Also there is information that the fish was encountered in Kouilou Department of the Republic of the Congo. I have had a couple small upside down cat in my mbuna tank when i set it up. Like most catfish, pictus’ enjoy hiding among plants and exploring logs and rock caves along the bottom of your tank. This fish only reaches about 7cm/3" at most and likes neutral or slightly acidic water. This species is adapted to spend its time upside-down, as it ages it spends more and more time in this position. Cory floating upside; Become a ThinkFish Super Subscriber . Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Upside-Down Catfish is the right fish for your aquarium. Joined Aug 15, 2014 Messages 889 Reaction score 64 Location ZA. The Upside Down Cat, also known as the Giant Upside Down Asian Catfish, is an active inverted swimmer with a sleek profile and bold personality. The upside down catfish can reach an average size of three to four inches which is why they are often considered a dwarf catfish. To add fish, you can click the 'Add the Upside-Down Catfish to your tank' button. Black Upside Down Catfish: Catfish: Bagridae: Mystus leucophasis: The average adult is 12 inches. Or search for a different fish using the options presented above. They have three pairs of barbels, large eyes, the characteristic forked tail and also a large adipose fin. Pictus Catfish Habitat and Tank Needs. They reach around 10 centimeters (or four inches) and are very pretty and entertaining to watch as they defy gravity. It gets its common name, Upside-Down Synodontis Catfish because of this odd style of swimming. The Upside-down catfish is an extremely unusual fish that has the amazing ability to swim upside down to more easily access food on the water surface or on the underside of rocks, wood, and the like. They reach an adult length of around four inches and can be kept in a 30-gallon aquarium. The fry will start free swimming in an upright position within 3-4 days. Although not my favorite on this list (I’ll get to my favorite in just a bit), the … Unlike the prior two catfish noted, this one won’t do as well in with the African Cichlids, but makes an excellent addition to tanks with a lower pH, ranging from 6.0 – 7.5. It is also known as the blotchy upside-down catfish because of the spots in its pattern. You can try feeding cooked, de-shelled peas and see if the fish will eat it. Synodontis nigrita– false upside-down catfish, very commonly sold as S. nigriventrisin the aquarium trade and only recognised as a different species once the fish matures (adults are more than twice the size of adult S. nigriventris):67 So if you have any experience or advice on them I'd appreciate it. It is one of the smaller Synodontis catfish, and is an opaque color with many black spots and markings. Join 100's of other fish enthusiasts with 1000's of years experience between them caring for and keeping fish like these. Jul 2, 2018. This catfish is also known for its tendency to sometimes swim upside-down as well as its ability to squeak or croak when removed from the water. If you have plants with large leaves he will hang under them, this being your best chance to see him otherwise he will hide a lot. The Latin name “Synodontis” this fish received due to the specific structure of the jaws. These fish tend to like locations that are a bit shadier. Featherfin Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Featherfin Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. [1] However, a number of other fish may also be known by this name: The name 'dwarf upside-down catfish' is also used for small (around 10 cm) species of the catfish genus Synodontis. The Upside-Down Catfish is considered a peaceful fish and likes to be kept in small schools, containing five or six of its own kind. They have fun chasing each other around all the tunnels and holes, while feeling secure under the driftwood. Can You Keep Pictus Cats Together? It is peaceful and has spawned in aquaria on occasions. It is suitable for many smaller community and semi-aggressive aquariums. Though they are capable of swimming normally, these catfish typically swim and graze upside down. Their images have been found in ancient Eg… In the wild it basically feeds on insects (fallen on the water surface), crustaceans and plant food. This Synodontis catfish enjoys a tank with lots of hiding places, particularly driftwood. They reach around 10 centimeters (or four inches) and are very pretty and entertaining to watch as they defy gravity. Alberti or “Bigeye Squeaker” Catfish (Synodontis alberti) Size: 8 inches. But they are not shy like many of their cousins in the catfish … The Upside Down Cat is also known as the Blotched Upside Down Catfish and is from the rivers and lakes of Central Africa within the Congo Basin. Pictus is found in South America’s warm rivers and streams; generally in sandy riverbeds. They all seem pretty happy with the exception of this one. late nite snack for someone i think. The word “Synodontis” in translation means “merged te… Black Upside Down Catfish: Catfish: Bagridae: Mystus leucophasis: The average adult is 12 inches. The skin of the fish is beige with a brown color, diluted with black spots. The upside-down catfish is known for its preference of swimming upside down. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. We had never seen one before. * Recent changes to stocking & filter advice October 2018 Upside Down Catfish. Tank Size. The name upside-down catfish is most commonly used by aquarists to refer to the mochokid catfish (Synodontis Nigriventris) alternately known as the blotched upside-down catfish or false upside-down catfish. They … Cories are certainly one of the most sought-after catfish in the world. late nite snack for someone i think. to login or create an account further down the page below. Looking at 4" max total length, likes to hang upside down like his name implies. Provided the right living conditions, they will survive and entertain for years. The Synodontis or “upside-down” catfish is native to rivers and streams of the Congo region of Africa. Provide plenty of hiding spots and large leaved plants under which the catfish can browse. I have had a couple small upside down cat in my mbuna tank when i set it up. CLICK HERE The true Upside-down catfish, S. nigriventris, grows to about 6cm/2" on average and can be kept in a small group in a smallish or medium-sized tank. He /Or she?? Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:43 pm. Can I add another fish? There are many varieties of catfish available in the market. Important: Please check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the fish profile information. These fish has a dark base color and white or silver spots on the flanks; it spends most of its time upside down. I'm testing the water and hopefully fixing the imbalance, but I don't know what to do with the catfish. There will often be a significant amount of vegetation present in these waters, and it’s common to find them in flooded forests for t… These catfish are peaceful and can be kept either singly on in groups in a community aquarium. Though they are capable of swimming normally, these catfish typically swim and graze upside down. Payne's catfish, Mochokiella paynei, is very pretty and worth looking for. They are known widely as the 'upside down catfish'. Another option is 4-6 otocinclus. For example, the Giant Danios, Opaline Gourami and even other catfish like the Striped Raphael catfish. Please do check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the Upside-Down Catfish information box above and your local water company providers website. The ideal tank size for these fish is 180-200 gallons for juveniles and 250+ for adults. This fish only reaches about 7cm/3" at most and likes neutral or slightly acidic water. That small tank size could pose an issue as your fish gets older. Striped Raphael Catfish. The Featherfin Synodontis is considered to be one of the 'upside-down' catfish species. You can typically find them in the deepest areas of large rivers where they have the room to move freely and find food to each (primarily other fish). It has a very bright appearance and funny behavior. The name upside-down catfish is most commonly used by aquarists to refer to the mochokid catfish Synodontis nigriventris alternately known to ichthyologists as the blotched upside-down catfish or false upside-down catfish. It is difficult to observe the life of a fish since it becomes active only in the dark. The name 'dwarf upside-down catfish' is also used for small (around 10 cm) species of the catfish genus Synodontis. The ideal tank size for Upside Down Catfish should be at least 30 gallons. You’ll definitely need at least one filtration system and a robust heater for a catfish tank. Thus, earning the genus the nickname of "Upside-down Catfish". If you'd like to talk about the "Upside-Down Catfish" with our users, then we have a buzzing community of fish enthusiasts where you can talk about tank issues, Upside-Down Catfish fish behaviour, Upside-Down Catfish tank stocking and any other issues related to the Upside-Down Catfish fish or other types you may have. ^^ Go up to read Upside-Down Catfish profile description, Welcome to our Tropical Fishkeeping Forum. Upside-Down Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Upside-Down Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. The Upside-Down Catfish is a peaceful predator, so it should not be housed with any animals that could potentially fit into its mouth (which is relatively small for a catfish). [4]:58,67[6], As its common name implies, the upside-down catfish will swim upside-down. Most catfishes are found in the African rivers Lekini and Malebo. The Upside-Down Catfish is a smaller Synodontis catfish. The upside-down catfish is a peaceful, schooling fish that grows to about 4 inches in length and is ideally suited for a community tank with other species of a similar temperament. I have a 10 gal tank with plastic plants, rocks and driftwood (and a gravel bottom) with only 1 upside down catfish left in it. The dorsal fin is sharp, eyes are large and bulging. Damage to the swim bladder is a symptom of a variety of diseases, rather than a … Its scientific name is Synodontis nigriventris. See an example tank as it would show on a user profile with enabled settings and community tanks. Outside of oddball fish like upside-down catfish and lionfish, floating or