THE CONTEXT Jesus' death is imminent, but his concern is for the disciples rather than himself. It is emphatically royal. Some may serve God in ecclesiastical duties, others in the private duties of religion, and those of daily life. They begged him to come into the parlour, and at last he consented on the condition that John should sit at the same table. Where Christ was we must be. This is the word of God. The object contemplated — the loftiest at which man can aim — the evangelization of the world. All right-minded men esteem it an honour to dispense blessings, but Christians are channels of the living waters of salvation.4. (2) But if He thus shared His comforts among His disciples, He expected them to share His discomforts. A. (2) The Spirit led Him to be tempted of the devil; don't think that temptation is a mark of being out of Christ. This, however, depends upon the dignity of the person we serve. "(5)Was maintained by prayer.2. If you cannot serve Christ in one way you can in another — the servant in the household, the nurse in the hospital, the merchant in the rectitude of his dealings. They are His servants without terms or conditions as to the kind, quantity, time or place of service. It is a voluntary service. This is the Church's mission today.3. Already they have in possession the highest good, and in prospect an "inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away." The solace of His sorrow is the obedience of His people. The solace of His sorrow is the obedience of His people. )Christian serviceH. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. Christ "emptied Himself," etc.2. Spurgeon. )If any man serve Me, him will My Father honour. There is elevation in the very nature of Christian service. God honours those who serve His Son —1. Archimedes said that if he could find a fulcrum he would make a lever that would lift the world. (1) One says, I should like to do something to prove that I really would obey my Lord. Jones. By success in whatever he may attempt. Imitate Him, then, and go about doing good. (2) But if He thus shared His comforts among His disciples, He expected them to share His discomforts. This, however, depends upon the dignity of the person we serve. The solace of His sorrow is the obedience of His people. If you cannot serve Christ in one way you can in another — the servant in the household, the nurse in the hospital, the merchant in the rectitude of his dealings. They are not derived from noble descent, magnificence, dominion, etc. Yes, the proud emperor and philosopher would have Him sup with them, but still He says, "No, I was with the poor and afflicted when I was on earth, and I will be with them to the end, and when the great feast is made in heaven the humble shall sit with Me, and the poor and despised who were not ashamed of Me, of them will I not be ashamed when I come into the glory of My Father, and all My holy angels with Me."(C. It was not placed in trifles. "Where I am," etc. It was wise. S. Yes, the proud emperor and philosopher would have Him sup with them, but still He says, "No, I was with the poor and afflicted when I was on earth, and I will be with them to the end, and when the great feast is made in heaven the humble shall sit with Me, and the poor and despised who were not ashamed of Me, of them will I not be ashamed when I come into the glory of My Father, and all My holy angels with Me."(C. They are His diligent servants, satisfied with no measure of duty, wrestling against a slothful and indolent disposition, and forgetting the things that are behind, in going on unto perfection. There is no one who ought to be so trusted, loved, and obeyed.2. It was not placed in trifles. John 10:17, 18; 15:13; Galatians 2:20). He is sick — it is a contagious fever — his companion nurses him — puts the cooling liquid to his mouth — and waits on him with a mother's care. Distinguished signs of approbation.3. Turn, then, to Christ's idea — service true and lasting.1. We are to follow Christ as a Master. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE CHARACTER AND CONDUCT OF A SERVANT OF CHRIST TO FOLLOW HIM. He does not follow the teachers of false opinions in religion, in philosophy, or in morals, with whatever specious sophisms, or seductive eloquence, their notions may be advanced and supported. They are His diligent servants, satisfied with no measure of duty, wrestling against a slothful and indolent disposition, and forgetting the things that are behind, in going on unto perfection. Those engaged in it are "a royal priesthood." 