234 Basidiomycete Fungi Phylum Basidiomycota. 4. Bottom line is you need both books if you’re serious about learning the New England lichens. A lichen (pronounced li'ken) is a dual organism consisting of a fungus and a photosynthetic alga or blue-green alga (cyanobaterium) which live in close association. The main reason I started this site was to help with lichen identification by providing good photos of lichens that are found in the British Isles (or the Islands of Great Britain and Ireland, if you prefer). Lichens They are a fascinating group to record as they can be found just about anywhere (trees, stones, walls, pavements, fenceposts, etc.) Lace lichen’s range stretches from Alaska to Baja California. All 412. Click on photos for larger version. Lichen Identification Lichen is a special association between a fungus and an alga. In the middle decades of the 20th century A. H. Norton, J. C. Parlin, J. C. Lepore, E. C. Ogden, and C. D. Richards were the major collectors, and recent collectors include T. Sullivan, L. Biazrov, and J. and P. Hinds. The Richard Homola Fungal Collection of Maine is housed in 2 Winslow Hall (basement) at the University of Maine. Abundance weighted means of pH, Ca, and moisture content of peat are given for the 48 most frequently occurring bryophyte and lichen species. 2. On lichens (13) Carbonate rock (9) Conifers (6) Palm leaf base (1) Isidia None (639) Present (82) Ciliate (5) KOH followed by Chlorine turns medula No reaction (306) Red (33) Pink (20) Purple (4) KOH turns medulla No reaction (277) Yellow (48) Yellow turning red (20) Blood red (16) Purple (13) Orange (5) Pinkish brown (4) Dark pink (1) Lobe surface pattern Solid (242) It is hard to pick up identification skills on one's own and easy to get onto the wrong track, so beginners should seek help in getting started. Spiders found in Maine include 39 unique species from confirmed sightings by contributing members of Spider ID. The fungus forms the main body of the lichen, providing an upper surface that protects the alga underneath, while the alga manufactures food using the energy of sunlight (photosynthesis). Entities in the lichen keys can be considered as a lichen species or lower-level taxa. Review by Steve Trudell. Among the collectors represented are Bruce Allen, Rachel Lowe, John Parlin and Eric Sorenson. A database of the information on specimen labels plus some information about the specimen (such as whether it has flowers) has been created for the approximately 45,000 specimens of vascular plants of Maine. Foraging & Identifying Usnea Lichen. To collect lichens, first you must obtain permission to collect them from the landowner. Oakmoss growing on pines have a pronounced turpentine odor that is valued in certain perfume compositions. There are even species of lichen that are found only on driftwood. Lichen Collection and Identification Collection. They play an important role in our natural ecosystems and can let us know when those ecosystems are in trouble. Dr. Homola's collection is supported by an extensive photographic slide collection of these groups and other fungi. These substances act as an important character for identification of lichens. It consists of about 10,000 specimens with a strong emphasis on the Basidiomycota (including rusts of Maine) and Ascomycota. The most important environmental gradients of Maine peatlands are geologic substrate and alkalinity. I want to provide pictures where you can zoom in close and see the detail. The vascular plants in the University of Maine Herbaria are roughly half from Maine and half from outside Maine. The lichen collection at the University of Maine Herbarium consists of approximately 3000 specimens, with about 80% from Maine and 20% from other parts of North America. They are not always easy to see—to the naked eye they might look like a dark stain on the otherwise sun-bleached surface of the driftwood. Most are from Maine, but there are many from other localities. Learn about lichen biology with this article. A number of rare species for Maine are in the collection. Common lichens and fungi of the Maine coast. The Lichen Color Chart shows the variability in lichen colors. Alphabetical by display name. Field guides to the macrolichens (foliose and fruticose) usually identify the species by substrate first, then by growth form followed by color. The late Dr. Richard Homola was the primary collector for 30 years. To see photos of them, as well as numerous photos of lichen mixtures, lichens from a distance in the landscape, lichens as used by animals and people, lichen anatomy and other lichen-related topics go to the Lichens Home Page on the Sharnoff Photography website. Lichens come in an infinite array of colors, sizes, and forms. Health and safety information. Hover over for species name. The moss collection contains approximately 2000 specimens of mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Lace lichen, Ramalina menziesii, is easily recognized. Apply the reagent solutions* to the lichen’s cortex or medull a (or both) using a small glass needle. A tiny lichen species lives on the shells of barnacles (Collemopsidium halodytes) growing on rocks in the intertidal zone. A pictorial index to species gallery