The N95 mask with a the rectangular respiration device (w/ carbon filtration) in front allows free O2/CO2 exchange but blocks viral transmission. Note: spongiform disease is where brain tissue turns into a sponge like material and is no longer functional; in this case due to massive antibody attack. yes But weak? Their cheapest future car will cost $25,000. Uhh, there’s a “real reality”. Has to be one or the other. Fellow passengers subsequently stood up for the family, they parked the plane, kicked everyone off and canceled the flight. “We know the capacity to cause serious damage exists, so this will boost the risk premium for oil.”, And once they do, they deserve to be defended and to continue to triumph against all enemies. You’ll be guided on your final “nature walk” all the way to some nuclear dump site in Nevada previously owned and flipped by Harry Reid to Soros, where you’ll dig your own mass graves and jump in with maga hats proudly and firmly in place on your pointy heads as the bullets rain down to finish the job. So far, as sadly predictable, no takers for the task. How can you mean go BACK to Africa? Thus Christian cultures also fight, a more inwardly focused battle perhaps, or understood in a somewhat more inward sense, but against the same corruption, that of themselves. Visit this blog’s sponsor. The UK upmarket retailer's range which will be launched across the next few weeks, also includes a white chocolate Hedwig and a chilli cheese hot cross bun. Trump made a huge mistake, he put faith into Pence and his medical crew, who instead of taking on the disease, played politics until it was too late. “Calling N-Word Jim,” Weissmann said. A nation in peril…. Actually, one poll said a healthy 40% or so said it wasn’t really a bad thing. Who can resist this great Vampiress? Save your animosity and advocacy against those who hide behind their mouth-breathing minions. The real issue in a free society is the free access to information. We are so fucked. Capitalism/Communism – one system. You are observing history in the making. And if he claims to be a womxn – you gonna try to stop xer? If that’s how you read my first post, read it again, champ. The real problem with Wokesterism is whose books are right, and whose are wrong? I have a different view – liberal democracy is worth preserving and defending. This isn’t a party dispute, it’s already a regime change. Look Yohannon, in the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy. So Premier Joe Bidung did get the vaccine! Maybe this is irrelevant to what’s going on in your country and maybe it isn’t. Fifty-five percent of Americans approve of his handling of the economy, but 63% also say that the economy remains in poor shape. But that’s doubtful, there would always be resisters hoarding books & videos in secret. The enemy of the people and the Constitution are the Deep State, who want power in the hands of the Feds. Not to mention they did it with the cameras of the MSM rolling. I acted similarly. Free speech helps us to actually know what and how the enemy’s mind works. No one accused the young sportswoman of doing the 4chan “white power” troll. “Having visited and strolled around both Spokane and Coeur D’Alene – I know which one I would prefer to live in.” tekapo troll. The USSR was run by one man being rubber stamped by a figment of a legislature. Amanda Cooper, who lives in the US, was criticized by Gordon Ramsay in one of his TikTok videos after she shared a clip of the first lookalike cake - and faced a similar reception this time around. Nick rightly says that God is in charge, and you can only do what you think is right. It is to be surmounted since conclusions must be drawn. Enough with the damn passively! So yeah, youz next. In his 2005 book, The Long Emergency, James Howard Kunstler In a hospital environment, with loads of patients, were all the folks tested for both flu and the crud? Or a Milton Friedman? To my great misfortune, I didn’t know about “Beulah Land,” so I looked it up and found this beautiful rendition of the old song by that name performed by Alison Krauss. 