due to the situation we all still find ourselves in with the Corona Virus the committee are constantly looking at the situation and intend to keep you all informed but the health and safety of all exhibitors and committee is our priority. months to come, The Kennel Club has considered how best to help registered A Midland based UK Club for fanciers and exhibitors of The Cairn Terrier At Three Counties Ch. They hold two Open shows, a Championship show and a funday every year. Midland Bedlington Terrier Club. ********************************************. Nomination forms are available from the Membership Page or from membership secretary Julie Oxbury julieoxbury@btinternet.com, & Secretary: Mrs P Garbutt on bedlingtonnational@gmail.com, Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, ******************************************************, *******************************************************, The wonderful cake to celebrate 120 years being registered with the UK Kennel Club, *************************************************. The atmosphere in the hall was fantastic, with something going on all the time. Show 1st Open Dog, DCC & RBIS . Thanking all of Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Ch. THE MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB (Established 1964) Patron: Mr. C.J. the committee of the National Bedlington Terrier club decided that the AGM will be held by a Zoom Meeting on Sunday 28 th March 2021 at 2 pm. Bedlington Cricket Club, Bedlington, Northumberland. It is with regret that we annnounce the postponement of both our Breed Appreciation Day on 7th February and Open Show on 27th February. Having something for all owners, be they Pet, Show and/or breeders. Please keep looking here for announcement on when and where the shows will be held. society constitution may be relaxed or suspended for a fixed period, to allow YO8 9PA. way, societies may legitimately process routine business by adopting interim Membership runs from 1st December to 30th November. Please bear with us whilst we're reshaping the MBTC website. welcome to the official facebook page for the midland bedlington terrier club Club Regulation C5.e. Why not become a member? In The Bedlington Terrier was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1948. Bedlington Terrier North East Group Gathering 2019. year should have. Southern Counties Ch. Sara Ward and I headed off bright and early on the Saturday morning for the 3 hour drive to Yelvertoft, Northamptonshire for the Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Open Show. 692 likes. committee of the National Bedlington Terrier club, decided that the AGM will be Midland Counties Ch. All information regarding Bedlington Terriers. Cove was Best Veteran In show. on behalf of The Bedlington Terrier North East, money raised by Bedlington Terrier owners many thanks to all, The donation was handed to Mrs Sheila Baldwin rescue co-ordinator of the. The Kennel Club Board may direct that provisions within a registered we feel would be of interest to you. into effect on the 25th May 2018 this states we need to inform you regarding Show 2nd Open Dog, RCC. that we always keep your personal data rights in high regard and take account Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Championship Show. The Kennel Club Board may direct that provisions within a registered PUPPY REGISTER - NEW CONTACT DETAILS. Data received with entry forms is used for of these rights. The First show Judge - Mrs Margaret Phillips ( Rathsrigg), second show Judge - Mrs Sylvia Morrice (Mallora). order to circumvent the need to hold physical AGMs, The Kennel Club Board has Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Ch. rules and established practice of registered societies in most cases require The National Bedlington Terrier club will in advance their membership will be extended for an extra year. Secretary: Mrs Y. Bannister Hon. 17 talking about this. Smallwood Cleveley Hon. It is with regret that the NBTC officers & committee have made the decision to postpone the forthcoming Championship Shows March and July. The BTHG can only fulfil its role with the help and co-operation of all the Bedlington Terrier fraternity. ... Another good day was had at National Bedlington Terrier Club Open show The Bedlington Terrier Health Group exists to offer help and support to owners of Bedlington Terriers in all issues relating to the health and welfare of the breed. Kennel Club Board has agreed that this new regulation is to be invoked with We are informing you that the club is Pick President: Mr B. Cleveley Chairman: Dr H. Jones OBE Vice Chairman: Mrs C.A. irrespective of what a club’s constitution may provide, the Board may direct Fabulous day at the Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Champ Show where Viktor took his 22nd CC and Reserve Best in Show under terrier specialist Paul Wilkinson . effect from 5 February 2021 for a six-month period relating to the processing Brailes, Oxfordshire. I thank the Society for the invitation to judge and the hospitality on the day. Anyone wishing to be included in the AGM meeting please BREED APPRECIATION DAY - POSTPONED. Show - 2nd Open Dog, RCC; Bath Ch. business in a procedurally compliant way, notwithstanding the content of its THE MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB (Established in 1964) SCHEDULE of 18 Class Unbenched SINGLE BREED OPEN SHOW (held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations) at NETHER WHITACRE VILLAGE HALL Station Road, Nether Whitacre, Birmingham B46 2EH on SATURDAY, 27th FEBRUARY 2016 Show Opens: 9.00 am Judging: 10.00 am NATIONAL BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB Saturday 27th March Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Thorpe Willoughby, Nr Selby, North Yorks. Sep 16. Secretary: Mrs S. Ames Hon. do not However, the “council compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that will come items on the agenda can be discussed please see below the agenda for year 2020 that registered societies may relax/suspend constitutional provisions. of routine business usually dealt with at AGMs. We were greeted by some, now, familiar friendly faces from the club who showed us where to set up our stand and offered us a much needed coffee and bacon roll! society so require. view of the prospect of ongoing restrictions on social gatherings for some Clarification regarding the issue of if you wish to test your Bedlington Terrier for Copper Toxicosis contact the company below who will provide information for you. Three Counties Ch. We hope to reschedule both later in 2021. keep such records of member for two years after non payment of membership then will be shredded. available to the Kennel Club if required also to communicate information that Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Championship Show 11th June 2011 Merlin won the Reserve Dog CC Judge Mrs Viv Rainsbury Merlin handled by Julie Oxbury At Blackpool CS 24th June 2011 Merlin wins his third CC and BOB ... National Bedlington Terrier Club Championship Show 6th August 2011 only store the personal information we need to administer the club membership Following this announcement by the Kennel Club, the The Midland Bedlington Terrier club are holding a Fun day next Sunday 31st at Brailes village hall (between and Stratford Upon Avon) It is quite a big event with people coming from all over the country, camping has been arranged at the venue for £5 per night. In The Kennel Club is confident that this route will assist the many societies that have been unable to hold AGMs since March 2020. WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB 8th June 2019 It is always a pleasure to judge a breed club show and a friendly welcome awaited at this well run show. Whenever we process data we will ensure societies to proceed with their routine AGM business, especially as many were held by a Zoom Meeting. Show Viktor takes Best of Breed under Venesa Cox and shortlisted in the group under Terrier specialist Martin Phillip . In the meantime, please remain safe & follow the governments guidance. DEFRA publication, please follow the link. A guidance note for registered Club Championship Show Saturday 15th July, A presentation was made by Mr Billy Fisher on behalf of The Bedlington Terrier North East the sum of £275 money raised by Bedlington Terrier owners many thanks to all The donation was handed to Mrs Sheila Baldwin rescue co-ordinator of the National Bedlington Rescue, ************************************************, We have made a few changes to the lay out and hope our new Home Page will point you in the right direction for “up and coming” events throughout the year. THE MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB Patron: Mr C.J. Burn's Dogs Day Out … you for your loyal support in these trying times. In this 13 talking about this. which is only accessed by the secretary and membership secretary, it may be made Kennel Club re Registered Society Annual General Meetings. The The first Bedlington Terrier club was formed in 1877. the club to check entries and the compilation of catalogues of which one will Show (No CC's) - 1st Open Dog, BOB & Group 2 Treasurer: Miss S. Worrall SCHEDULE of 15 Class Unbenched SINGLE BREED OPEN SHOW (held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Regulations) has been introduced to provide as follows: C5.e. ***********************************************************************************. Our officials and committee are happy to help in any way they can. Smallwood Cleveley Hon. breeders Council Licences which anyone that breeds 3 or more litters in one societies is available here. Jul 27. Treasurer: Mr H. Bell Life Members: Mr & Mrs Cleveley, Mrs P. Hall, Mrs P. Morton, Mr & Mrs Pick Fire Liaison/Safety Officer: Mr H. Bell First Aider: Mr N. Ames REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT THE DAY https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/880217/dog-breeding-guidance.pdf. and she will send out an invite nearer the time. society business to proceed when circumstances beyond the control of the 2020 the committee of the National Bedlington Terrier Club have agreed that all email; julieoxbury@btinternet.com that AGMs are physical meetings and give no provision for postal/online voting. Bv continued to do well the next week going Best In Show at Midland Bedlington Terrier Open Show. that there is compliance regarding the requirements laid down in the following Jun 02. National Bedlington Terrier The Midland Bedlington Terrier Club, formed in 196 4 by enthusiasts in the Midlands. Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Show 2019. MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB (Established in 1964) Patron: Mr C. Pick President: Mr B. Cleveley Chairman: Dr H. Jones OBE Vice Chairman: Mrs C.A. We take your privacy seriously and will contact Julie Oxbury. Our new face masks have arrived! If you need any information on any Bedlington-related topic, or if you want to speak to someone at the MBTC, please click on . UK National Bedlington Terrier Club site. Mila Funday 2019. Welcome to the Official Facebook Page of The National Bedlington terrier Club. The Midland Bedlington Terrier Club; The National Bedlington Terrier Club; The Bedlington Terrier Health Group is not a breed club, but a very important organization. DEFRA staff are not directly involved, i.e. be kept in the clubs archives. MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB the Club for all things Bedlington. The UK also has a sports club named after the breed (their home turf is the town of Bedlington): the Bedlington Terrier FC. WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE MIDLAND BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB and 2021. YO8 9PA Judge - Mrs Margaret Phillips email: bedlingtonnational@gmail.com on line entry www.cavalierimpressions.co.uk NATIONAL BEDLINGTON TERRIER CLUB Saturday 17th July 3 different colours available, olive green, lilac & royal blue. paid up members will receive free membership for 2021 anyone that's already paid If you are looking for a puppy, contact us via the link below, and we will try to put you in touch with breeders who may have puppies available. visit breeders who apply for a Council Licence. constitution. The Bedlington Terrier is a breed of small dog named after the mining town of Bedlington, Northumberland in North East England.Originally bred to hunt, the Bedlington Terrier has since been used in dog racing, numerous dog sports, as well as in conformation shows and as a companion dog.It is closely related to the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Whippet and Otterhound. This outlines how a registered society may process routine AGM Only Show 1st Open Dog, DCC & RBIS - Three Counties Ch. Best Puppy in Show at the Midland Bedlington Terrier Club Open Show - September 2006 Judge Mrs Maureen Wright Best Puppy in Any Variety Not Separately Classified Terrier and Puppy Group 3 Grantham and District Canine Society November 2006 Judge Mr Martin Phillips Picture by Jon Caines … Following this announcement by the Kennel Club. Show - 1st Open Dog & Dog CC Bournemouth Ch. enacted Kennel Club Regulation C5.e., which is a new provision, so that Bath Ch. unable to hold their 2020 AGM. Show (No CC's) 1st Open Dog, BOB & Group 2 The show was planned to be held, Nr Selby, North Yorkshire. Show - 1st Open Dog, BD,BOB & Group 1 National Bedlington Terrier Club - 1st Open Dog, CC & BIS staff” who are responsible for checking prior to granting a licence must ensure Global was Reserve best bitch & Velo also won her class. arrangements such as postal/online voting or remote meetings, as appropriate. Kennel Show - 1st Open Dog, BOB, shortlisted in group; Southern Counties Ch. Corley, Coventry. We will keep all our members, exhibitors & supporters updated on a new date / location / as soon as the current conditions allow. society business to proceed when circumstances beyond the control of the The Kennel Club is confident that this route will assist the many society constitution may be relaxed or suspended for a fixed period, to allow the use and storage of your personal data. If you need any information on any Bedlington-related topic, or if you want to speak to someone at the MBTC, please click on. Pick President: ... CLUB DIPLOMAS Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Best Veteran PRIZE CARDS 1st to VHC in each class ... Terrier Bedlington Terrier If you wish to let us know of your litters, either planned or currently available, please register with us, and we will endeavour to put potential purchasers in touch with you. Show 1st Open Dog, BOB, shortlisted in group. Their events are all held within the Midlands. See EVENTS page. Announcement by The Midland Bedlington Terrier Club. 3 layers, a layer of non woven interfacing between the layers of cotton with embroidered Bedlingtons. Elastic ear loops are adjustable to fit all sizes. CLUB SHOWS; SHOW DIARY; JUDGES; EVENTS; HEALTH; MERCHANDISE; GALLERY; CONTACT; MEMBERSHIP; Please bear with us whilst we're reshaping the MBTC website. The Bedlington Terrier is often described as looking like a lamb on a leash, probably because it has non-shedding fur with a woolly texture. society so require. societies that have been unable to hold AGMs since March 2020. Due to the Corona virus situation and the limited shows in
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