swimming upside down is usually a cause for concern. The average adult is 4 inches. The upside-down catfish is a peaceful, schooling fish that grows to about 4 inches in length and is ideally suited for a community tank with other species of a similar temperament. They are also often found in wetlands on land. Would it be ok to keep a FeatherFin Squeaker in a 55 gallon tall tank with 1 Yoyo loach (I lost the rest to skinny disease), 1 Banjo Catfish, 3 Johanni Cichlids, 1 Synodontis Nigritis, and 1 Upside down cat. However, there are many other catfish species that have acquired this name as well: Asian upside-down catfish (Mystus leucophasis) They are known widely as the 'upside down catfish'. I read that unless in groups they can be very shy and will hide a lot. why is my cory cat swimming upside down and on its side? The upside-down catfish also prefers to stay in schools of up to 6 other fish of its species. [8], index of animals with the same common name, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, "Common Names of Synodontis nigriventris",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 16:58. In the aquarium trade, the name is almost always applied to S. nigriventris or species with which it may be confused, such as S. aterrima , S. contracta , and juvenile S. nigrita (adults of which are around 20 cm so are not "dwarf" species at all). Lilanne. Really don't know much about them other than what I could find from Google. Angelicus Catfish are actually a separate upside-down catfish species and tend to have much shorter barbels. They are an extremely popular species that apparently have been admired for countless centuries. 9 years ago. Because of their large size and fairly aggressive and territorial nature, they make ideal candidates for single-species specimen aquariums. -(if a tiger barb is not eligible) upside down catfish. This species is an upside-down catfish, as it will hang in an inverted position, as well as feed from the surface of the water. for the stupid unexperienced answers, these fish will not out grow a 10 gallon tank. The true upside-down catfish is S. nigriventris and S. nigrita inverts far less frequently than that species although it does often rest in this position. Some of catfish came out and I was able to grab a quick video of them. The little Otocinclus Catfish is a great choice if you’re looking for a gentle fish … It was artificially introduced to Philippines. You are in the thinkfish community creator for the Upside-Down Catfish fish species, you can learn all about how the tool works in assessing fish tank mate compatibility at the link provided or use the tool tips provided to guide you. The fish is spread in the midstream of Knogo river basin including Pool Malebo, Kasai River and Ubangi River. Of the six S. nigriventris in my collection, slight coloration differences (white or yellowish base color mixed with dark brown and black marbling) are observable under bright lighting. ... i never see my upside down catfish. Substrate for Catfish (Bottom Of Your Tank): Your tank should also have a sandy substrate with a few pebbles and rocks. I have 2 Upside Down Catfish in my community tank. Payne's catfish, Mochokiella paynei, is very pretty and worth looking for. Also for my 29 gallon i want-tiger barbs-electric blue crayfish (if not eligible, may i please have a substitute)-blood parrot cichlid (might not get it since it is expensive) These catfish are similar in body shape and size to Corydoras Catfish and they too prefer to be kept in small schools with 5 or 6 of their kind. Synodontis Catfish belongs to the family of variegated catfish. It Could be a couple of different things. These are very small, shoaling catfish that need to be kept in groups. But it has an inferior mouth, that’s why quite often … It got its name from its yellow-black markings. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) is an interesting catfish that starts swimming upside down at around two months of age. The habit comes from its surface feeding nature in the wild, where it browses the underside of leaves and the waters surface for mosquito larvae and other creatures. Otocinclus catfish. Comments. Note though that this particular species thrives in well-planted tanks and mostly prefers broad-leafed plants. Helping Fishkeepers With Their Fishkeeping Needs Since 2006, Help us keep great tools like this online by becoming a, Think Fish © 2004-2019 everything you need for your. All Most all the varieties of catfish are resilient and prolific fresh water fish. One theory accounts for this unusual behavior as a feeding strategy. In the wild, it often grazes on the undersides of submerged branches and logs, and swimming upside-down makes these areas more accessible. idk.. is fine. If you have a question about keeping Upside-Down Catfish's then please use our Upside-Down Catfish help forum. He's now swimming in a kind of spiral, he heads up to the top of the tank then spins his way back down but usually gets stuck in the plants, usually upside down. So i went a little bigger,And got an asian black upside down cat for my mbuna tank. They should always be kept in a group of at least five, as this will reduce their stress and help to bring out