I work with your doctor and caregivers so that you have the time and space to make good choices for yourself and family. I will see a naturopath from now on. She was in a nursing home. I shared that I would be taking a copy of my chart and he went to the office staff to get it prepared. Genuine feel for your level of morality was left in vulnerable state. Most importantly, we need to be stronger advocates not only with our MDs but the politicians who allow the nonsense of Corporate America running our health care. Uttering the words “self-pay” is met with a very heavy, meaningful, silence on the other end of the phone. People definitely have to try DIFFERENT hospitals and doctors and healthcare workers, before finding even close to the right ones. Are you and your potty mouth going to start treating sick people? Well that’s sad because wouldn’t it be a shame if the doctors went through all that school just for the public to go “search for medical advice elsewhere”. The US citizen. I am older and have medical issues and the care is horrible. Why would the quality get worse? Will you tell me what you’re doing? In addition, she ignored the test results I brought with me showing I had contracted Coxsackie B1 and B3 in the past year or two–misreading them, as the type of testing I was given only shows the level of positive results the testing revealed if an infection is fairly recent. And there IS a way. Bang on, if someone needs and is asking for help almost on the knees but they are unhappy with there weight.. they should be put on a weight programme, not told your weight is fine do you want meds and here’s counselling.. lol waste of time money motives with evil lol I won’t stand in line, I was troubled by this I’m sure many others have stay strong . If you really believe that most doctors don’t care about profit more than their patients health then you are severely naive and sheltered. You need not be a member just tell them at the door you are just there for the pharmacy only. Many doctors are perhaps afraid that their authority on the subject has been challenged. Even so, not one Canadian in 100 would trade their system for the US system! Because women have smaller bones with a thinner cortex and smaller diameter, they are more vulnerable to developing osteoporosis. The real reasons patients do not trust or respect doctors is because they treat patients like a laboratory experiment undeserving of human compassion or rights. Boys with late puberty generally have less bone mass for life than those who start puberty at the typical time, about age 11 1/2. Encouraging feedback mechanisms from patients may provide data that can be used for improvements. The list is endless . Is that their criteria for success? The whole thing was 15-20 minutes. My specialists felt I should confront him regarding this visit. There is no way I will survive another half year as my condition is getting worse as time goes on, and its only a matter of time before it becomes lethal. Go take sandbox 101, learn how to play fair and treat people decently, train your staff to be kind and respectful of sick people and realize they are human beings just like you. People see it. So I returned for another office visit to only speak to him. Another one had bad reviews. He said we will remove her gallbladder ASAP. They seem to not want to write out sick notes for more than two days in advance no matter how sick you are, necessitating going back to the doctor’s office and paying another copay. They go for the most basic diagnosis, give you some medicine to suppress symptoms for a few weeks, but never actually get to the root of any problem. Are they supposed to/allowed to? In the past, estrogen replacement therapy was frequently used to protect aging women from bone loss. Lately, I’ve started wondering if treatment would be different if I simply didn’t indicate my diagnosis and medications on my history for new doctors. 4. It needs to be overthrown. Somewhere in the early ‘80’s MDs wanted us to participate in our own health care and actually have conversations with them. A new group absorbed his patient load. But I am a professional, and I have seen way too many deaths by doctor. If your ONLY priority isn’t saving lives and mainting people’s health then you are a part of the problem that keeps this system broken. My only health issue is minor hypertension, which generic medication keeps well regulated. When my social work program found out that I had depression, they kicked me out! I have a nerve condition. I’ve web on prednisone since 2000 my last Scots assistant was a fatty hating bully who blamed all my problems asthma, epilepsy, bronchitis on fat, I tried to tell her I dont spend my days stuffing my face with pizza, but she called me a lier & I had a big fight with her in febuary2017 I walked out on her that day for next 2 months I was so depressed was afraid o eat, later that fall I had an epileptic incident & injured my knee, I chose to forgo prescription pain killers didn’t want drug addict on my record the pain & stiffness lasted untill june. Yeah, there are already far too many of those, but far more would come if they could, since they’d be paid more here – this proves that there are artificial barriers to entry and that it’s not about the market/price/salary. Unfortunately, they aren’t telling them the truth. that’s because americans love to go to emergency rooms for trivial reasons. And these were doctors who had probably operated on people when they were high and wrote scripts to themselves and did all manner of horrible things and yet they still somehow saw themselves as better. The paternalism and the concept that