So it is essential to take care of him properly. One of the main causes of green poop in hamsters is the temperature change. And diarrhea causes wet tail, and wet tail leads to improper colored or green poop. You should spot clean Hamster’s cage daily. Both their droppings are black and have almost similar size and structure. Abscesses may also form in the cheek pouches of the hamster. When you find out the actual reason for the disease, it can be easy to eliminate it. It can be caused by eating green leafy vegetables and fruits. If so, try cutting back on those. The golden hamster or Syrian hamster, scientific name Mesocricetus auratus is a rodent belonging to the hamster subfamily, Cricetinae. Once that food forms into droppings and comes out, your hamster will eat it, to bring it back to his stomach so he can get more nutrition from it. Your hamster poop can be green because of diarrhea, food poisoning, antibiotics, poor hygiene, cold weather, and poor food. The use of antibiotics can cause a problem in his stomach. Waving. my hamster is a teddy bear hamster, i gave her carrots a few days ago and now she’s making weird noises and has diarrhea really bad. These vegetables and herbs are harmful to your pet, and they can destroy his health. I have recenty bought a hamster n im noticing that the half the bedding becomes wet fast n the hamster becomes wet n what food should i give to hamster suggest some dry foods?? Okay so I’ve had my hamster for a little over six months. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-banner-1-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-banner-1-0_1')}; .banner-1-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;text-align:center !important;}. The wet tail also is known as regional enteritis or proliferative. Please tell me it won’t stay that way…it’s a hot mess! You should definitely go to the vet. I don’t know what this means it looks like he just peed on his poop . Changing color in feces may be normal and not due to any illness. This is a special kind of color change of these tiny things. This happened to me too but it’s not wet tail i think. Poor stomach cause abnormal color feces. In a dirty environment, the disease attacks hamsters or any living thing rapidly. Recently I have noticed they sleep separately. Excessive or abnormal use of everything leads to health problems. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; The change in the hamster’s feces color does not mean that he is suffering from a dangerous disease. Even more likely the case though, the hamster’s diarrhea is caused by too many greens or foods with laxative agents in its diet ( see a list of foods that act as laxatives). I bought them two weeks ago and this has been going on for most of the time. Hamster’s Hi, my friend recently got a hamster. Our new Syrian Fancy has wet poop that’s green. (Including the female one) I am so worried about him. You have heard that hamsters are colorblind and are wondering if it is true. Stress disturbed their daily routine, their appetite, and stomach. Before, i always find the water bottle empty whenever the beddings is wet. So when they use antibiotics, it can upset the stomach, which leads to green feces. She doesn’t understand where she’s at and she’s probably stressed out. I’ll be taking him to the vet soon, thank you so much for your info! Is there anything I can do?? It can be due to dietary changes, unclean cage, stress, antibiotics, respiratory infections, and wet tail; it can also be due to diarrhea. hamsters get wet tail from a number of different things most common is stress. making a litter box for a hamster at home. You can give her a little bit of yogurt to help with digestion issues (with probiotics for beneficial bacteria). Price Price. This means pieces the size of its ear once or twice a week. When they normally cuddle together to sleep. I would save the electricity and shut it off when you are gone. You should cover the pet hamster properly and take good care of it. Diarrhea is another major reason for the hamster’s green poop. Stool that is light-colored (either pale, white, grey, or clay-colored) could indicate a lack of bile in stool. © Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved. The other main cause of green poop is the wet tail. Help me. He only gets dried food so far x, I have a chinese hamster of about 1 &half years old .today for my suprise when i saw his back it was fully wet i got worried and taught it could be a wet tail .then i found out is was diherria.. hes pop is very watery & has a foul hydrating him evry now & then but still its the same & now i found out even the female which use to stay with him in the same cage has also got diherria …im worried please tell me what should i do ???? There are many factors that can cause a hamsters' feces to appeared green, or with a yellow tinge. The wet tail is watery diarrhea or loose gree poops. You fed it cotton candy, so I think you should be a little worried. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; Antibiotics have side effects too. Hi, my male sybiren (i don’t think i spelt that right!) He is his active, loving self.. just seems to have diarrhea. The change in the color of stools may be due to a change in diet. Hi. Tiny baby hamsters usually prone to wet tail. If your hamster poop is green, there is no need to worry. Respiratory infections may cause pneumonia in hamsters. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1')}; .large-leaderboard-2-multi-110{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;text-align:center !important;}. Try switching back and see if your hamster's poop changes back. So when they use antibiotics, it can upset the stomach, which leads to green feces. Bought a baby hamster yesterday she is only 6-8 weeks old left her to settle in for 24 hours before handling but when i opened her house to check on her today after 24 hours, her bedding was extremely soiled and it looks very much like diarrhoea, she was screeching because i had disturbed her, the poor wee thing is terrified. Hamster’s feces color is also important for his health. These skin problems require to treat by the vet. This infection may cause green poop in hamsters. He’s been peeing a lot but I realized his feces have become regular to soft and light. A healthy hamster’s poop or stool color will be dark, firm, and small.