2. Many deny to serve themselves; but "ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," etc. What does it mean to "take up" the "cross"? We are to follow Him as an example. "Ye call me Master and Lord," said Jesus to His disciples, "and ye say well, for so I am" (John 13:13). If you would serve Him don't say this is not essential; it is not a servant's business to determine that. It raises to all the privileges of an adopted sonship.3. Would we be Christ's followers? But Christian self-denial makes man truly great.3. We are to imitate His holy life. To bear Christ's name and to wear His livery without serving Him is despicable. We may serve Him —1. Jones. If He were here now there would be nothing which we would not do for Him, so we say. Hand and head and heart, time and influence and wealth must be laid on His altar.4. This atones for worldly neglect and contempt.3. Some may serve God in ecclesiastical duties, others in the private duties of religion, and those of daily life. The gratification of animal appetites, the desire for social pleasures, the love of distinction. They are His servants without terms or conditions as to the kind, quantity, time or place of service. We are to follow Him as an example. All right-minded men esteem it an honour to dispense blessings, but Christians are channels of the living waters of salvation.4. The death of the deceased Sultan was therefore concealed, and a secret message despatched to the prince to hasten at once to the capital. The servant keeps his eye upon his master, and avoiding all other persons, and all other streets, treads in his footsteps, and presses as closely as possible to him. Follow Him there. In this world. A. Many deny to serve themselves; but "ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," etc. Self-denial tightens the hold and retains possession. H. 1. His boon companions? Think of that in the constancy of its exercise, the depth of its intensity, the fulness of its abundance, the felicity of its influence, and the munificence of its bestowment, and you will feel with Paul, "the love of Christ constraineth," etc.II. The relation between the Saviour and His servants is tender, intimate, mysterious. "Hatred" of life is not misanthropy. H. You may count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed. He is the free man who serves God. THE COURSE OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE. This is true of poets, statesmen, etc., but of none so much as Christ. Jesus never made present success the ground of His life. I have heard that a noted Methodist preacher, who commenced his ministry very early in life, suffered not a little at first because of his humble origin and unpromising exterior. THE SERVICE OF CHRIST.1. There is elevation in the very nature of Christian service. They are not derived from noble descent, magnificence, dominion, etc. There is no one who ought to be so trusted, loved, and obeyed.2. Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 10, 2020 | 1,250 views. Its motive. These qualities arise from character and conduct, and are independent of the judgments of men. It is emphatically royal. Some may serve God in ecclesiastical duties, others in the private duties of religion, and those of daily life. Jesus never made present success the ground of His life. C. Trumbull, D. D.)The honour God confers upon those who serve ChristC. Let there not be a foe before whose face you would fear to plead His cause. Just observe for a moment whom a Christian does not follow. He shall have such peace and fellowship that this honour shall be apparent. And now, if we shall be with Christ, the King's Son, if we shall suffer with Him, and be reproached with Him, if we shall follow Him anywhere and everywhere, making no choice about the way, whether it shall be rough or smooth — if we can go with Him to prison and to death, then we shall be the men whom heaven's King delighteth to honour. In this world. Then youâre ready to share this message in your church next Sunday! )LinksJohn 12:24 NIVJohn 12:24 NLTJohn 12:24 ESVJohn 12:24 NASBJohn 12:24 KJVJohn 12:24 Bible AppsJohn 12:24 ParallelJohn 12:24 Biblia ParalelaJohn 12:24 Chinese BibleJohn 12:24 French BibleJohn 12:24 German BibleJohn 12:24 CommentariesBible Hub, (b)The duration of its existence — eternal. The master who is served. After 1800 years there is more power in it than when He saved the dying thief.II. (1) In the midst of the Church. As essential workers, we continue to bring home a well deserved paycheck, where many in the labor force have not seen money in over ten months. And for whom does the sinner send on his death bed? It is not a condition of serfdom. The serving man was surprised to see the minister in the kitchen when he came from labour. )LinksJohn 12:24 NIVJohn 12:24 NLTJohn 12:24 ESVJohn 12:24 NASBJohn 12:24 KJVJohn 12:24 Bible AppsJohn 12:24 ParallelJohn 12:24 Biblia ParalelaJohn 12:24 Chinese BibleJohn 12:24 French BibleJohn 12:24 German BibleJohn 12:24 CommentariesBible Hub. Studying it, mastering it, loving it, practising it.2. Crucifying the flesh, keeping the body under, enduring persecution for Christ's sake — the seed of "much fruit." The relation between the Saviour and His servants is tender, intimate, mysterious. 