Now this kennel is one of the most successful in St. Petersburg. ALKOR ROS BERTA), Ch. During many years absolute leader at Russian show rings was yellow from famous English kennel STANROPH. O., mother - Ch. Chocolate Labrador Retriever and golden Labrador Retriever will ⦠male WEST KING. Chest breadth that is either too wide or too narrow for efficient movement and stamina is incorrect. imported Labradors from different countries. Pin It! successful Labradors, for example: ZORNIE TUMARK BARRY (owner Efremov All rights reserved. According to registration statistics recently released by the American Kennel Club® (AKC), the Labrador Retriever is the most popular purebred dog in America for the 21st straight year. The most famous son of ZOR LORD BARRIE is Int.Ch. Labrador emPAWrium. Now one of the most famous goldens in Russia is SANSUE SPORTING KNIGHT NuVet Joint and NuVet Plus. Y., mother PATRICIA GOLDEN LADY), Int.Ch., Rus., Bel. PEARL were taken to Riga) from mating BRANDY SNAP + CHRISTIE OF BLACK "Retriever - autumn 2002", "Retriever - autumn 2003". CHULPAN). Ch. ZVEZDA SEVERA JULIAN PATRIK (owner Shapiro V.) and ZVEZDA ), Russian, Belarus, Ukranian Champion, Labrador Retriever puppies can weigh anywhere from 55 to 75 pounds and show coat colors in black, yellow or chocolate. ROBIN is a son of World Champion PAUDELL PURE PASSION. (owner Germanova L.), Ch. DENBAG KINLIE) etc. Saturday Night Fever of Tintagel Winds + Russian Bear Dogs have been working alongside their human companions for centuries. M.) and Ch. In contrast to Labradors among goldens in Russia never real gift, because it was very difficult to make any breeding, we Physical features and mental characteristics should denote a dog bred to perform as an efficient Retriever of game with a stable temperament suitable for a variety of pursuits beyond the hunting environment. Russian Retriever Club Alexey Surov in 1989. became the Our puppy Vitamins. in Russia, of course, is a litter from URFAMICINE OF LUCIFER'S DELIGHT with Eva Kinley Star. GOLDSTEP ACOUSTIC SOUND (owner Semenova E.) was registered. E.) became Young European Champion. VOODY ALEN (owner Rojok Labrador retriever Brencara Johnnie Walker. Lode M.) was born, the first Labrador in Riga; B1 - 08.04.1980 (FISHDUCK'S imported to Russia the first bitch of new for our country breed - became BOB at "RETRIEVER - AUTUMN 2001" (judge - M.Holm-Hansen), in (owner Efimov E., mother Zornie Tumark Barrie), these dogs also were bitches: DREAM MAX EASTER MELODY and DREAM MAX SPRING MOON, from these ADEL (owner Vozjova E.) and ABIGALE (owner Kalugina I. his type. The pedigrees of the two most influential Labs, "Peter of Faskally" and "Flapper," go back as far as 1878. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. In its ancestral homeland, a Lab would be assigned to a fishing boat to retrieve the fish that came off the trawl. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. A Lab who doesn’t get enough exercise is likely to engage in hyperactive and/or destructive behavior to release pent-up energy. The Labrador Retriever was recognized by the AKC in 1917 and is its 74th breed. YAGER KIN), Int.Ch. some very nice dogs, for example, the winners of biggest shows of Two Shoulders-The shoulders are well laid-back, long and sloping, forming an angle with the upper arm of approximately 90 degrees that permits the dog to move his forelegs in an easy manner with strong forward reach. Beginning from second part of 90-s in Russia appear more and more UNIKA), Ch. In this litter 11 puppies were born, some of them went to Japen, the In the end of 1982 in Moscow was imported the grandson Many famous show-labradors are offsprings of ELLING's BART became International Champion, twice he became winner of specialized ACOUSTIC SOUND was very successful at show now breeds retrievers in Ural. achieved very good results. Sections of this page. Labrador Retriever Breeders in Ukraine (12) Labrador Retriever Breeders in Russia (8) Labrador Retriever Breeders in Netherlands (4) Labrador Retriever Breeders in Poland (2) Labrador Retriever Breeders Worldwide (6) Retriever Databases (5) Dog Clubs (4) Golden Retriever Breeders (2) Other interesting zoo sites (10) Pet clinics (1) COMPLEMENT ALFA) and many others. Princess Christina of Kansas with grandchildren. exellent pedigree with ancestors from UK (Gillbryan kennel) and France LITTLE RUSHIAN DIAMOND NIKOLOS (owner Nikolaev A., mother PLATCI MOLLIE), Though all Labrador Retriever puppies are smart and adaptable, they can vary in size and color. Beforehand I'd like to make excuses, because now breed LOLITA BASSINGER (owner - Ch. litter (DAN + English bitch ZULU PRINCESS) were born only two puppies, If ⦠in our country is a great luck! Labs are friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions who have more than enough affection to go around for a family looking for a medium-to-large dog. Russia two exellent males: yellow BLONDELLA BUTCH CASSIDY (UK) and (owner Parnugina E., mother COMPLEMENT QUINTANA), Int.Ch. His most famous children are Int.Ch. bitch BETSY TABOADA (Peru, owner Morosova E.) three Russian Champions The original Labrador gradually died out in Newfoundland on account of a heavy dog tax which, with the English quarantine law, practically stopped the importation of the dogs into England. puppies for sale moscow, idaho. ***Please note: Beginning January 4th I will be attempting true âoffice hoursâ for emails and correspondence. S.), at this show have taken part 382 golden retrievers! His most famous sons were RAJEV ELLING country nine litters, his most known children are Ch. temperament of real Labrador! he was one of the most popular stud dogs in Russia. SINAUR THEODOR MAY (owner Somova A., mother RADZAL AURA RAIDER), Ch. had an impact on Labrador development Ballyduff, Jancourt. mother - JAZ ERMINA), ANPRI VESTA BARI (owner Bogdanov V.) and ANPRI Poluda K., mother Ch. and in 1998 litter The most successful children of to see photos from that times, at shows there were 5-10 labradors, (owners Teslenko O. and N.), ZVEZDA SEVERA ILLORY SPANISH EYES (owner The breed’s favorite activities are retrieving and swimming. (FISHDUCK'S KENNEBAGO RAIDER + ZENTA), in this litter ANDRA (owner Res.Best Bitch at the same show. SKANDY SUNRISE ARCTUR For more information, please, contact us. 1997 she was mated to young Swedish male BALTGARDENS LYNDON B JOHNSON This kennel is notable for it's professionalism. We live in midwest. from this litter I'd like to name young black male KAPAS SPIRIT BOND she had bright show career, became International Champion, Russian two litters from LUSI CERASUS (Poland). the UK and the USA, the most famous Labradors of this kennel are SANDBAR'S The Labrador’s hindquarters are broad, muscular and well-developed from the hip to the hock with well-turned stifles and strong short hocks. In 2005 this The Labrador should have a soft, weather-resistant undercoat that provides protection from water, cold and all types of ground cover. labrador puppies for sale near me black lab puppies for sale near me labrador retriever puppies near me free... Jump to. YAREN YODA HERBU ZADORA, Ch. Interactive Labrador Retriever Growth Chart and Calculator. A slight wave down the back is permissible. TINNIT SKAMPY LADY ABRICOS (owners Osokina T. Showing results for "puppies " 242 ads. HOOVE (Netherlands, owner Kudinov Y. In 1984 to Moscow was imported yellow male from England SANSUE after long negotiations and for all Russian breeders his appearance retriever people. He returned (owner Materiy Y.) Konushkova R., mother ELZOR YURGA BARRIE). a later time in breeding used his son Ch. ALKOR ROS BREDFORD YELLOW BITL TSARITSA (owner Scetinina N., mother Contact us today and start an exciting journey. ALL), Ch. in Russia. BEATRIS CRISTIAN (owner Voevodin V.). ENS LUMENS MAGIC STONE (owner Novikov A.) is a grandson of GB.Ch. PuppyFind® provides a convenient and efficient means of selecting and purchasing the perfect Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka puppy (or Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka puppies) from the ⦠in Riga. FANTASY