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-box-4-0')}; There are several reasons and causes of hamster green poop. They live in the same cage but only the smaller one has it. Diet (beets, diets rich in green vegetables, licorice) Some owners become concerned when their hamster may periodically produce poop that is green. Dr. John Whyte, M.D., MPH and Chief Medical Officer at WebMd says your poop also may be lighter in color … They eat the same food, and no greens or people food. So regular cleaning his cage and hamster is essential for his good health. even though it’s far enough from the beddings, my hamsters always push the beddings towards it -_-. For the past few months I fed it some broccoli. You don’t always have to change the bedding you can just take the wet spots out or poo but make sure to change the water daily and uneaten food gets thrown out the cage! It’s just that the water bottle may be placed too low, so much that the beddings touched the tip of the water bottle resulting to the watter slipping out and thus wetting half of the beddings. So if you want your hamster to keep healthy and fit, you have to take great care of him. He doesn’t really bite and he let’s me pet him, although I’ve noticed that he becomes stiff and just sits there staring. that can cause your hammie to get sick. If your hamster poop is green, there is no need to worry. Should I just stop giving him the treats and only give his the dry food I have for him? Sudden temperature changes can make your hamster ill, and he will have stomach problems. Healthy foods can increase the size of teddy bear hamsters. Bile is a fluid your liver makes to digest fats. It is necessary to cure it immediately. I have a russian dwarf hamster who is roughly 9 months old, he had an upset tummy, I knew what the cause was and I took him to the vets who confirmed that he didn’t have wet tail and was prescribed some antibiotics for 3 weeks in total, they caused slight bleeding in his stools but the vet said that was normal. The signs and symptoms of wet tail include dull eyes, swollen, loss of appetite, excessive diarrhea, blood in the stool, dehydration, lethargy, green stools, and hunched postures. The broken skin cause pus under the skin. She is the 1st hamster I have had and I’m worried. Maybe scratched his eye or has an infection, I would take it to the vet, Well it could be that but my friends hamster did that for a while till my friend saw a white dot in her eye , that eye on her hamster went blind her hamster was a albino. Winter White hamsters are peaceful pocket pets that are fairly easy to tame with enough patience. THE GIFT FOR EVERY OCCASION Learn More. i have had my syrian hamster for 5 months and yesterday i noticed a big pile of brown liquidy stuff with chuncks in it in his cage. The nutritional value of night poop. She has been peeing out blood she isn’t drinking much, she is eating a ton! My Chinese hamster ( Female) has gotten a brownish looking substance on her butt near her tail i was worried so i came here for help as well sadly i haven’t found anything and i’m worried please somebody help us!!! see this post on hamster food. sometimes it does or doesn't work. I never find any diarrhea in her cage though and I have noticed that she sleeps more now. It’s ‘wife’ died yesterday, what should I do?Should I stop feeding it the broccoli? I’m not a vet but I’ve had 1 million animals before. You should do a deep cleaning of the hamster’s cage once a week. And if it is not treated itself, it needs veterinary attention for flushing, treating with antibiotics, and draining. Unfortunately this can cause rapid hart rate and result in a heart attack, hence the screams. Changing your hamster's diet and making its cage clean and comfortable will help resolve your hamster’s diarrhea. So any trauma or sudden changes in their life lead to having stress. Respiratory infections may cause pneumonia in hamsters. I’m so sorry to hear that. You should, Sudden temperature changes can make your hamster ill, and he will have stomach problems. It can be caused by eating green leafy vegetables and fruits. The normal stool (poop, feces) usually is light to dark brown. you can feed him fruits and veggies. continue the treatment as directed on the packaging. He seems fine. I know exactly how ur feeling with this loss. But I think it’s either because I have been giving him too many dried strawberries, dried peas, and dried carrots. Carrot, greens, apple, etc. Add to registry 37" Pet Cage Hamster Rats House Playpen 2 Doors Tray Animal Supply Kit Metal Black. They find it too difficult to adjust to new people and a new cage. The causes of a hamster with a bout of diarrhea include several things. However, they can develop diarrhea due to several reasons, such as eating too many vegetables. So regular cleaning his cage and hamster is essential for his good health. If the issue re appears it might be a sign of an illness. There are many causes of wet tail disease in hamsters; stress is the main cause.