1. This stands true to us. It was disinterested. (3) After he is dead. John Lightfoot's Commentary on the Gospels 24. Association with Jesus. (Weekly Pulpit.)Self-denialJ. It is great and honourable in itself. Christ "emptied Himself," etc.2. We are to follow Him as an example. In the faith we hold. THE COURSE OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE. He tells them that that grain of wheat can't do what it is supposed to do -- which is grow into a plant -- unless it stops being a grain … Whoever heard of such conditions. Stand back ye peers of heaven's realm Here comes the man; he was poor, mean, and afflicted; but he was with My Son, and was like My Son. "(5)Was maintained by prayer.2. H. Spurgeon.We will suppose that the Prince of Wales is wrecked on a certain voyage, and is cast on shore with only one companion. )The Christian a follower of ChristJ. By crowning their labours with success. In the faith we hold. The servant of Christ has honour at the hands of his family, his business connections, his neighbourhood, after he is gone.2. 1. II. How great an abasement! So on they went till the Monday morning, for "John was with me at the beginning, and he shall be with me to the end." )If any man serve Me, him will My Father honour. Association with Jesus. I. When the sermon was over there were many invitations for the minister to come home, and the hostess, fearful of losing her now honoured guest, begged he would walk home with her, when, to her surprise, he said, "I supped with John, I slept with John, I breakfasted with John, I walked here with John, and I'll walk home with John." THIS LIFE OF SERVICE WILL BE CROWNED WITH DIVINE HONOURS.1. And now, if we shall be with Christ, the King's Son, if we shall suffer with Him, and be reproached with Him, if we shall follow Him anywhere and everywhere, making no choice about the way, whether it shall be rough or smooth — if we can go with Him to prison and to death, then we shall be the men whom heaven's King delighteth to honour. He shall have such peace and fellowship that this honour shall be apparent. (5) He comes into the black cloud of reproach; they say He has a devil and is mad. They are not derived from noble descent, magnificence, dominion, etc. H. Spurgeon.The motto of the Prince of Wales is "Ich dien — I serve; it should be the motto of every prince of the blood royal of heaven.I. When the sermon was over there were many invitations for the minister to come home, and the hostess, fearful of losing her now honoured guest, begged he would walk home with her, when, to her surprise, he said, "I supped with John, I slept with John, I breakfasted with John, I walked here with John, and I'll walk home with John." 3. The service of Christ is the only path of real honour; but it is the sure way to certain and glorious distinction.2. They are kings, albeit as yet uncrowned, but awaiting patiently their coronation.(J. Now the name of Christ is honoured, and kings and cardinals, popes and bishops, say, "Master, come and dine with us." THE HONOUR GOD CONFERS ON CHRIST'S SERVANTS.1. This atones for worldly neglect and contempt.3. Jesus — Divine and human — One in whom are associated the might of omnipotence and the tenderness of love, who strengthens the weakness of His servants and uniformly leads them to victory and reward. How animating to be associated with such — men at the head of their species, whatever the world may say. Jesus is one with the Father in Being and in love to man. He may forget God in thinking about God.(H. (1) At the judgment — from persecutors, the wicked, the devil himself. "For," he said, very properly, "John was with me in my humiliation, and I will not sit down to dine unless he be with me in my exaltation." PLAIN DIRECTIONS FOR A VERY HONOURABLE OFFICE.1. Archimedes said that if he could find a fulcrum he would make a lever that would lift the world. This is seen in the case of Christ. In one sense all men and all creatures are the servants of Christ: they are subject to the control of His power, the direction of His wisdom, the accomplishment of His purposes, and the manifestation of His glory. In suffering for His sake. Now the name of Christ is honoured, and kings and cardinals, popes and bishops, say, "Master, come and dine with us." This is the word of God. They begged him to come into the parlour, and at last he consented on the condition that John should sit at the same table. )The Christian a follower of ChristJ. The men who serve. Its motive. Not so here.1. They begged him to come into the parlour, and at last he consented on the condition that John should sit at the same table. They, indeed, are His servants in an eminent, but not in an exclusive sense. Spurgeon. And now, if we shall be with Christ, the King's Son, if we shall suffer with Him, and be reproached with Him, if we shall follow Him anywhere and everywhere, making no choice about the way, whether it shall be rough or smooth — if we can go with Him to prison and to death, then we shall be the men whom heaven's King delighteth to honour. (6) He comes to die. To bear Christ's name and to wear His livery without serving Him is despicable. The death of the deceased Sultan was therefore concealed, and a secret message despatched to the prince to hasten at once to the capital. He does not follow the teachers of false opinions in religion, in philosophy, or in morals, with whatever specious sophisms, or seductive eloquence, their notions may be advanced and supported. The relation between the Saviour and His servants is tender, intimate, mysterious. It is not a condition of serfdom. "THE GOSPEL OF JOHN" The Light Of The World (8:12) INTRODUCTION 