1. Yes, those people, the very ones Q anon says are the illuminati luciferians. What a rock strewn desolate nothing. There are more than a few people out there who believe Q people are the biggest domestic terror threat ever and that some attack is imminent. The $1,900,000,000,000.00 Covid relief passed this weekend is ridiculous. Another ban coming soon? And you know what means. They put Dr. Seuss to good use and pile on more and more abuse., “Yoho: Wo means wife. Well … it’s totally true … people who were far poorer than you have ever experienced. Caesar salad grazing boards are the latest trend making wavesÂ, Bake Off's Nadiya Hussain reveals she was 'really affected' by the racial abuse she faced when she used apple instead of swede in a Cornish pasty recipe, This is not just any Christmas food! 3. ”, ” …. I was taking those pharaonic chin beards as a symbol of a ruler obsessed with himself and his image who will work his people into the ground in order to build monuments to himself. The latest additions available March 4 across the UK, includes a spinach and falafel wrap, veggie New York Style deli sandwich and chicken focaccia. What a disgrace! The man believes in public service, something this country does no believe in much anymore. Now, this is a real problem for my daughter, whose life is stressful enough already – likewise for quite a lot of old people in the area who depend on the bus to get them to them to said Tesco’s on the main road and who aren’t going to find a 90-minute walk very easy. It didn’t fail, it was assassinated. But when I say that, I mean that there is no literal path of just winning elections and taking over the government. Great example of how to use the PTB’s powers against them. Well, some of my woke friends are now living in their fancy cars. So in a really partisan environment where the Republicans claim widespread fraud, and the Democrats claim widespread suppression – you could expect a bill like this after the 2020 experience. A bum, at one point drinking fifty cups of coffee a day. CBRN, by Piero San Georgio and Chris Millenium is all about surviving, chemical, biological, and nuclear events. “And not a polar bear, either. “Ain’t nobody gonna tell me what to do, c’mon! The Houthis have ramped up assaults on Saudi Arabia through airborne attacks and explosive-laden boats and mines in the Red Sea, laying bare the vulnerability of the country’s energy infrastructure despite the kingdom’s production prowess and its hold over the oil market. A strapping middle-aged gentleman-of-color, dressed in ragged clothes, strode to the witness chair. We’ll be sure to write often. (Neotony, everybody’s doing it!) Was the Resurrection racist? Get rid of all the tekapos of the world (and there are multi-millions of them), and then what happens? Mirin might be a little bit trickier – they sell it all over up here, it’s a sweet rice wine, and you’ll find it where you find the panko. You are a silly focker, sentimentally attached to the Old South because it is vilified, just as you are to the loathsome Communist East Germany, with the sentimentality more in ascendance because you were there as a young child. And for the latest; Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (a major well respected journal) has published a study showing a strong link between the Pfizer ‘vax’ (and presumptively the Moderna ‘vax’ given same mechanism of action) causing Prion Disease, a spongiform dementia. I cannot recall the last time I had more fun reading Jim’s blog than today. In other words, nothing will have changed. MMWR report that Physicians can get if subscribed. It’s your patriotic duty!!!!! The backlash will be classic! The Demographic Imperative trumps you and your clock. Woman asks after giving up cake for lent, How to make Starbucks' Frappuccino at home, How to make a no-bake Oreo layered cake using just two ingredients. Andrea Zagatti, 28, who has cooked for the likes of Kanye West and Anne Hathaway, has a opened high-end sandwich joint, Mr Z's Luxury Sandwiches in Chelsea, London. Or maybe Shmuelly and Ignatz were binge-watching teenage girl videos late at night only to be rewarded with a new “white supremacist” offense to investigate (“short-shorts plus a hate crime? Oil crises. Or to put it bluntly , many of the denizens of this blog are not anti – Wokesters . Tekapo wants everyone to know that he’s worked to help the poor, and that his heart bleeds for them. Jim- I think Netflix may finally buy one of your screenplays., Given the choice I will take juvenile great whites over them damn sting rays all day long, And why not? ”. Germans… , that includes you. Here’s a story,of a lovely lady will come visit you at the restored Alcatraz, and we’ll each have a cake which we hope won’t set off the metal detectors. Tarzan was always fighting natives, who chucked spears at him. “You reside in libraries all over the world, is that correct?” the attorney asked. Is it the new variants this time, they were not here last summer? To learn more visit:, Click here for Autographed Copies from Battenkill Books Burgers and More, in Harrogate, revealed on Facebook they are selling the extravagant dish, which is usually served with cheddar cheese and béchamel sauce, for £17.95. ..but how much did you hear about