photos. HPLC 40. Crusty lichens Leafy lichens Bushy lichens Leaf-like lobes closely or Mosses - About 2,000 specimens from Maine. By far the best way to start identifying lichens is by attending one or more workshop, course, or field trip led by an experienced lichenologist. Lichen species are tremendously variable, with many structures unlike plants and fungi. They usually live on soil, bark, leaves and wood and can live in barren and unwelcoming environments, including the Arctic and in deserts. Lichens produce unique and unusual organic compounds that aid their survival and can have antibiotic, antiviral and other chemotherapeutic activities. They may be pale or bright coloured and commonly occur in three forms: Closely attached as if pressed on the bark. You must be ethical when you collect. Most lichens are gray or brown when dry. They usually live on soil, bark, leaves and wood and can live in barren and unwelcoming environments, including the Arctic and in deserts. H.M. JAHNS, in The Lichens, 1973 A Color of the Thallus. For further information about the fungal collections at the University of Maine please contact Dr. Seanna Annis 581-2621 (sannis@maine.edu). From the field to the lab, we take a brief look at how lichens are identified by sight and by chemical spot tests. Along the edge of this lichen is a row of tiny black spore producing structures called pycnidia. Lichen, any of about 15,000 species of plantlike organisms that consist of a symbiotic association of algae (usually green) or cyanobacteria and fungi. Lichens are interesting organisms. Initially, the list of entities remaining will include all those lichens included in the key. A database of the information on mosses specimen labels has been created for the moss collection. Observe the colour 3. Then it is on to collecting your specimens. 2 Zygote Fungi Phylum Zygomycota. 176 Ascomycete Fungi Phylum Ascomycota. A database of the information on lichen specimen labels is being created for the lichen collection. Lichens grow slowly and take a long time to cover an area. Lichens produce unique and unusual organic compounds that aid their survival and can have antibiotic, antiviral and other chemotherapeutic activities. Alphabetical by scientific name. Wait at least half a minute before concluding that the test is negative. Microcrystalography 3. It is pale green and dangles in strips from trees. For accurate identification, it is critical to understand these characteristics. They are diverse, adaptable, functional, and little understood. Another feature that is critical to observe with a 10x loupe relates to how the lichens reproduce asexually by vegetative means (the major reproductive strategy). In Deering Hall, there is also a collection of over 150 specimens of zoosporic fungi maintained by Dr. Joyce Longcore at the University. Lichen identification for beginners. Keep a separate needle for each reagent. TLC 4. Lichen Flora of Greece version 17­Sep­2020 Page 5 Introduction Scope This is the first lichen Flora written for Greece. Many species are brightly colored by incrustations of special lichen … Entries are listed below in alphabetical order (A-to-Z). Click to see the picture. The fungus forms the main Similar species: two other species of this genus can only be identified by their chemistry. What is a lichen? Lichens are not plants, but bizarre, barely understood mixed organisms in a mutual co-operation: half fungus, half alga, and sometimes home to cyanobacteria too. It is important to remember that spiders seen in Maine are not bound by the territorial lines decided on by humans, therefore their distribution is subject to change. Identification of Compounds… Lichen Spot tests Procedure 1. This book review appeared in the September-October 2014 issue of The Mycophile. Lichens are beautiful, especially when you view a lichen-drenched Douglas-fir or a colorful crust-covered cliff, and up close when viewed under a hand-lens or microscope. Foliose; Fruiticose – These delicate, slow-growing lichens often resemble clumps of greenish hairs, dangling from tree branches or trunks. Other gradients are coastal-inland climate, moisture content of the peat, P and K concentrations, and shade. In wet thalli the color of the algae can be seen more distinctly through the cortex and these lichens become more or less green. Maine, vegetation: Author Name: Lauren Holbrook: Date created (MM/DD/YYYY): 06/11/2006: Media Type: Photo: File Size: 1188 KB: Date added: Jul 27, 2006: Dimensions: 1800 x 1200 pixels: Displayed: 799 times: Downloaded: 11 times : Image Description: Lichen along hiking trail on western side of Acadia National Park, Maine: Color Space: sRGB: Components Configuration: YCbCr In addition, approximately 240 species are illustrated in both books and having two photos helps one appreciate the variation within a species. He collected a wide diversity of Basidiomycota with particular strengths in the Agaricales and Boletes of Maine. Taxonomy. Lichens - about 3,000 specimens, primarily from Maine. Details. The Richard Homola Fungal Collection- about 10,000 specimens from North America with emphasis on Maine Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. Guide order. ), Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), Mapping, Remote Sensing, and Geospatial Data. In this film, we learn about the structure and function of lichen, as well as the three main growth forms and how to identify di... "What actually is a lichen?" Sw. renlav) or grey reindeer lichen, is a light-colored, fruticose species of lichen, belonging to the family Cladoniaceae.It grows in both hot and cold climates in well-drained, open environments. What are lichens? The alga or bacterium produces simple sugars from photosynthesis and the fungus creates a structural matrix, the thallus, in which to house its powerhouse ‘guest’. Definition: A lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria (or both) living among filaments of a fungus in a symbiotic relationship.The combined life form has properties that are very different from the properties of its component organisms. Lichens -- which are often mistaken for moss -- are unusual plant-like organisms that are actually symbioses of fungi, algae and bacteria living together. Other species of bearded lichen in Maine include bushy beard lichen (Usnea strigosa), boreal beard lichen (Usnea subfloridana) and bristly beard lichen (Usnea hirta). As with our other list pages, you can click on the small 'X' in each entry to remove unneeded/unwanted entries in the result. For further information contact Jim or Pat Hinds (jwhplh@agate.net). Lichens … The lichen collection at the University of Maine Herbarium consists of approximately 3000 specimens, with about 80% from Maine and 20% from other parts of North America. Oakmoss should be avoided by people with known skin sensitization issues. Foliose lichen, brown with greenish areas, on twigs and trunks. It’s sometimes confused with Old Man’s Beard ( Usnea sp. The earliest lichen specimens were collected by Joseph Blake starting in 1851; other early collectors, at the turn of the century, were E. D. Merrill, B. Fink, and C. Cummings. Foliose – These lichens often resemble foliage, anchored to the substrate at one spot in each leafy lobe. Foliose lichen that has one point of attachment, at the center of the body, brown, on rocks. For example, there are five species whose only known herbarium collections from Maine are at this herbarium. Welcome to British Lichens. Lichens produced 1000s of secondary metabolites. The photosynthetic partner manufactures food for the whole lichen and the fungus provides a stable, protective environment for its alga. Crusty lichens are difficult to identify, so are not included in this survey. As features are chosen the list of entities remaining will decrease and discarded entities are … Cladonia rangiferina, also known as reindeer lichen (cf. Natural variation, environmental influences and whether the lichen is wet or dry make it difficult to place a species within the categories shown below with certainty. Lichen Species Photos I have photos of about 1,250 different species of lichens. Usnea is a lichen that grows worldwide on the bark of trees, usually conifers, but can also be found on oak, hickory, walnut, and apple trees.. The list below showcases all Maine Insects (931 Found) currently in the InsectIdentification.org database. It is not as easy as it sounds. The lichen has a distinct and complex odor and can be described as woody, sharp and slightly sweet. They are found worldwide and occur in a variety of environmental conditions. Public domain. It often grows in long beard like strands, which is where it got the nicknames Old Man’s Beard and Beard Lichen. Unlike mosses and flowering plants, lichens do not have green leaves or a stem. A coloured rating followed by an exclamation mark denotes that different ID difficulties apply to either males and females or to the larvae - see the species page for more detail. ), which is also pale green and dangly. Image Dimensions: 1704 x 2272. (Credit: Jim Bennett, USGS. Vascular Plants - almost 100,000 specimens, about one half of which are from Maine, with specimens dating back to 1849 and making up the most comprehensive sample of the Maine flora. The earliest lichen specimens were collected by Joseph Blake starting in 1851; other early collectors, at the turn of the century, were E. D. Merrill, B. Fink, and C. Cummings. Most of them are unique to the lichen and not available in any other plant groups. The collection includes an exsicatta of Maine mosses from Bruce Allen and Ronald A. Pursell of the Missouri Botanical Garden and part of an 1856 exsicatta, Musci Boreali-Americani, from W. S. Sullivant and L. Lesquereux. Location Taken: Main It can be identified by performing certain tests:- 1. Colour spot test 2. Specimens date from the 1850's and include some collections of Merritt L. Fernald and Kate Furbish. This lichen, Lobaria pulmonaria, is found in northern North America, where it is becoming rare in places. Major contributors to the JBS collection include E. C. Bicknell, C. S. Campbell, L. Coburn, G. D. Chamberlain, L. M. Eastman, K. Furbish, F. Hyland, E. C. Ogden, C. D. Richards, and G. B. Rossbach. Maine specimens make up the Josselyn Botanical Society (JBS) of Maine plant collection and represent probably the most comprehensive collection of the Maine flora.
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