their natural behavior. ChaosReborn. they find all the scraps in the rocks. Upside-Down Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Upside-Down Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. The catfish feeds mainly at night. They are frequently … Its natural habitat is the freshwater reservoirs of Cameroon and the Republic of Congo. I have a 10 gallon tank that currently has * 1 upside down catfish * 1 black skirt tetra * 1 striped danio * 3 glofish danios * 1 glolight tetra * 2 ottos. Pictus cats will readily school and shoal together when kept in a group, but you can also keep a single catfish happily in your community tank. It gets its common name, Upside-Down Synodontis Catfish because of this odd style of swimming. The type of catfish is can grow depends upon your market, feeding plans, pond size and the area you are planning to start the farm. Pictus cats can be a bit of a contradiction in terms of their personalities and behavior. Aquarium Upside Down Catfish Tank Care and full size growth is our topic today. Although its home in Central Africa, it can be found in aquariums throughout the world. The Upside-Down Catfish is an extraordinary fish due to its unusual habit of spending most of its time swimming or resting upside down. Create a test fish community that includes the Upside-Down Catfish species and any other types of fish or crustacean you'd like to introduce - You can assess the best companions, tank size suitability, stocking levels based on filter type and volume and possible negative interactions and warnings as you build up your aquarium. Synodontis catfish are natives of Africa. Corydoras catfish. One of the smallest members of the Synodontis species, the upside-down catfish is aptly named for its upside down swimming posture, which makes it easier for it to feed more effortlessly on the water's surface. This species was first described in 1936 and was first exported in 1950 when it … Some great species to pair with your catfish in the tank are the energetic ones. Otocinclus Catfish. A varied diet will maintain good health. Like always, we suggest your aquarium should match the natural conditions of your species as best as possible. Moreover, S. nigrita grows far larger than S. nigriventris and it is a common sight to see several adult specimens in shops that … Synodontis Catfish are an African fish, known for their peculiar look and interesting abilities. While some aquarists have not had any problem keeping these fish healthy in tanks as small as 10 gallons, we advise against it. They reach an adult length of around four inches and can be kept in a 30-gallon aquarium. Some species of Synodontis can swim … They never survived cuz they were too small when i introduced them. I have a 10 gallon tank that currently has * 1 upside down catfish * 1 black skirt tetra * 1 striped danio * 3 glofish danios * 1 glolight tetra * 2 ottos . jfm on December 30, 2013: the syndontis catfish have all kinds of different behaviors even if their the same kind. They both need a tank that's at least four feet long You either need to get a bigger tank or rehome the fish, or they will get stunted, sick or even die . Does he need a friend? We got an upside down catfish. Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) – Aptly named, Upside Down Catfish actually swim upside down. Pages: [1] Go Down. He won't come out of hiding with lights on, except for a quick dash to grab some food and if you blink you'll miss it. Moreover, S. nigrita grows far larger than S. nigriventris and it is a common sight to see several adult specimens in shops that … Of the six S. nigriventris in my collection, slight coloration differences (white or yellowish base color mixed with dark brown and black marbling) are observable under bright lighting. Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) – Aptly named, Upside Down Catfish actually swim upside down. Since tiger shovelnose catfish are rather large, it’s important to make sure they have a tank that’s large enough for them to be comfortable. To save your tank details in the Fish Community Creator you must be logged in Most, if not all, species of Synodontis have the skill of swimming upside down for easier access to food on the water's surface or the underside of various hardscapes. It is best to keep this type of synodontis in groups of three or more. This can be traced to the fact that they are easy to care for. My research says it needs a large tank, which I can't afford. Author Topic: How many Platy in my tank (Read 2864 times) Corona Virus Outbreak: Latest information on CoronaVirus (WHO) Personal Protection Advice - Please wash your hands regularly, avoid face touching and practice social distancing. These fish has a dark base color and white or silver spots on the flanks; it spends most of its time upside down. So you should start with using a … Inherited the skirt tetra and I think he's getting his dorsal fin nipped. Quite common, these synos reach just four inches in length, which makes them the perfect catfish for a smaller aquarium. It is also known as the blotched upside-down catfish because of its spotted appearance. Started by werp General Fishkeeping advice. That may help with the digestion issue. It’s not uncommon to see young Upside-Down Catfish in particular scouring the bottom of the tank right side up. if you had a very lightly stocked tank (say just a trio of guppies or a single betta) you could possibly get away with 6 pygmy/dwarf corys. All the other fish (tetras) died in a water change. Don't waste your money and endanger your fish! Minimum Tank Size: 55 … Synodontis (Upside-Down) Catfish. Does he need a friend? This kind of behavior indicates issues with a fish's swim bladder. Rückenschwimmender Kongowels, Synodontis nigriventris, blotched upside-down catfish, upside down catfish Swimming catfish beautiful freshwater tank still life scene. 