Cat-in-the-Hat? a few began to scream. It’s a stage of growth or the stoppage of growth. And celebrities and pop culture don’t seem to be a source of uplifting ideals generally. Regarding my fundament….I only have this to say; “I have many rooms in my F(undament) house…. The trees I’m cutting up are already felled so I don’t have the danger inherent in actually cutting them down, which I leave to people who know what they are doing. Who was busy with 3 boys of his own. The fact is that people are always going to recognize authority figures, and political office is a symbol of authority. Secession is an unrealistic dream. I can deal with “Latinx” easily enough as a non-gender term that’s not bad – and it’s easy to say – but nope, womxn doesn’t make the cut for me. Yes, Librarians hate most books except woke books, like Politically Correct Faery Tales. I’m gonna get me a can opener and live off the fat of the land, “farming” the supermarkets. But none did. They must not be allowed to utter a word. “And let’s have no more impertinence! You don’t have the muscle power, and you have no idea and no experience in how to get that muscle power, as it long ago atrophied into faded memory. Your neighbors that thieve your mail packages from your doorsteps? The US needs a good “hit” to square itself away. The spineless cowards in your community that don’t do nothing but eat like pigs and gorge on “entertainment”? Thank you, I will continue wearing my mask in environments where droplets are present. I agree with you. His white characters look evil, demented or deformed. All republics have ever meant is that the average Joe might incrementally be better off , and that’s all. But hey, everybody’s getting the ‘vax,’ so don’t be left out. She explains that her son wants to bake scones, but she's unsure if they're bread or cakes. Experience and overcoming obstacles is what matures kids and adults. She actively supported it and the resident in the Whitehouse also quietly supported it. The $1.9 trillion spending package is done. Now, the high middle that reconciles both and can do so because it is another Principle altogether. Speaking of which I have an opening for a Political Officer. ’cause there’s always DeBlasio to boss around, I’ve been the AG, the governor, Clinton’s HUD Secretary I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t have the time or will to research these people’s history. J&J uses only one shot, not two. Bring that America back, please. A fundemental and basic premise of nuclear weapons is that you are perfectly willing to deem 3 year olds as combatants. Or centuries. The Tempest! On a different note, I have always contended that a domesticated chin beard is an automatic assertion of sophistication and authority. A Houthi military spokesperson said the group had fired 14 bomb-laden drones and eight ballistic missiles in a “wide operation in the heart of Saudi Arabia”. Wear two or three. But you don’t own them, at least not in any sense we understand the term. This would include many ineligible voters, including aliens, • It would require states to allow 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to register. “Is it not white privilege to — as you say — run everything?” he added, shaking his head gravely. The guy who got the Pfizer and two days later developed a severe rash then went to the ER and they discovered he had NO PLATELETS! Masks make you sick. Much sharing of data from VAERS and UK’s similar program. If you got rid of the Communists, then you’d come for the Fascists. And by now they know they don’t need them…. 11. And you might as well say flu is indistinguishable from meningitis in a clinical context. There are very few methods that are both certain and cost effective. Why does this particular genocide take up so much psychological space? There are no free speech rights here. A man who claims to be a “woman” is just as much a womyx as any cis biological. Likewise , everyone who has gotten royally screwed in a relationship will now be labelled the bad guy for thinking they got screwed. But social satire is supposed to mock reality with hyperbole. That is why the business community is really afraid of the power of the Deep State. You’re already starting to see early signs of that fear with the 10yr racing past 1.5%. Yes. This is not hard to figure out with even a modicum of research. Top left to right: ASDA's buns, which are £1 for four were highly rated along with a traditional variety from the Co-Op and a triple chocolate twist from Lidl. They would be allowed under special supervision by the UN. Churchill didn’t like Nazis any more than he liked Imperial Huns , anymore than he liked Irish Republicans , anymore than he liked Indian Nationalists , anymore than he liked South African Boers , and his number one political goal in 1941 was the same as it was in 1901 ; In hindsight at least , he looks less like a mastermind , more like a Jack Ass , as it has clearly born out like Hiler said that war with Germany would destroy that empire , whether the Brits won or lost. And immediately—literally within a day—the Levitical lynchers at the ADL “pounced,” demanding the video be removed. I don’t want anyone to tell me what I can read, think, or say – on the other hand, I don’t trust most of my fellow citizens to use even a ragged scrap of reason when it comes to choosing what to have for lunch, let alone determining the future of the country. That is a major problem right now for BLM. As it should. Two thirds of gas stations with no gas, rationing, gas lines and waits of hours to get gas and only getting ten gallons, the pump shut off. Only problem I see with this theory is that Democrats are more keen to rush to take the vaccines than are MAGA folks, so if the marker is being set for extermination, well, there are gonna be a whole lotta dead Democrats. And so , likewise , quite sufficient to say that reactions to Covid are gross exaggerations. .??? Shouldn’t credit cards identify the person’s race? Who makes that decision? No , the most despised group has been Southern Whites. Twins Alan and Gary Keery, who co-own London's Cereal Killer Cafe, have been sharing unique cereal combinations on TikTok, including another involving Coco Pops. I prefer rational argument and good science over confirmation bias, any day. Davos Man will make bank one way or another so I suppose for them it doesnt matter so much but to a regular person it seems counterintuitive. I tend to agree that there is really no possible conservative solution in electoral politics. That’s why I think these man-bun, coffee house barista’s are a symptom, a tool, and not the motive power behind the insanity. They wound up on the menu. Impunity can kiss my big black ass…. JohnAZ, There’s one more troubling parallel I’ve noticed. And the ONLY THING that has changed in the past 30 – 50 years is that their own narrative , their own weapons , have been turned against THEMSELVES. Looking at the stats yesterday, the winter surge is over, but not to the zero point. Toomey tweeted this morning that he thought the Dems are getting too much out of the Covid Bill. They are inadequately tested “medical interventions.” As for me, I would rather stick with medical interventions using medications/supplements with a history of safe use. If you got the definition from a real dictionary, it wouldn’t. Antifa and BLM rioters who caused billions in damage and who actually caused the deaths and injuries to scores are let out of jail with no charges and no bail. That is the type of people we need in office: people who are driven, with passion, who are willing to sacrifice. Why are there feral teenagers, is it a “new” problem, and more importantly, what can be done about it? But….but…he had “The Patriot Act” and….whatever. Can those groups even understand each other, relate to each other, or form a uniform group? In other words, it’s not cowardice, it’s delusion and laziness. So womxn also means the to be wifed or married to the peso, perhaps. In what book is his Enlightenment chronicled? More power and wealth usurpation. Maybe a write-in campaign would help? We cannot even build a 21st century railroad system, improve our highways or fix our bridges. I am horrified, I tell you. I remember 1973 very well. You can complain all you like really, but the fact is that a democracy means that you win some and you lose some. But when the actual butchers bill that all these abstractions actually mean come due , they want to be sitting there with a straight face saying , ” I never had to do anything morally compromising …. Then all the sheep allusions go out of the window and things get nasty for those in power. Which science, Biden’s and Fauci’s or Scott Adams’. No muscle pains, but a slight throbbing on my left calf muscle. They can’t go outside unless masked. If you are White, you can immigrate to another White nation. I’ll get a vaccine when my cohort is allowed to receive it. Second childhood? Whoever is in power? Their science. The mRNA shots are 90+% effective against the disease and 100% effective against serious infection and death. But are you telling me that you trust the media? People need to understand that the Covid ‘vax’ is NOT a true vaccine, but a massive stimulator of antibodies to the ‘corona spike’ protein that is one of several spikes on the COV virus. I’ll bet the Woke scumbags won’t