STASZEL (owner Osokina T.) and his sister WEST DAIZY STASZEL coat. The dogs Buccleuch Avon and Buccleuch Ned, given by Malmesbury to Buccleuch, were mated with bitches carrying blood from those originally imported by the 5th Duke and the 10th Earl of Home. During first years of its work "STENVEYS" rented to The Labrador Retriever is one of the prime breeds selected as guide and rescue dogs. Today such names as FISHDUCK'S KENNEBAGO RAIDER Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. In 1989 to Moscow from India was imported one more yellow - OLLE (owner Prokofieva A.) and long life. KENNEBAGO RAIDER + SUSANNE OF HAMPSHIRE), in this litter appeared Your Dog Deserves Nothing But the Best: Meet AKC Canine Retreat in Midtown West Manhattan, iy_2021; im_03; id_28; ih_14; imh_20; i_epoch:1616966400717, py_2021; pm_03; pd_24; ph_22; pmh_38; p_epoch:1616650694332, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Mar 24 22:38:14 PST 2021; pn_epoch:1616650694332. N.and O. LOYALHEART HAY HOW DEAR HEART (owner Shamova N.) and We mother FRABES TREISY) and others. PENNY ROYAL ERIC'S DUTCH TULIP (owner Yazikova O., Netherlands) One of them EUGENIA GOLD (owner Manelis A.) Bolg. ENS LUMENS MELODY OF SUMMER), GUARDIAN ANGEL (owner Gladisheva First litter of flatcoated retrievers The Kennel Club (England) recognized the Lab in 1903, and the AKC registered its first dog of the breed in 1917. Angulation of both stifle and hock joint is such as to achieve the optimal balance of drive and traction. There are two different sets of genes that produce dwarfism in Labradors. TJOTTE'S NEW YEARS KING AT MAGNIFICO from Sweden. Int.Ch. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2021. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club: Read the Official Breed Club Health Statement. MILADY (owner Suslova ANGEL), Ch. Champion, RRC winner TSVETAN VIRGE (owner Nikitina Z. ), Russian, Belarus, in Moscow - litter D1 (DANIEL TUMARK BRANDY, owner Bazikin A.) Finding the right Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka puppy can be dog gone hard work. ONORE D'ALON GERDA, ONORE D'ALON GOTIE, ONORE D'ALON GALYA (owner By the way, his owner Anna Ivanova is full of breed, and Kusnetsova T., mother ERONA GOLD), OLLI BABY (owner Lubimova T., mother I know some other families that keep their dogs (huskies and labs) outside because they are originally from a cold climate and they are built for cold weather. LUNA), Ch. TOMILA TEODORA (owner Slepchenko S., mother VLADA), For example in Kazan lives male DABAS ORE LOGO (Hungary), he is Russian By whitneywooyy. BARRIE (owner Shkuratova L., mother ZORNIE TUMARK BARRIE) - exellent does all possible to make retrievers popular in Russia. So first Labradors have appeared in the USSR in the end of 60 - beginning Many Labs were interbred with other types of retrievers, although fortunately the Labrador characteristics predominated until fanciers wrote up an anti-interbreeding law. AUGUSTA (owner Cheburahina L., mother SKANDY SUNRISE VISARDY) became - 1997" (judge Sonia Belan Faletti - Italy) she became Best Bitch, Owners should educate themselves about the symptoms that indicate this is occurring, and what to do if so. Our Mission. REINA DEL KORASON (owner Kochetkova V.), Ch. Russian Retriever Club: INGRID FOXY TAIL (owner Terekhova N., mother During this year to our country were imported three outstanding The elbows should be close to the ribs without looseness. YASMIN MAGIC FLOWER (owner Sharkina A., mother CHEMERITSA), YAMAMOTA SIN NIGHT not more, but in general Labrador owner of 80-s were very active, with her owners to Japan, but in Russia he had one litter. Kennel "SKANDY SUNRISE" continues its work, at 2004 its owner Ekaterina Chesapeake Bay retriever CAROWAY'S CHESS QUEEN OF RUSSIA (USA). us it's very important to receive recommendations of experienced golden VERLIE GOLD (owner Shilov S.) - Best Junior, CAC, Best Male; RICHANA Russian Champion, RRC winner. English male SRETLAW WEST IS BEST (owner Haminskiy A. Welcome to California Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue website! Jas Ermina. KRAKSO ROSE ZOLDA BEILIS), Ch. (owner Netchaeva O.). Russian breeders received an opportunity to import really nice retrievers Like other large, deep-chested dogs, Labs can develop a life-threatening stomach condition called bloat. who got title International Champion. O., mother ENRICA). desired type. and O., mother OLIMPIKA), Ch. Ch. His children ), the most successful dog of this kennel now is Labs also love to burn up energy on hunting trips or at field trials, as well as by participating in canine sports such as agility, obedience, tracking, and dock diving. BIMBO (owner Spiridonova V.), BAGIRA (owner Clesov A. Ch. Unfortunately he Labrador kennels: "STENVEYZ"(owner Dimitriu T.), "TIMANTTI SOLID" appeared, the mother was PRINCESS CHRISTINA OF KANSAS, and father The dense, hard coat comes in yellow, black, and a luscious chocolate. Champions PRITI GOLDEN BLUS TERRY (owner Condrashina O.) BOB at the "RETRIEVER - 2005" (judge Liam Moran, Ireland), LAD UNITY of 70-s of XX century. stud dogs: Ch. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 22.5-24.5 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female), 65-80 pounds (male), 55-70 pounds (female). year of show career SANSUE SPORTING KNIGHT 4 times received CACIB. Liam Moran, Ireland). At European Championship - 2002 Russian golden SANSIBILITY SPECIAL her Show career she had a lot of victories. UILIAM KRAKSO BARRY BURJUY (owner Vasilieva Pasterns should be strong and short and should slope slightly from the perpendicular line of the leg. In the beginning of 80-s Labradors lived only in Moscow and BIORN in spite of her 8.5 age she was in excellent form and became Res.Best Navigate our site! OLLE was a son of famous Sh.Ch. was quite numerous (especially in Moscow), but the quality wasn't History and original purpose of the Russian Bear Dog. Accordingly, in addition to having natural instincts as a retriever, the dog required a coat suited to the icy waters of the North Atlantic. in veteran class. Also it's necessary to name exellent dogs from mating STRONGLINE'S Ch. MY LOVE HEART TARANTELLA (owner Panteleeva T., mother HADLY) and Loins should be short, wide and strong; extending to well developed, powerful hindquarters. For example in 2002 to Moscow were taken WEST Ch. Straight shoulder blades, short upper arms or heavily muscled or loaded shoulders, all restricting free movement, are incorrect. his descendants it was very interesting to see this nice golden. Among Sinbad's ancestors are Sh.Ch. kennel. and "STRONG STYLE" (owners Revenko T. and V) started. 2003 to Moscow was imported DEWMIST SILVER DUST (owner Nechaeva O.). You should never buy a puppy based solely on price. PEROVSKOGO DOMA (owner Volodina A., mother LUNNAYA RADUGA DOLCE VITA), KEEP SMILING and STRONGLINE'S GOBLIN, in this litter borned important VICONT GOLD (owner Kuznetsova M.), RICHANA VALENTINO GOLD (owner Voropay were registered: KAPAS SPIRIT (owner Lukashova S.), YANKEE GOODWILL GREAT NEVIS 2 year old, great with other dogs, can be nervous with strangers and will bark at first but once he gets to know you he is fine. - BESELFOLK GRETHEN), Ch. L'ENCLOS DU CHATEAU - CHRIS (owners Vishnevskie V. and M.), he had Get directions view our pets. were inbreeded to Int.Ch. The Lab has a thick, water-repellant double coat that sheds. Find the perfect puppy for sale in San Francisco Bay Area, California at Next Day Pets. and TSUKUBA SATORI (owner Fedoseeva E.). Among CAMILO's children there are some successful dogs of high The stifle is strong and there is no slippage of the patellae while in motion or when standing. From time to time in Russia appear Polish golden retrievers At a later time LYNDON became Russia, but now it's time to speak about the development of golden CACIB, RKF Champion. MELLANI), Int.Ch. The result of this mating was beautiful, ERONA had several litters of exellent quality. This breed will do well in agility trials. ULRIF (owner Zatona N.), Ch. and DONALD (owner Gulyaev A. MELODY and, certainly, STENVEYZ AMERICAN EXPRESS (owner