8. Deco that allows him to hide under is great. They never survived cuz they were too small when i introduced them. Upside-Down Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Upside-Down Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Bumblebee Catfish. These catfish are super interesting and great fish tank additions. Can I add another fish? Synodontis Catfish. Family Mochokidae (upside-down catfishes) | Synonyms Synodontis greshoffi, S. obesus, S. depauwi, S. ornatipinnis, S. nigroventris | Other names Back-Swimming Congo Catfish, Blotched Upsidedown Catfish, Up-Side-Down Catfish | Origin Africa; Central Zaire/Congo River Basin | Breeding Eggs are laid in pits, parents care for the young | Natural Water Conditions pH 6-8, very soft to medium | Sexing Males are darker and more slender. If you’re unable to provide these with a tank … Member. Upside Down Catfish. Inherited the skirt tetra and I think he's getting his dorsal fin nipped. At the end of the day, Upside Down Catfish need as much room to roam as possible. Unlike the prior two catfish noted, this one won’t do as well in with the African Cichlids, but makes an excellent addition to tanks with a … Their teeth merged into a single plate. Due to their small size (up to 4 inches), the Bumblebee Catfish is a great addition to 20-30 gallon tanks. Number one being a swim bladder issue which is curable. These fish have become extremely popular for aquarists across the globe due to their awesome characteristics. SeanTrollope Fish Addict. Upside Down Catfish And Others Tank Size Question? Synodontis (Upside-Down) Catfish. If you’re looking for something completely “upside down” for your tank, this Catfish species can be a fun addition to your community aquarium. #2. Its scientific name is Synodontis nigriventris . * This fishtank will only last for this session - to save your tank please Join/Log in, There are currently no fish in your fish tank. The name upside-down catfish is most commonly used by aquarists to refer to the mochokid catfish (Synodontis Nigriventris) alternately known as the blotched upside-down catfish or false upside-down catfish. However, there are many other catfish species that have acquired this name as well: Asian upside-down catfish (Mystus leucophasis) The tiger shovelnose catfish (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) originates from the waters of South America. Known as one of the more peaceful catfish, upside-down catfish do well in most community tank setups. Synodontis nigriventris also known as upside-down catfish is found in the Kogo River. So just a couple of things to get out of the way, this is my first post on this forum, idk what im doing, and im bad with words so please bear with me, ill try my best to be nice, polite, and clear. 4. In the aquarium trade, the name is almost always applied to S. nigriventris or species with which it may be confused, such as S. aterrima, S. contracta, and juvenile S. nigrita (adults of which are around 20 cm so are not "dwarf" species at all). I'm afraid your tank isn't big enough for an upside down catfish or the oscar. The true Upside-down catfish, S. nigriventris, grows to about 6cm/2" on average and can be kept in a small group in a smallish or medium-sized tank. Stay well, stay at home if you can, especially if you have symptoms. The true upside-down catfish is S. nigriventris and S. nigrita inverts far less frequently than that species although it does often rest in this position. The fish is basically bloated, and has excess gas inside that isnt being released properly. Synodontis nigriventris blotched upside-down fish with large dorsal fin three pair barbels, brown camouflage. Sep 30, 2017 #3 60 liters can actually go pretty far. If you are lucky enough to be able to breed the fish in an aquarium, then your female Upside-Down Fish will lay a maximum of 450 eggs at a time. You can grow them easily and harvest them quickly in either small or large pond. Aquarium Tank Mates for Catfish. The Synodontis or “upside-down” catfish is native to rivers and streams of the Congo region of Africa. [7] A different theory suggests swimming upside-down makes aquatic surface respiration more efficient. The Gold Nigrita Catfish (Synodontis nigrita), also known as the False Upside-Down Catfish, is an uncommon, medium-sized catfish species that boasts lovely golden coloration as it matures.It is a rare color morph of its species. Later, after a period of approximately 50 days, the fry will swim in the typical upside-down posture.
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