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-leader-2-0')}; When hamsters move from pet stores or breeders to a new home or new pet store, it causes normal campylobacter bacteria, leading to diarrhea. My family and the other hamster are attached to her so I don’t want to take her back.. what should I do?? Once he eats something, it passes through his stomach and gut, and he gets a part of the nutrition he needs. Unclean or dirty cage may also cause green poop. My hamster is about 6 months old and he has made a new friend when he was about 5 months. She has been to the vet twice, once for multiple zits appearing on her chin. Are Hamsters Color Blind? It could be any number of issues based on the issues you mentioned. Price Price. Plzzzzz my daughter loves this hamster to death she can’t lose it. In severe cases, the hamster’s feces will be watery making its backside wet. Tiny baby hamsters usually prone to wet tail. How Many Toes Does A Hamster Have? if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hamstersauthority_com-leader-1-0')}; It can cause to build up bacteria in his system, which causes green poop. My hamster is usually very active .over last couple if days .not moving much seems very sleepy. Please, please, please help me! And hes sleeping all the time. Choose the type of wheel carefully and make sure it is appropriately sized for the hamster type you choose. See this post of hamster diet. The other hamster has severe diarrhea and although she still acts like a normal hamster I am very concerned because it is not getting any better. So it is important to resolve their issues. might be to blame. It’s important to know how to clean hamster poop. You should daily change the food of the hamster to prevent this condition. Never give your hamster raw potatoes, tomato leaves, raw kidney beans, potato tops, buttercups, garlic, sweets, chocolate, rabbit mix, toffee, onions, and rhubarb leaves. My hamster has a dirty rear end/tail area, has loss of hair in the same area and us dirty round the mouth (almost like faeces are stuck to her face). they also use Forti Diet Pro health food in all of the hamster cages there. Try some applesauce. I think the hamster should be taken to the vet… it could be very ill. Maybe it’s the ball? Dehydration as a result of diarrhea can become a serious health concern for a hamster. The normal stool color is brown. Instead stools will be paler in colour, soft and watery. Just because his poop is soft and light brown doesn't always mean wet tail. if this continues or poo gets morre runny or any greener take hamster to a vet or make a slow change in diet to see if that is the problem. Breakroom; Maintenance & Janitorial; Health & Safety; Technology; Machine Consumables; Office … So it is essential to take care of him properly. Please. 100% Brand new and high quality Size: 3.5*11.5cm. And try to treat even his tiny problems. Dogs in the Workplace? LeKing Hamster Stand Run Ball 14CM Golden Hamster Pet Sport Toy Random Color Delivery. 2021 VACATION PLANNER Download. That causes discomfort and dehydration in hamsters. It can be due to diarrhea or any other health problems. Severe pain in the stomach can make your. I have just got my daughter her second Syrian hamster. Are Hamsters Good Emotional Support Animals. Just give a little time I am might get a little bit better. Today when I had him in his ball I noticed it was mushy and a light color. His stools are lighter than usual and mushy. So you should prevent diarrhea from preventing green poop. There are many. If it is left untreated for a few days can lead to a hamster’s death. While rabbit fecal pellets should be round and resemble peas, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils often excrete more of … A healthy hamster’s poop or stool color will be dark, firm, and small. An… Continue Reading Are Hamsters Color Blind? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I haven’t changed his food or given him anything high in water content (fruits/veg), should I take him back to the vets or see how he goes? You can go to the vet or you could change his diet to dry(just like the article said), don’t give him a lot of veggies and fruits. An owner of the pet should know about all the changes which hamster face. It can disturb the hamster’s appetite. Give it time. (The second one is a girl) The girl is doing fine but the male has diarrhea! Here are 10 main reasons that cause this problem. Skin diseases also include loss of hair or fur in the hamster, especially in older. An owner should be active and attentive. Please. From size, color, personality, and more… here’s what you should know about keeping and caring for the Winter White Dwarf Hamster if you’re thinking of bringing home a new pet. The hamster needs antibiotics rarely. The PetSmart I got him from promises to take them in until they’re better if they get diarrhea for free, but I don’t want to have to resort to that. What should I do. Don’t use wet tail drops they just hide the symptoms but don’t fix the sickness. That’s because the color of stool is a function of what you eat and what’s going on in your digestive tract. If the hamster living in squalor for a long time. If so what do I do? My hamster doesn’t go on the wheel at all , all he does is stay in his corner with a bunch of bedding . To remove illness, you should find the causes of illness. A Hamster passing green colored stools. Abscesses may cause scratches and cuts in the skin. Thats the same as mine… Trying to find out why but i can’t find anything! It may just be cause he is being fed a different brand of food. they can treat it. Diarrhea in hamsters may occur due to bacteria, such as campylobacter e.coli and salmonella. He has also had diahhhria, insis his food bowl, and where his wheel is. I just got a new wheel, and a sacer thingy. So it is necessary to intake a standard amount of everything. She has also been sleeping at night and day and she stopped running on her wheel. Diarrhea may also cause an allergic reaction to foods. Now it’s even worse and I’m worried. Excessive or abnormal use of everything leads to health problems. I’m aware the beddings will not affect your hamsters health just make sure it is SAFE bedding for hamsters(search on what’s the right or the best bedding for your hammies). It is recommended to feed fresh food and water to your hamster to avoid stomach problems. my hamster did that too when i first got it he got over it. Long haird bear hamster seems to be feeling bad. are good, but remember to stick to tiny bits. My long haired serian hamster is starting to sleep all the time, only gets up to eat, drink, and use the restroom. Your hamster needs his night poop for one very good reason.
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