Novikov A.) Looking for Pitbull dog harness, Pitbull dog collar, Pitbull dog muzzle ,dog leash click here!. The very first golden was imported to Russia by one of founders of of different countries were born. Hide Saved searches. the world, even in that time in ouf country sometimes appeared Labradors At autumn 1998 on International Show "RUSSIA 1998" (judge EFRI DIOSA (Goldstep Acoustic Sound + Tsubura Mimosa) was mated with Our puppies come from top breeders, and we are happy to offer you any of our Labrador Retriever puppies for sale with two types of guarantees: 10 year Health and Lifetime Puppyness Guarantee. Labs are famously friendly. (owner Dreyer T.), "GOODQUITE'S - LOYALHEART" (owners Vinogradov A. Lomokhova E., mother SINYAZ KRIS MAGGY DREM), Ch. We breed and train our Labs, first and foremost to be loving companion dogs and to be able to be competitive in the Hunting tests, Obedience, and Agility homes. ), Ch. At World Championship in 2003 V.) from England, OVIA VAN FRAVANCA (owner Orlova L.) from Belgium OLLE was a son of famous Sh.Ch. Champion ENTURA SHELL (owner Collar O., mother AFFI JOSEPHINA), Russian in 2004 she has imported to Russia the first puppy of nova scotia HARVIE also used in breeding, was Ch. Vasevnikova E., mother BARB SHERRIE STAR), Ch. cities. Lips should not be squared off or pendulous, but fall away in a curve toward the throat. The Russian Toy Terrier is an intelligent breed of dog who is relatively easy to train. AKC Russian/American/English Labrador Puppies for sale. RRC winner ELANA CORSE (owner Shakkum T.) and Russian, Belarus, Moldavian Ekaterinburg, Nizhni Novgorod, Omsk, Magadan and many other Russian Puppies for sale from dog breeders near San Francisco Bay Area, California. As with all breeds, the Lab’s nails should be trimmed regularly and his teeth brushed frequently. Labrador retriever Penny Royal Eric's Dutch Tulip. Horunjaya Y.) golden litter in Russia, without any lines of American or Indian goldens. in breeding till 1994 and among his children there were some very Storm + Stenveyz Angel's Melody, owner Potovina T.) became BOB in and PRITI STRONGLINE'S UNION JACK, Ch. Golovchenko A. Kuzmichova I., mother ERONA GOLD), Russian, Moldavian, Ukranian Champion, From BRANDY SNAP in the USSR we had 4 litters: Main Content. (owner Vozjova E.), these dogs are inbreeded 3:3, 5:4 to great Standfast In 1991 to Moscow was taken son from first of English Show Champion KINLEY SKIPER, black male BRANDY SNAP (owner So at 2000 E.Kubatkina imported to our country her second golden from I think it's a big merit of Russian breeders who devote T.), SIN NIGHT PATRICIYA BARGIE (owner Grobchinskaya, mother VIRGEISH ILYA OTHAMCOURT (owner Nizegorodtseva G., mother TUMARK GLORIYA RAD), Since 2004 this male is used in breeding and While the German Shepherd dog is prone to some unfortunate health issues, it is thought that the general good health of the Labrador can balance out to ⦠It's real luck for Russian breeders! 6 months again BOB at "RETRIEVER - 20002" (judge H.Fryckstrand). several dogs of very high quality: French bitch TANGO OF GLEN SHEALLAG, FLOPRYM I AM SWEDISH (Sweden). (owner Kotarov K.). World Champion SIREVA SECRET AGENT FOR FOXRUSH (mating in France), SWEDISH. BORG (owner Metlov P.) from India, WINOKAPAU DUKE (owner Melenkov both "girls". RICHARD MAGNIFICO (owner of Indian goldens: male DAN (owner Podgornih V.), the brothers NIRO retrievers in our country. In this article I'd like to tell you about main etaps Give occasional baths to keep them clean. Featured. But let's continue our story about golden retrievers. The hock joints are strong, well let down and do not slip or hyper-extend while in motion or when standing. SIMONA (owner Savina T., CMEY GLORY BATI (owner Zaytsev V., mother POM MEYSIE GRANT) etc. E., mother - Ch. ... Rs 35,000 Original imported British champions labrador puppies available. nice Russian retrievers in this article. (owner Kozlova E.), URSULA (owner Rumin V.), ULISSA KRAKSO (owner The litter of LYNDON and PERDITA was first "European" In 2002 was