazon:, A light fixture that might fit that bulb, 11 more dollars: And if you have an aquatic turtle you can expect to see a lot more shedding than if you would in a terrestrial turtle. Pinterest. on What is the Best filter for my Red-eared slider tank?? for two weeks now, and they seem quite happy. Nutrition support may need to be modified over time to maintain metabolic stability and promote recovery. you can check the part between the head and the front legs and see if its fat.. Burned, brown leaf tips and edges. overfeeding anything will kill it. I don't like to touch him because I'm scared I'll get him sick or something ao I leave him be most of the time. But don’t rely on weight as an indicator of whether you’re overfeeding baby. Your turtle or goldfish don’t make much noise when you forget to feed them. i adopted 2 red eared sliders back in march from some lady that had no idea how to take care for them. Signs of disease in turtles may be specific for certain diseases, such as nasal discharge in the case of a respiratory infection. Overfeeding a baby is a problem that is easily avoidable by following the right feeding methods. Do you have a UVB light? I HAD a glass heater but it broke so this weekend hopefully my father will take me to petsmart to get a new one!! If you cannot resist feeding the turtle, try using auto feeder, you can adjust the frequency of feeding and also how much to give to your red-eared slider. If this occurs with no other negative effects then you could simply be overfeeding your tortoise. I can't shop online, and the only place I can think of getting a UVB light is from Pet Smart, and those ranged past 50+!!!! Diarrhea is usually caused by overfeeding, an excess of fruit and vegetables or by consuming something that is in a bad condition. hello! as what Maria says, dont follow the rule 'feed as much as they can eat in several minutes' because they can eat A LOT in two minutes even though theyre not hungry. 'Another very common symptom of overfeeding is the bowel movement is normal in the morning and then during the course of the day it gets very soft,' he explained. Hi all! My turtle is not eating since 3 days what to do,he is sick and having cold. I fell for the turtle's classic begging technique. You will just give in to them as they are so cute and asking for your attention. And what are some signs of over eating, and how much do you all think I should feed him? I … Best to limit protein intake only to low protein pellets, you can look for those that say low proteins. Please share as many details about your set-up that you know about and try to add pictures. You should be more worried about the other symptoms than the overeating. You might be overfeeding him slightly, but not radically. since i had turtles before i thought ah what the heck! A dehydrated tortoise will be underweight, have dry, loose skin, and may show a loss of appetite. Calcium, Vitamin D & Phosphorus for your turtle, Zoomed Maintenance (Lower protein content), Wardley Reptile Sticks (Balanced and fortified with calcium), Reptiles Lover Turtle, Gecko, Lizard Automatic Feed Dispenser. What makes you think they will be civic minded and take turns? In order to prevent and diarrhea, it is important to keep the aquarium water clean and take care of your turtle's hygiene. 25% Protein which is so much lower than other brands of 40% Protein, this will help your red-eared sliders reduce their protein intake. Make sure you know where your closest herp vet is. Signs of overfeeding baby. Not every turtle will do this, and some you will need to interact with to teach them the game, but for those that do, this is a sign of a turtle that is mentally stimulated and happy.
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