April is notorious for its fools and laughter, and this month's fungus, Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.) Kühner & Romagn. (1953) Macroscopic feat. Commonly known as Laughing Gym, Laughing Cap, Laughing Jim, or the Spectacular Rustgill, this large orange mushroom is typically found growing on tree stumps, logs, or tree bases. Margin incurved at first, and when young can be decorated with remnants of the veil, straightening or becoming wavy in age. : Cap/Pileus: Large, up to 180 mm broad, usually broadly convex, surface dry with small scales on the margin. Firm, solid, unequal, swelling in the middle or often narrowing towards the base. Mushrooms - G. spectabilis (118) : Alone (16), First Times (2), General (1). Orton, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 43 (2): 176 (1960) [MB#331593] Gymnopilus luteus also called the "Yellow Gymnopilus" is a widely distributed mushroom of the Eastern United States, it contains the hallucinogens psilocybin and psilocin.Often mistaken for Gymnopilus speciosissimus and Gymnopilus subspectabilis. Surface dry, covered with fibrils or small fibrillose scales. P.D. (1953) [MB#293121] I didn't have a manual on me, however I have read 'Mushrooms Demystified' in its entirety (paying special attention to BLG since it is the only trip mushroom found wild in my neck of the woods). When seen in full sunlight, this mushroom deserves the name 'Spectacular'. Systematics. Flesh yellowish. Gymnopilus junonius is a species of mushroom in the family Cortinariaceae. 2020 Jan 29. doi: 10.1007/s12272-020-01213-6. Gymnopilus junonius, also known as Gymnopilus spectabilis, Laughing gym or Laughing Jim, is a large and very widely distributed hallucinogenic mushroom which grows in dense clusters on dead hardwoods and conifers.It has a rusty orange spore print, a bitter taste, … Gymnopilus junonius nŏleży do zorty Gymnopilus i familije Strophariaceae. Description. Convex to broadly convex, expanding to nearly plane wiyth age. Bruising will not be obvious in this species as it is not as potent as other active Gymnopilus species. The origin of this generic name is the prefix Gymn – meaning naked, and the suffix -pilus which means cap - hence naked or bald caps would be an expected feature of the mushrooms in this genus. Kühner & Romagn. Prachtvlamhoed (Gymnopilus junonius) De prachtvlamhoed is een grote en opvallend gekleurde paddenstoel die als saprofyt op dode stammen en stobben, maar ook als necrotrofe parasiet aan de voet van levende loofbomen kan groeien. It's an Erowid project that does lab drug testing of anonymously, Sensual and Amusing: An Ideal Combination. Surface dry, covered with fibrils or small fibrillose scales. Gymnopilus junonius is larger and retains a stem ring; it occurs in woodland habitat, but unlike Gymnopilus decipiens it is seen more often on hardwood stumps and ailing trees, and not normally on burnt wood. junonius (Fr.) Russula’s en verwanten) (Bag) NMV soortcode: Soortcode in NMV Standaardlijst 2013 0051070: Ecologie Standaardlijst 2013, p. 31-38 : Functionele groep: Functie in het ecosysteem, met code Partial veil densely cortinate to membranous, usually leaving a well-formed, membranous annulus in the superior regions of the stem, soon dusted rusty orange from spores. P.D. junonius (Fr.) Gymnopilus junonius is a species of mushroom in the family Cortinariaceae. Copyright 1997-2021 Mind Media. Even though many mushroom enthusiasts state that this mushroom is inactive on the west coast of the USA, "I found a patch that were highly hallucinogenic in the west coast (Joust), this confusion is usually becuase of a misidentifacation between G. ventricosus and G. junonius/spectabilis in which the former does not contain the hallucinogenic compounds psilocybin, psilocin, beaocystin, and norbeaocystin. Gymnopilus spectabilis sensu A.H. Smith (1949), auct. Pale yellow to rusty orange, becoming rusty brown with spore maturity. Citation:   Piscea Indica. Beschrijving. Hoe ouder de paddestoel hoe meer ze verkleurt naar donkeroranje. Prachtvlamhoed (Gymnopilus junonius) De Prachtvlamhoed is inderdaad een prachtige verschijning. Cheilocystidia fusoid-ventricose with subcapitate apices, 18 - 24 by 4 - 7 microns. Gymnopilus spectabilis var. Gymnopilus junonius Dosage. Two big questions this paper does not answer are which of these species are hallucinogenic, and how the other species of Gymnopilus fit in with the G. junonius group. most of the noted effects were internal, emotional and psychological. Always growing saprotrophically, in clusters and groups. Gymnopilus luteusalso called the "Yellow