What substrate do you have? The best specimen should not be thin, as catfish Corydoras should be a little plump and have clear colorations and patterns. Corydoras Catfish Also called a Gold Line Cory Catfish Pictures: 1.5" Neon Orange Cory. Free shipping. Cory Tank Mates. Only 1 left! A uniquely colorful Corydoras Catfish. The common species of Cory should be a few dollars each, buy several as they are a social species, Other catfish, well there are hundreds. $16.00 shipping. These species don’t get much bigger than 3cm/1.2”, again with males about 1cm/0.4” smaller. $32.00. Edit: After reading back in the thread, you said you have Imagitarium sand? Unsurprisingly, it’s commonly known as the Pygmy cory and it — along with other similar small species such as C. habrosus and C. hastatus — are something a bit different again. $12.00 shipping. Puerto Rico customers: Online sales, specials or promotions are not subject to substitution and rainchecks do not apply. Go and see what your pet shop has, then do … Panda Corydoras. I am wondering why you put a betta in with a cory cat? In case they do not accept veggies, they would get any veggie matter they need from algae wafers. Panda Corydora Catfish - (Corydoras panda) - Live Freshwater Fish. $125.00. Click on each picture to see bigger picture. Then there are Red Tail Catfish, that you hopefully cant buy, that grow to 4 ft long. Cory Catfish, in the wild, would be buddies with tetras, like neon or phantom tetra. This species seems to vary in color pattern. However, they may appreciate some natural food such as dry blood worms, blackworms, etc. 23 … $24.99. For online sales, there is a limited availability, and products are available while supplies last and not guaranteed for minimum days. You need to allow between 2 to 4 water gallons for every Cory Catfish you add. I don't think that your betta or your cory has velvet. 5+1 Panda Corydoras Live Fish 2 Day Fedex Shipping. Tetra fish feature amazing colors and can be livelier than expected. 6 Green Corydoras Cory Catfish . The more common species can be purchased for only a few dollars each, whereas rarer species such as the Weitzmani or Adolfoi Cory Catfish can cost upwards of $30. Add "whiskered" catfish to your aquarium for a diverse habitat environment. With a bright horizontal orange stripe. The bottom picture shows the darker phase. It’s a lot easier to be aggrieved at losing a £200 catfish than it is a £1.50 Platy. They generously accept whatever you throw at them and eat the food with pleasure. The Cory catfish are not much picky eaters about the food that is served to them. Cory cats need sand, and fine sand at that. $15.00 shipping. Hiyotada Scientific name: Corydoras paleatus Also known as: Blue Leopard Corydoras, Peppered Catfish, Peppered Cory Adult size: Males–2.5 inches (6.5 cm), Females–3 inches (7.5 cm) Lifespan: 5 years Minimum tank size: 15 gallon pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: to 12 degrees dGH Temperature: 72–78 degrees F (22–26 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, best kept in schools with other smaller fish $28.95. Cory catfish would fondly consume various foods inside the aquarium before they munch on veggies; however, it surely varies from one corydoras to another. It is very possible your betta attacked your Cory cat, that is why its hiding. I’ve been running aquaria a long time (technically coming up to 40 years in January 2020), and have seen the majority of fish drop in value in real terms. They are somewhat shy; … Browse Petco's selection of catfish for sale. or Best Offer.
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