Maybe I am thinking too much on what will work and should just go with what the info sheets at the store say are tank mates. Gourami: Gourami is also a great choice for a roommate with mollies. Other great options are guppies, tetras, rasboras, danios, and gouramis. The guppies, mollies, platies, ... Do mollies and swordtails get along? You may hear people recommend a minimum of 10 gallons to house mollies, but in all honesty 20 is going to be a lot better. The molly fish breeding process is extremely interesting and fun for those who are interested. The poor mollies didn't do well. Topic: Mollies or Platies? Some of these freshwater tropical fish may crossbreed and produce hybrids. How Big Do Mollies Get? They can be kept with shrimps and snails if you would like some non-fish companions. Generally speaking, they can get along in the same tank, but your success at keeping them together may depend on the specific breeds and individuals involved, and on your tank set up. oh and sorry, when I wrote "breed them" I meant their own species, sorry. They are compatible with anything as long as the the other fish is not aggressive. In fact, platies do well in community tanks with other small fish and close relatives. Platies. on the orange fish pictured? I really like Mollies though and love black Mollies. 8 years ago. You can keep them together, but not in a tank especially tailored for one species or the other. I guess platies are relatively smaller than mollies. Do Platies and Gouramis get along int he same tank? Can guppies, platies, and mollies live together? 8 years ago. And they can breed together too. Two betta fish (especially two males): Two females can get along, but I would still not recommend it. Relevanz. They are generally hardy, colorful, and easy to maintain. Utterly disappointed it's not sharp! vor 9 Jahren . Do Mollies and Platies Get Along? Fish like guppies, mollies, and some types of tetras make great tank mates for platies. Given the fact that it is twice the size of the Platy near it, i assume Molly? Their ease of care, feeding, and breeding set them apart as an aquarium favorite, as do their stunning variety of colors and patterns. reply #9. dawnrader. Ive kept Mollies with Guppies before, but they tend to live longer in Brackish. Mollies, like guppies, are capable of acclimating to full strength sea water temporarily, but it is not their natural environment by any means. I know you lost one. Platies Temperament. 8 years ago. I was going to get platies, but when I looked down and saw the Lyretail Dalmatian Mollies I fell in love. 12-14-2009, 06:40 PM. Share. Given your source water parameters, you will find it much easier to have success if you select fish suited to your water. I just want to make sure as I am trying to pick what fish I am putting in my 20 gallon tank. nic x. reply #8. meetamol. Zebra danios are very hardy fish, and they are especially appropriate for beginners. reply #7. dawnrader. Can I get an I.D. However, swordtails like to stay in schools, so always introduce five or more of them at one time. All livebearers like molly fish get along great together. They strike a good friendship with similar cousins like mollies, platies, and angelfish. Lab_Rat. Thanks guys, i think i'll need to take a picture of them to see if i can get a better Id. Check out whether guppies and mollies can live together.) If you plan on having mollies in your tank you should remember that they can grow up to an inch bigger than your betta. Mar 2, 2010 #4 pringle Songster. 3. do neon tetras get along with platies ,mollies,fancy guppies and ghost shrimp? Fish get lonely too. 12-14-2009, 06:27 PM. Tank Mates Non aggressive tropical fish such as tetras and barbs that won't nip fins, mollies, guppies, platies, swordtails, ottos, Cory cats, various small loaches, small plecos and some ram species do great with the Honey Gourami. Goldfish: Goldfish require cooler water temperatures, and they pollute the water at a higher rate than bettas do. keep the fry's and adult tanks temperature at 80F and a pH of 7.5, that is great breeding conditions for live bearers. I finally got round to getting a picture of my guys. Platies display many different colors and patterns, so just like Swordtails they’re beautiful little gems that aren’t demanding when it comes to water conditions. Mollies get along well with peaceful and small fishes like dwarf gourami, bristlenose pleco, white cloud mountain minnow, harlequin rasbora, cherry barb, guppy and platy. These two are simply not compatible for living in the same tank. I would go with 5-7 Platies with a 2-1 f/m ratio (added over a couple of weeks). Zebra Danios. Feeding. Gouramis: These swimmers are closely related to betta, so they'll definitely end up fighting. Also, the fact that they are not demanding makes them an even better choice. They are very social species, in terms of getting along with other peaceful fish well and they are also schooling fish. I have 30 molly fry and 7 guppy fry in a 7 gallon tank. they should get along quite well. Larger Tetras Some species of tetra can live with red swordtails. They’re peaceful and besides guppies, they also get along with mollies, swordfish, catfish, and tetras all of which are good companions for guppies as well. They all breed in the same manner and have similar levels of aggression. And while goldfish can tolerate warm waters, platys are strictly tropical fish - do not lower the temperature of their water! You do know that koi get very large and are a cool water fish, right. These two fish don't really get along and if the goldfish are/grow quite large there is a chance they could eat the platys anyway. These fish are all very similar. If you’re wondering if platies and guppies can be kept in the same aquarium, you’ll be pleased to find out that platy fish and guppy fish are compatible and can be kept together in the same tank. Click to see full answer. They stand out from other fish because of their appearance and can add uniqueness to your aquarium. I once kept four Mollies in a tank especially suited to the needs of Angels, but I added aquarium salt for the Mollies. There is no "middle ground" anyway, and adjusting parameters means a lot of additional issues along the way. just watch out if you have males and females though, these fish breed like rabbits and can pretty easily take over your tank with many of unwanted fry. Mollies share the Poecilia genus with guppies, platies, and limias. However, Neon Tetras are SCHOOLING fish and need to be in groups of 6+ with the same species. Amol. 10 Years. Furthermore, they are active fish and breed rapidly. Can