1. Voluptuousness rusts the best talents, blunts the most undaunted courage, perverts the soundest judgment, and corrupts the purest heart. (2) Another says, "I would joyfully assist Him in His wants." (3) It destroys. The Old Testament had to be fulfilled; the disbelief that met Isaiahâs message was a foreshadowing of the disbelief that Jesus encountered. This is the word of God. These are ends which life itself will ultimately disdain. )Service and its rewardWeekly Pulpit.I. Christ's life was inspired with one aim — the elevation of mankind. To bear Christ's name and to wear His livery without serving Him is despicable. But it may be more properly said He serves Himself by them, than that they serve Him. In what views of Christ do His servants follow him? Being sent on the circuit plan to a certain house on a Saturday night, to be in readiness for preaching on the Sunday, the good woman, who did not like the look of him, sent him round to the kitchen. And now, if we shall be with Christ, the King's Son, if we shall suffer with Him, and be reproached with Him, if we shall follow Him anywhere and everywhere, making no choice about the way, whether it shall be rough or smooth — if we can go with Him to prison and to death, then we shall be the men whom heaven's King delighteth to honour. Nor can we wonder at that, for it is the great stumbling block of our day. We may serve Him —1. Archimedes said that if he could find a fulcrum he would make a lever that would lift the world. To bear Christ's name and to wear His livery without serving Him is despicable. He passes by all temptations to selfishness leading a life of self-consecration from Bethlehem to Calvary. )I.THE LEADER.II.THE FOLLOWER.III.THE JOURNEY.IV.THE DESTINATION.(S. Fare ill or well we are to have joint stock with Christ.III. Having no learning, when has there been a school or university, or philosophical system for a thousand years that has not been conscious of receiving its germ from Christ? "The fruit of the Spirit is love." ν - is the fourth of the Four Gospels of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jones. The serving man was surprised to see the minister in the kitchen when he came from labour. Think of that in the constancy of its exercise, the depth of its intensity, the fulness of its abundance, the felicity of its influence, and the munificence of its bestowment, and you will feel with Paul, "the love of Christ constraineth," etc.II. )I.THE LEADER.II.THE FOLLOWER.III.THE JOURNEY.IV.THE DESTINATION.(S. (2) In the world. This is the word of God. So when dinner came he was, of course, entreated to come into the chief room, for many friends wished to dine with this young minister, but no, he would dine in the kitchen; he had supped with John, he had breakfasted with John, and he would dine with John. Its motive. It has higher conceptions of life, sweeter sentiments of duty, aims at higher ends.III. To bear Christ's name and to wear His livery without serving Him is despicable. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE CHARACTER AND CONDUCT OF A SERVANT OF CHRIST TO FOLLOW HIM. If you cannot preach to thousands you can to tens, or to one, as He did by Jacob's well. The master who is served. III. But much of this is mere sentiment. Distinguished signs of approbation.3. (2) Throughout eternity. PLAIN DIRECTIONS FOR A VERY HONOURABLE OFFICE.1. It is emphatically royal. We are to follow Him as an example. By success in whatever he may attempt. It conducts to true greatness. The subject may be proud of the sovereign, the scholar of the teacher, etc., but what sovereign, etc., can be compared with Christ. Spurgeon. Man prefers to be his own master, to do as he pleases, But he who spurns the counsel of God commits an act of suicide on his liberty. This, however, depends upon the dignity of the person we serve. The conclusion is irresistible. Man prefers to be his own master, to do as he pleases, But he who spurns the counsel of God commits an act of suicide on his liberty. By making them the almoners of His grace. Voluntariness is the essence of this virtue. It involves a complete renunciation of every other service and our entire dedication to Christ. He does not follow the votaries of pleasure or of fashion, in their epicurean revels, with whatever elegance or refinement they may endeavour to recommend their habits.1. They are His loving servants; loving their Master and His work too. The men who serve. The truest benefactor is not he that brings novelties, but who makes us acquainted with the laws which underlie our national existence. (1) At the judgment — from persecutors, the wicked, the devil himself. —Christian service and its honoursJ. So you must follow Him in labour. John, rough as he was, welcomed the despised preacher, and tried to cheer him. Already they have in possession the highest good, and in prospect an "inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away." S. His boon companions? (4) He bears bold witness before His adversaries. We are to follow Him as an example. This story may be turned to account thus: our Master came into this world once, and they sent Him into the servants' place, where the poor and despised ones were. The politician may alleviate the burdens of many, the merchant increase the comfort of thousands, the physician and inventor minister to multitudes, but the Christian carries light to the benighted and life to the dead, deposes Satan and enthrones God.4. By crowning their labours with success. EVERY TRUE CHRISTIAN IS A SERVANT OF CHRIST. PLAIN DIRECTIONS FOR A VERY HONOURABLE OFFICE.1. 