even serve him a pot of “Hunny” for his final meal. The audience is now beyond tired. Blogger reveals shocking differences in ingredients between same US and UK foods including McDonald's fries, M&Ms, and ketchup, Cereal killer café where hipsters paid up to £7.90 for a bowl spark new outrage with 'next-level breakfasts' on TikTok - including Shreddies with orange juice and squirty cream and Coco Pops with cheese, Little Moons mania sweeps Britain! Kafka, who is seated beside me.”, “You are mistaken,” the Queen said. People aren’t born with a mask on our face. 4. the youngest one in curls. I sense the Satanic virus of nihilism is starting to infect your mind with this latest missive, as if you want to say: “let it all go to hell, we’re already there anyway”.”. Remember Pravda? For now. Learn to demand to get your way, or you will never learn to! Perhaps David should rethink your approach to the board. . Equal treatment of unequal people is Tyranny. My support for the Palestinians perhaps?” — tekapo troll. ”. Just another reason to go local and physical. What’s that? Must have been fun. We supposedly take away limits on any person on American soil, whether legal or illegal, and allow ballot manipulation. The Uniparty is putting in roots for permanence. The election theft and the coronavirus lunacy are apparently not enough of a fracture line to get the masses of people talking about secession, so it is reasonable that even if that is your end goal, you’d simply continue forward with what I’ve dubbed “normalizing normalcy.”. You are certainly free to wear a mask forever as far as I’m concerned. Too many deaths, miscarriages, and severe physical damages from the experimental vaccine to report honestly. Miroku is a producer of excellent, high quality products…they built The Charles Daly O/U, and some of the Browning Superposed, in the mid-80’s, as I recall. Just trying to figure out the layout of the big flowchart on your wall for how to do your job, asking for a friend…. Perhaps that’s what Da Free John referred to. J&J is 70+% effective against the disease but still 100% effective against serious infection and death. Brent crude, the international benchmark, rose 2 per cent to a high of $71.16 a barrel while West Texas Intermediate, the US benchmark, rose by a similar amount to a high of $67.86 a barrel. Condos in Brookline, MA cost $35,000, though. There might well be – but I made no comment about that. ‘there should be a presumption of propriety and honesty in citizens.’. My guess is , being an ex – Marine and policeman , you know exactly what the fuck that line means , even if you have never seen the movie , and can only guess at the context. Of course, but they don’t care. It’s kinda sad you don’t know how extensively you embarrass yourself. Other Books by JHK Closer to home, the emperor of excelsiorland may want to sing the following: (apologies to old blue eyes), That’s life (that’s life), the folks all say it’s harsh Why would you eat it. A hybrid: A poult is the young of which creature? Let’s cut to the very bad news , right off the bat ; Republics have never meant the difference between Heaven and Hell. Where is science? How did they make it through the beyond deadly level of radiation from the Van Allen belts? True but it’s a place to start. Copies of such works of Evil like “A People’s History of the United States” can be kept for specialists to study or graduate students taking a course in the Works of the Enemy. HRC never had a “95% lead” – not even in the deepest blue counties of New York. 1 would make fraud easier by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration and no-fault absentee balloting, • Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals on state and federal databases. In the chaos, some of the rioters stole weapons, including AR-15s, from the vehicles. Hmmm well whatever the case I do notice in the moment that Wendy isn’t in that equation ;-).xx. Protecting the public became issue no. Night Owl. With Moderna and Pfizer, the mRNA is injected, which goes into the cytoplasm and creates the spike protein without using the nucleus. Not sure what you mean … each person is on the voter roll as an individual: name, address, DOB … it would be close to impossible for two people to share identical information, so sharing a household doesn’t cause problems. Just goes to show the idiocy of pc -ness knows no bounds, no matter the religion. Uh …. They tracked Joe Biden having a modest but significant lead in all the swing states for some months before Nov 3 – a small winning lead that Donald Trump could not whittle away – as the result finally showed.
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