Swordtails live with Tetras? Mollies and Angels can live together, but other livebearers such as platies and swordtails will work better with Angelfish. Amy Miller. Yes, both Mollies and Platies are peaceful species of fish and will get along well if given the right amount of space and habitat to live in together. Ive kept Mollies with Guppies before, but they tend to live longer in Brackish. I have had them in the same aquarium and they do very nicely together,good comunity fish.They even go well with my water shrimp(try getting water shrimp there awesom! WC. Platies are small, peaceful fish that get along with all their tank mates, provided those tank mates are also peaceful. Beste Antwort. However, fish needs large amount of food with vegetable fibers component, for example, with algae or vegetables. If i was you, i would just stick with Swordtails and Platies. Molly fish forms a great companionship with guppies, swordtails, minnows, snails, tetras, and shrimp. Mollies and guppies are very similar fish with comparable behavior and needs. Martie PM me I have 3 aquariums in Central FL bigger than a 10g and will sell for dirt cheap. They would get along very well. I only had to take back one betta because she was a bully, (before I got the balloon molly) but have had no problems since. They can adapt to several water conditions and require around 20 gallons of water, just like mollies. Mollies and platies can get along fine, but 10gallon is too small for the mollies. Though platy fish are not technically schooling fish, they do better when kept in groups. Guppies & mollies breed like crazy too. Breeding. guppies, probably another 10. mollies or platies, i wouldn't put in any more than five. Platies; Bristlenose Pleco; Zebra Loach; Yoyo Loach; Most Types Of Tetras; Dwarf Gourami; Harlequin Rasbora; Cory Catfish; Swordtail; Molly fish will also get along with most freshwater aquarium shrimp and snails quite well too. Neon Tetras will do fine with all of those fish. These fish are of the same, mostly the same, species and they will have no problem living with each other. Nice to know they get along with guppies too! For reference, there should be three females platies for every male. Best of all, they readily breed in the home aquarium with little effort on the part of the aquarist. The genus Mollienesia, from which the name mollie was derived, has been re-classified as Poecilia and is considered to be in the same genus as the guppy. They love to swim with one another through plants, hiding under leaves, and resting at some points. also try feeding the adults a mix of flakes and frozen/live foods. Because of this, you should consider what tank you plan on using. Apr 16, 2009 2,179 8 191 Pepperell,MA. Don't put them together. For someone who thinks they know enough about fish, I can’t tell if it is a Molly or a Platy, and it has been driving me nuts haha. Platies are also freshwater fish that come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors. Will mollies eat guppies? Also asked, what kind of fish is a Molly? They were just pretty fish. They also get along well with other similar size and temperament fish such as Corydoras, Tetras, Characins, Gouramis, small peaceful barbs and obviously other Platy Fish. I came to this site and learned pretty quick that I went about getting fish the wrong way. For example, other Mollies, Guppies, Endlers, Swordtails, Platies, and all other livebearers will get along great with them. jay2487. As with all community fish, the proper amount of space and habitat is important for proper fish health. Or at least a hybrid (if that even is a thing). Swordtails, mollies, platies, guppies and Endlers are livebearers. They can live in just about any size tank. Fights do occur between tank mates due to lack of resources or unavailability of the opposite sex but risks of injury are not very high. Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, and Guppies. They get along with almost all other freshwater species. Whereas, fish like swordtails and platies can give good company to your mollies without overpopulating your fish tank. Yes, Guppys and Mollies will get along, although, Mollies prefer brackish water (Half Salt). So far, no aggression problems with ANY of my livestock, either with my other fish or her, and I have female bettas, platies, mollies and bottom dwellers together. You really have plenty of options! Depending on tank size, you can make a really nice community. This is a risk because any fish that can fit its mouth around another fish will try and eat that fish, so be careful. This makes them more confident and, if the right female-to-male ratio is used, more peaceful. I immediately bought two, never knowing anything about the Nitrogen Cycle or how to care for them, or anything about Mollies at all. Depending on tank size, you can make a really nice community. Orange sunset platies. Yes, Guppys and Mollies will get along, although, Mollies prefer brackish water (Half Salt). Even 4 small one's in a 55 is pushing it, IMO. Mollies are relatively big. Guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails the most popular and widely kept of livebearing fishes in the aquarium hobby. how many you can put in the tank depends on what fish you're talking about. With habitats throughout Central and North America, these hardy freshwater fish tolerate a range of water conditions. All these ‘livebearers’ get along great with each other in the same tank. What is important is that you keep them in large numbers, if you have a big tank, or if you have a small one, it is recommended that you go and put at least 2 of each species. But for the most part, yes, Dalmatian mollies will get along with guppies. If i was you, i would just stick with Swordtails and Platies. Here’s how to keep them together: Keeping Platy Fish and Guppy Fish in the Same Aquarium. you sure can! This is an omnivorous fish that eats all types of live, frozen or artificial food. 7 Antworten. Antwort Speichern. You can also add larger tetras and peaceful corydoras for a greater variety in the tank. A friend of mine that has been keeping livebearers for nearly 30yrs refuses to buy Mollies because they are so susecptable to getting sick. Both platies and guppies are peaceful, active fish. But if you have suggestions before I get started it would be appreciated. For instance, swordtails, platies, and guppies. I prefer Platies over Mollies as far as sturdy fish. i have gravel,filter 2 toys and air pump. The ones that you picked should all get along- but the platys get huge. Zebra Danios.
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