doctors know what’s best for us are severely outdated yet it is still widespread.I wonder sometimes if doctor disillusionment comes from flaws in training because from the other side, many of us agree many things you are taught are not best for us. I have told them multiple times she does not like the feeding tube, because due to all her ulcer surgeries, it’s like she almost has PTSD from it. I’m a doctor!” I was so disgusted. I am a victim of sexual emotional and physical abuse at the hands of doctors, as well as his prescription that resulted in stomach ulcers and seratonin syndrome. Start addressing what we need to regain the trust of patients. Adolescent pregnancy. Now I am on 6 different medications (not including the two I was on) & two creams for my itching. now go away we’ve got your money! At the end of puberty, men have about 50% more body calcium than women. Our doctors are poisoning Healthcare. Hold everyone accountable to their jobs, Even doctors. I even had a doctor in Utah tell me to pray away my Epilepsy and another one that tapped my knee with a hammer and that was it…what year are we in 1410? I can’t find a regular medical dr. The research shows that there is no improvement in life expectency or any improvement in quality of life for patients who start PD early (meaning prior to GFR < 8). Beware of doctors , rather than of wolves! I wish others felt this way about medicine especially because now that marijuana is legal to study people are filing patents on compounds for medicine. Rabies is a universally fatal disease. Combining drugs without consulting a pharmacist is a recipe for death by doctor. You all believe that your so smart in reality your supporting staff is smarter and more professional then you’ll ever be. Thus, people can respect each other because wages are kept reasonable and each person has a job that is respected. Like a nasty mafia. My mom moved from the province I was born in to another province. Face it your doctor didn’t go to medical school to help people, they went to eventually make a bunch of money. The doctor’s “caring” about patients is a facade. I don’t know when that happens. Over and over and over and over (and on and on) I was given one patently ridiculous disgnosis after another. The funny thing about the whole socialized medicine push is that you would have a hard time getting even its most staunch champions to deny that private insurance will always provide better care. This is mentally and financially devastating and this would not be allowed in any other industry/profession. They will just dismiss continuously and for years any complaints and concerns. Some Doctors do not care, and that shows in their bed side manner. The consensus making system in medicine is broken. We *cannot* blame government, because the *responsibilty* to guide governance, falls solely on doctors and the medical community itself. in jamaica, we only go to hospital if we are dying. Genes play a large role in how much peak bone we have. Luckily for me, I started vomiting and figured it out. The patient gives their gold to a middle-man, who then dictates the terms of the transaction, that both you and your doctor have to follow. Half the doctors I have had are from other countries and can barely speak English- after waiting half a year to be seen how can I just “reschedule” with someone else??? They basically do to the brain and neck what interventional cardiologists do to the heart: non-surgical intervention; mainly to treat aneurysms. Siela, I had tried three times at three different medical facilities but was rebuffed and ignored!!! Leeches all of them. I would often get pains in my stomach and eventually throw up. Help the medical field get back to being truly one of the most selfless careers out there by being selfless and helping the people who need it. I hope this helps you. I no longer care if live a short life. Note I said “working in the same facility”, not “working with” as in my experience, if your name is not followed by “PhD” and another abbreviation indicating your specialty doctors DO NOT “work with” you. I have insurance and everything, but it was all pointless because nobody was willing or able to help me anyways. You didn’t have illness A. Silly us, let’s treat illness B. I told the receptionist I didn’t have time to wait and that my dad hasn’t moved in 15 hours. As I reviewed the EMR I continued to be shocked by the multiple inaccurate entries throughout. When I was finally called in, the doctor (ironically someone who saw me in the past but was nasty; she didn’t remember me but I remembered her) wouldn’t even look at my ankle – she said it was fine and that I could walk, that, because of my brain injury, it was tricking me (I couldn’t; I ended up buying a special boot to where while my ankle healed). Anyhow, he was more interested in asking me if I felt depressed, if I had problems sleeping, if I felt like I overeat, if I ever felt suicidal? And when the prescription ran out and they sent a request to his office, they never sent a new prescription. Talk about predators… I have a bird’s-eye view of doctors from a patient’s perspective, as well as from their “High and Mighty” platform. I feel incredibly unsafe dealing with today’s “providers” because they do not seem to listen or care. Dr’s need to be barred from even saying that word . I was home sick over two weeks and was under doctor’s care. I guess my husband being 80 was not worth saving. It’s a mouthful, I know! Unfortunately, I broke my own promise when I was taken there last week because someone was concerned I was going to commit suicide.
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