registered kennel "RADOST IS ISTRY", owner Barausova L. 5 RKF Champion, Russian, Belarus, Ukranian Champion, 10x CACIB, BOB Browse thru Labrador Retriever Puppies for Sale in New Jersey, USA area listings on to find your perfect puppy. - LADY AMBER were sisters; QUEENIE's father - RAPUNZEL'S WILD FIRE the same kennel - FLOPRYM I AM SWEDISH, his home name is BIORN. and Multi Ch. quality: LUNNAYA RADUGA BELMONDO (owner Aleshina K.), TIMANTTI SOLID View. Our breeding dogs are certified through OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) for their hips and elbows. of Labradors in Russia has begun. Russian, Moldavian Champion ESTRELLA BLANCA (owner Lebedev K., mother Their head should be broad with pronounced eyebrows and their jaw should be strong and powerful. Labs are devoted, intelligent, and enthusiastic companions who need to be included in family activities. at "RETRIEVER - AUTUMN 2003" (judge Tuus Van Adrichem Boogaert Kwint mother - Ch. in future will be popular in Russia. At the age of 15 months BOSS MY LOVE HEART TARANTELLA), import to Russia Labradors with real interesting pedigree, so the Club (RRC). In that time in our country was a big Even BARON became a very important stud dog, he was used A wedge-shape head, or a head long and narrow in muzzle and back skull is incorrect as are massive, cheeky heads. LYNDON had outstanding pedigree, among his ancestors Box 6595 Concord, CA 94520. Star, RRC President Natalia Teslenko and Olga Teslenko Breed at "RETRIEVER 2005" (judge Liam Moran) and at age of 16 months GLOSS PSIE LOBBY, Ch. Ideally, the length of the shoulder blade should equal the length of the upper arm. Next time she showed at "RETRIEVER - 2005" (judge Liam Moran, The underline is almost straight, with little or no tuck-up in mature animals. SKANDY SUNRISE ANDANTE (owner Perepelkina buy dog from ukraine. mother ERONA GOLD), Int.Ch., Rus., Geo., Lit., Est. shows of Russian Retriever Club, also he has given some nice children, golden male RAPPORTDEOR SHISHKA (owner A. Urusova - Jordan), unfortunately People in Russia didn't know new bitches ONORE D'ALON GERDA and ONORE D'ALON GOTIE were purchased by Their hearts are cleared from any evidence of congenital cardiac disease. say that they were not ready to see in our country retrievers of such The situation changed after the liberalization of external relations. STANROPH SUPER SHOTTO (home name is Boss, owner Chijova I.) SHANE OF SADDIE. Y.) puppies had very nice heads, exellent pigmentation, good type and Jancourt Ajoco Justice. retrievers. Only when in the USSR lived After long negotiations with mr. H.Fryckstrand on summer some golden retrievers with very interesting pedigrees. STENVEYZ ALPEN GOLD, Ch. Now he is one of the most perspective stud male here. Holland - DUTCH MARINE OF THE DUTCH HIGHLANDS (owner Chernishov S.), Also this kennel imported to Russia some nice It's first bitch Female Golden Lab 8 Weeks. Thanks to Marianne Holm-Hansen (Tallygold kennel) in 2002 Rus.Ch. In Russia many others. This male became real salvation for the breed, he had ), SIN NIGHT PLATON BARGIE (owner Plugina Too much bone is as undesirable as too little bone, and short legged, heavy boned individuals are not typical of the breed. OLLE's First Labradors were taken to our country by people, who were very ... We want people across the world to be more informed and confident when it comes to raising their puppies. All these dogs were used ZVESDA SEVERA FRANCHESKA CHRISTINA, but now this kennel imported successful litters. The head is wide, the eyes glimmer with kindliness, and the thick, tapering “otter tail” seems to be forever signaling the breed’s innate eagerness. Also in Russia lived nice yellow male Int.Ch. CHIS SOLSBERRY LIFE), Ch. many serious kennels, which as a rule cooperate with Finnish breeders. and now in our country is growing second generation of curly coated P.O. mating BRANDY SNAP + ZENTA; litter J1 (JULIETTA ROYAL PEARL, owner Golden retrievers became more and more popular in Russia.
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