1-3 Six days before Passover, Jesus entered Bethany where Lazarus, so recently raised from the dead, was living. It is not a condition of serfdom. Erskine, D. D., C. H. Spurgeon.I. It is emphatically royal. Watch the full sermon on demand, anytime! It is honoured by God. 6. Erskine, D. D.)Where I am there shall also My servant he. The good that men do lives after them. Nothing, apparently. C. Trumbull, D. D.Labour is not necessarily service. Christ was the exemplification of the text (chap. )LinksJohn 12:24 NIVJohn 12:24 NLTJohn 12:24 ESVJohn 12:24 NASBJohn 12:24 KJVJohn 12:24 Bible AppsJohn 12:24 ParallelJohn 12:24 Biblia ParalelaJohn 12:24 Chinese BibleJohn 12:24 French BibleJohn 12:24 German BibleJohn 12:24 CommentariesBible Hub. John 12:24. God honours those who serve His Son —1. EXEGESIS: JOHN 2-20. John 12:24 "Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. "Wherefore seeing we are encompassed," etc.3. He recovers a little: the fond attendant carries the young Prince, as he is getting better, into the open air, and tends him as a mother would her child. Spurgeon. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. The crowd who meets Jesus is an extension of those who ⦠Continue reading "Commentary on John 12:20-33" The bookkeeper who makes a wrong entry because he is dreaming of the pleasures of last night's prayer meeting, is practically forgetting God, because he forgets present duty. But Christian self-denial makes man truly great.3. There is elevation in the very nature of Christian service. HE SAITH, "WHERE I AM THERE SHALL MY SERVANT BE."(J. Why? God's service is not merely in the church meeting, nor in the home closet, but in every legitimate undertaking of life. Chapters 2-12 are often called âThe Book of Signs.â It has higher conceptions of life, sweeter sentiments of duty, aims at higher ends.III. Archimedes said that if he could find a fulcrum he would make a lever that would lift the world. ALL WHO FOLLOW CHRIST ON EARTH WILL DWELL WITH HIM IN HEAVEN. Fleming. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. Many deny to serve themselves; but "ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," etc. Why is it that little success rests on some who labour for God? Whatever distracts us in our proper business distracts from our proper service. Those engaged in it are "a royal priesthood." THE HONOUR GOD CONFERS ON CHRIST'S SERVANTS.1. And for whom does the sinner send on his death bed? "Well done," etc.Christian service and its rewardJ. The proud flesh wants to follow Christ by striking out new paths, to he an original thinker. Man is intended to benefit his race. THE SELF-DENIAL IN WHICH WE SHOULD FOLLOW JESUS.1. If it be not degrading the subject to apply to it a common phrase in domestic use, I would say they are servants of all work: willing to do the work of God in any place, in any condition, in any circumstances; so that if they can serve Him better by suffering than by active duties, in adversity than in prosperity, they are willing to do it. This stands true to us. Whatever a man's rank may be, the most useful are after all the most honoured. Turn, then, to Christ's idea — service true and lasting.1. Just observe for a moment whom a Christian does not follow. The servant of Christ has honour at the hands of his family, his business connections, his neighbourhood, after he is gone.2. The conclusion is irresistible. By success in whatever he may attempt. This prince afterwards became one of the most powerful sovereigns of the Ottoman line. There, take thy crown, and sit with My Son in His glory, for thou wast with My Son in His shame."(C. Whatever a man's rank may be, the most useful are after all the most honoured. He came not only to instruct us, but to redeem us.3. Behold His wants in the poor saints. S. By success in whatever he may attempt. We are to imitate His holy life. James. This stands true to us. Not so here.1. III. It is the resurrection of our personality buried in the grave of deception. The Prince falls into the hands of barbarians, and there is an opportunity for his companion to escape; but he says, "No, my Prince, I will stay with you to the last, and if we die, we will die together." Ecclesiastical courts and rubrics confine too many.3. Come hither, man! (d) The death of a substitute, such as David wished for when Absalom was slain, and Paul, in Romans. The serving man was surprised to see the minister in the kitchen when he came from labour. — "If." We are to follow Christ as a Master. If you cannot serve Christ in one way you can in another — the servant in the household, the nurse in the hospital, the merchant in the rectitude of his dealings.
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