A Shih Tzu with a ‘perfect’ tail will have one that is held over the back without touching it, and it will remain high and curled over the back while the dog is walking or running and regardless of whether or not he is wagging the tail. I talked to the breeder about this and she said it was "not good quality." Why do dogs like food so much if they can’t taste that good? The Shih Tzu is proud of bearing, has a distinctively arrogant carriage with head well up and tail curved over the back. The set of the tail, whether too high, too low, or ‘just right’ is an inherited trait just like a dog’s bite set, size. The Cock-a-Tzu is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Shih-Tzu. Use a quality spray like. They curl up to show dominance. Striking paws. The American Kennel Club began recognizing the shih tzu breed in 1968. Favorite Answer Yes, the only times my 2 shih tzus tails don't curl is when they're sitting down, other than that it has been curled since the day I bought them. Watch for a tail curl when searching for a puppy. Does it always not curl? Shih tzus are lovable little dogs with long shaggy coats. They have all had their 1st shots. Befitting his noble Chinese ancestry as a highly valued, prized companion and palace pet, the Shih Tzu is proud of bearing, has a distinctively arrogant carriage with head well up and tail curved over the back. When i look at these pictures and then compare them, i don't think that neither of them have a curled tail. If this has just happened and there are no other signs that anything is wrong you may want to give this just a bit of time since just being excessively tired can cause a dog to not wag his tail. Regardless of size, the Shih Tzu is always compact and solid and carries good weight and substance. Anything from rough play with another dog to being handled incorrectly to thumping it repeatedly on a hard surface to having it caught in something (car door, snagged on gate, etc.). Chances are you will learn something new and this information will help you be prepared for issues that may arise. Veterinarian's Assistant: How old isCustomer. A nicely rounded rump is a hallmark of the breed, but it should never be achieved by means of a low tail-set. Taking a Closer Look at the Coat 1 Identify the "puppy cut". Don't use this if there are any open cuts; but for general issues with hot spots on the tail and itching, a spray like, If a dog has been cleared of all possible. If he's stressed or scared his tail won't curl. I think that my Shih Tzu has an injured tail. We earn compensation from any qualifying purchases made. The Shih Tzu has small, but very hairy pendant ears and a sturdy tail that curls … From carry methods to bowls, and harnesses to dental chews, this covers essentials for optimal health and happiness. If you have a question regarding your Shih Tzu’s tail, you’ve come to the right place. I breed animals because of the satisfaction and joy in producing quality offspring that excel at their particular purpose, whether that is as a loved companion (corgis) , a cowhorse (quarter horses), or a meat animal (cow). However, a curve should not be confused with a curl. Therefore, a Shih Tzu’s tail should not actually twist in a circled loop or be coiled (like a Pug dog’s tail) but rather simply have one curve to it as it hovers high over the back. Originally bred to be completely nonshedding (which is a misnomer since that's not physically possible), the Maltese succeeds to some degree, since he's a low-shedding companion. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The ears are prick and the head is broad. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. A person accidentally stepping on the tail is by far the most common reason for tail trauma; however, there is a wide range of possible causes. Answer Question. Toy Group. sure, a shih-tzus tail ought to curl over that is lower back. This is a common question since breed standards call for the tail to ‘curve well over back’. Every dog is different, and not all dogs adhere to breed standards. Otherwise he seems ok. His eating is picky lately. The Shih Tzu’s tail is covered in thick fur and curls backward over the dog’s body. The breed originated in China and became popular in the United States during the 20th century. Is there something wrong? The Tibetan Terrier is a powerful, medium-sized dog of square proportions, with a shaggy coat. Too loose, too tight, too flat, or too low set a tail is undesirable and should be penalized to extent of deviation. Still have questions? She had horrible conformation. Related Questions Dog paralyzed in RIGHT side legs. The Shih Tzu is a sturdy, lively, alert toy dog with long flowing double coat. As with any sort of clipping, you’ll want to be very careful. Tails that are injured can be very painful and most vets will prescribe some sort of pain medication to help a Shih Tzu during the healing process. The dog has a pronounced under bite which is a breed standard. This said, if a Shih Tzu’s tail is so off that it is considered a fault, that puppy or dog will still make an amazing pet. Appearance. Since the goal of producing puppies should be to maintain the integrity of the breed, that dog should be excluded from any breeding program. There are also paired nerves and blood vessels. His curling tail is also a sign of happiness. When it is a puppy, it may shed its puppy coat. … Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that. However, if you do have papers, it is most likely that your dog has a genetic defect that causes his tail not to curl. So, I say Stay Calm and Curl On! The Coton de Tuléar's tail should curl over its back.
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