Gymnopilus" is a widely distributed mushroom of the Eastern United States, it contains the hallucinogens psilocybin and psilocin. May 6, 2017 - Gymnopilus junonius is a large and colourful wood-rotting species that occurs in small groups at the bases of dead broad-leaf trees and occasionally conifers from spring through to early winter. Gymnopilus Spectabilis: Photo by siebe wiersma. Vernacular names [edit wikidata 'Category:Gymnopilus junonius' linked to current category] [edit wikidata 'Gymnopilus junonius' main topic of 'Category:Gymnopilus junonius'] Lamellen geel tot roestbruin. Attachment adnate to sinuate to subdecurrent. Gymnopilus spectabilis var. Some speculate that there is two separate species, G. junonius and G. spectabilis. Gymnopilus Junonius Classification. Bright yellowish orange, becoming rusty orange to tawny gold to orangish brown or reddish brown at maturity. Spores rusty orange in deposit, ovoid to ellipsoid, roughened, 7 - 10.5 by 4.6 - 6 microns. Prachtvlamhoed. Look in in the woods on both dead conifers and hardwoods, Usually found in older growth patches of woods of the Pacific Northwest and also on the East Coast of North America. Please click TomVolkFungi.net for the rest of Tom Volk's pages on fungi. The yellowish, comparatively slender Gymnopilus luteus is found in eastern North America. Gymnopilus spectabilis var. Gymnopilus luteofolius was first described as Agaricus luteofolius by Charles Horton Peck in 1875. It was renamed Pholiota luteofolius by Pier Andrea Saccardo in 1887, and was given its current name by mycologist Rolf Singer in 1951.. Arch Pharm Res. Color Bright, usually some shade of orange ranging from buff yellow to tawny-yellow, becoming rusty with age. Some subspecies of this mushroom contain the neurotoxic oligoisoprenoid gymnopilin. Gymnopilus luteus is a member of the Gymnopilus junonius (also known as "Gymnopilus spectabilis") species group. Some rights reserved. Studies need to be done to determine that there aren't actually two groups of junonius; ones that are active and ones that are not. Commonly known as the Spectacular Rustgill, this large orange mushroom is typically found growing on tree stumps, logs, or tree bases. Gymnopilus junonius: culture/stock collections: Global Catalogue of Microorganisms: Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) Extract from Wikipedia article: Gymnopilus junonius is a species of mushroom in the family Cortinariaceae. "Sensual and Amusing: An Ideal Combination: An Experience with Gymnopilus junonius (exp106847)". Commonly known as laughing gym, laughing Jim, or the spectacular rustgill, this large orange mushroom is typically found growing on tree stumps, logs, or tree bases. These mushrooms are mildly psychoactive. The species of Gymnopilus I have collected are just about the most prolific spore producers to be found among the gilled mushrooms, rivaled only by the Oyster Mushrooms. Gymnopilus junonius Toxicity, Safety & Side Effects. Hoed gewelfd tot uitgespreid, Ø 5-15 cm, goudgeel tot oranjegeel, met aangedrukte, vezelige, geelbruine schubjes bedekt. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life. Gymnopilus was proposed as a new genus name in 1879 by the Finnish mycologist Petter Adolf Karsten (1834 - 1917). There are reports that it may be mildly hallucinogenic, but the volume of mushroom required to reach sufficient amounts to produce effects are more likely to make you sick before the effect is reached. Several subspecies of this mushroom (specially distributed by Asia) have been reported to contain the hallucinogen substance psilocybin and other types of oligoisoprenoid neurotoxins (Tanaka et al., 1993). Gymnopilus Sp.. Gymnopilus junonius (Big Laughing Gym) " The smell of this mushroom is not unpleasant, but it has a very bitter taste and so is unlikely to be consumed for its psilocybin content. Consumption may result in uncontrollable laughter, nausea, abdominal pain, convulsions, or death (Benjamin 1995, Craw 1995)." Wij roepen iedereen op om de richtlijnen op te volgen, en vooral ook je verstand te gebruiken en je verantwoordelijkheid te nemen. If you have collections of Gymnopilus which have been eaten and either do or fail to produce effects, it would be a good idea to study the microscopy and/or DNA sequences to further the state of knowledge about these taxa. There may be green or blue bruising on the cap as well as the stem and base, but not always. Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for April 2005. Mushroom containing psilocybin, such as Gymnopilus Spectabilis, have been around for hundreds of years, probably before humanity.Although it is mainly known for its hallucinogenic traits it also is undergoing some research in the medical field. P.D. De gele tot sienna gekleurde hoed is bedekt met aangedrukte, oranje of abrikooskleurige vezeltjes. Fries (1821) originally described Gymnopilus junonius (as " Agaricus junonius ") from Europe. I decided to collect a few of the caps and bring them home for a spore print, in a hopeful attempt to confirm them as Gymnopilus Junonius. Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) 1. Some subspecies of this mushroom contain the hallucinogenic compound psilocybin. Surface covered with fine fibrils below the ring. Phaeolepiota aurea is a rare mushroom with a granulase cap and lower stem; its spores are light yellow-brown. When seen in full sunlight, this mushroom deserves the name 'Spectacular'. SoortenBank.nl : Prachtvlamhoed - Gymnopilus junonius. by Kelsea Jewell and Tom Volk It's my 100 th Fungus of the Month!. You probably won't need to make a spore print in order to see the orange to orange-brown or rusty brown color of the spores, since spore dust frequently coats everything within a few inches of the mushroom. COPYRIGHTS: All reports are copyright Erowid and you agree not to download or analyze the report data without contacting Erowid Center and receiving permission first. Often mistaken for Gymnopilus junonius. In de huidige tijd is het een groot goed voor iedereen om, met inachtneming van gepaste maatregelen, naar buiten te kunnen gaan. [Epub ahead of print] Trichothecene and tremulane sesquiterpenes from a hallucinogenic mushroom Gymnopilus junonius … Gymnopilus junonius je grzib, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Elias Fries, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Peter D. Orton 1960. Fairly common and widespread in Britain and Ireland, Gymnopilus junoniusis found in many other parts of the world including mainland Europe (from Scandinavia down to the Mediterranean region) much of Asia and North Africa, and many parts of North America. De prachtvlamhoed (Gymnopilus junonius) is een paddenstoel uit de familie Hymenogastraceae. 5 - 40 cm broad. Sometimes bruising blue/green in young specimens. Basidia 2- and 4-spored. North Spore Mushroom Grow Kits & Cultivation Supplies. De vruchtlichamen staan dikwijls in bundels bijeen. Like the other species in the group it grows on wood and has a medium sized or large cap, a partial veil that usually leaves a ring or ring zone on the stem, an orange to orange-brown spore print, and a bitter taste. Orton (=Gymnopilus spectabilis sensu auct.) Gymnopilus junonius … Gymnopilus junonius is poisonous. Kühner & Romagn. Gymnopilus junonius is very bitter in taste and, therefore, is not considered pleasant to eat. I brought them home, and did a spore print. Gymnopilus spectabilis, the Waraitake or Big Laughing Gym, a hallucinogenic mushroom . There, growing out of the bottom of a birch tree was Gymnopilus Spectabilis (lovingly also known as Big Laughing Gym). I believe these mushrooms to be of the Gymnopilus family. is a fungus commonly known as “Laughing Gym” or “Laughing Cap”. Often mistaken for Gymnopilus junonius. Gymnopilus junonius (FR.) Contemporary, DNA-based study has not, to my knowledge, ascertained whether our North American versions of this fungus—which vary substantially in their ecology and morphology—deserve new names. Close to crowded. Taxonomie/morfologie: Groep: Gemengde morfologische en taxonomische groepsindeling (Standaardlijst 2013 p. 25-26) Basidiomyceten, agaricoïd (plaatjeszwammen, incl. Late july through november, although there have been reports that it can fruit in all times of the year given the right conditions. Margin incurved at first, and when young can be decorated with remnants of the veil, straightening … Pleurocystidia absent. Orton 1960: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Index Fungorum: Gymnopilus junonius: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, Fungal Databases junonius (Fr.) Generated in 0.047 seconds spending 0.003 seconds on 2 queries. Gymnopilus junonius is a large and colourful wood-rotting species that occurs in small groups at the bases of dead broad-leaf trees and occasionally conifers from spring through to early winter. Bright yellowish orange, becoming rusty orange to tawny gold to orangish brown or reddish brown at maturity. 30 - 250 mm long by 1 - 10 mm thick. However, upon having a closer look, these particular mushrooms did not possess the typical characteristics of Jack O' Lanterns, and more so resembled Gymnopilus.
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