Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Rabbits are not for the faint-hearted. 1. Take the towel, wrap your bunny up and expose one paw at a time to trim their nails. We are one of the original resources on the internet dedicated to the proper care of house rabbits. These lovable, social animals are wonderful companions for people who take the time to learn about their needs. Be sure to check out our articles to learn about vaccinations, bunny behaviour and more. For Holland Lops, we recommend an x-pen that is at least 30″ tall, like the one below: Or, if you are looking for an even more sturdy, semi-permanent option, this second play pen looks really nice and would work really well. What to feed your rabbit. There is one main rule when feeding rabbits vegetables and that is absolutely no Iceberg lettuce because of the amount of lactucarium in it. There are a few things to keep in mind when starting. Choose a rabbit-safe litter such as equine pellet bedding from the local Tractor Supply or recycled paper pellets. There are a lot of great examples on YouTube on how to do this. Thank you for your time! The quick is tissue in their nails that can be painful and very bloody if cut so be careful to not get too close! ( Log Out / Reply Rabbits and Children; Outdoor Rabbits; Rabbit Care & Diet (plus vet & boarding info) Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD) Store; Volunteer. You should provide fresh hay, food pellets, vegetables and water for your rabbit every day. Again, the website I previously mentioned will have a list of fruits. Some bunnies get it right away, while others might need some extra time and additional steps. Another one of our bunnies just doesn’t seem to enjoy levels really at all. They are a reputable website and their goal is to have healthy bunnies. Now it is also important to consider if the housing is suitable for a bunny. The litter should be about half an inch deep and potentially more if you have a larger breed. Finally, it is important to consider the materials the enclosure is made of, are all of the materials safe for rabbits? I use these cat nail clippers (below) You can pick these up at the pet section in Walmart, order off of Amazon, or get that at just about anywhere! WhatsApp. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. A proper set up will ensure the safety and comfort of your rabbit. I only recommend the double for bunnies, and then connecting them side by side and removing the inner side panels to create a long vertical cage instead of a horizontal one. You can find Timothy Hay at most farm supply stores, pet stores, and even Wal-Mart. Regularly brush your rabbit to avoid matting and so they do not eat too much fur because they do groom themselves like cats. Bunnies need a constant supply of timothy, orchard grass, or oat hay to support digestion and healthy teeth. The website, the Rabbit House, has great suggestions for what to feed your bunny, and how much to feed. The number one thing people get wrong about rabbits is that they should live in a tiny cage all the time which is extremely false. Basic Rabbit Care 101 1. A nice product available on the market is the Willow Ball. You can buy good quality treats from the pet store or use fruits that do not have seeds or have seeds removed such as apples and bananas. Even with a healthy diet and a great living quarters, rabbits also need regular grooming. We feed our own buns Blue Seal Show Hutch Deluxe feed. If you have a rabbit under six months of age, you can feed them primarily alfalfa and slowly switch them over to mainly Timothy Hay when they get close to six months of age. How to Take Care of A Bunny Rabbit – Pet Care Basics 101. These cages are well-built and can be modified in a number of ways, but again, it does require some ingenuity. Thank you so much for all your help with bunny husbandry. As a rabbit owner, it is important to know some rabbit care basics in order to create a safe, loving environment for the furriest member of your family. From diet to housing to bunny proofing, the articles below will help you provide the best possible care for your rabbit. Our bunnies favorite greens are parsley, carrot tops, and kale. Take the towel, wrap your bunny up and expose one paw at a time to trim their nails. ( Log Out / Rabbits have a tendency to eat and use the bathroom at the same time. Many people find that one bunny is plenty to care for. Unlimited hay means they need access to it twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. This can be incorporated into their daily feed if you wish. Two bunnies would require $300 (x2) for spaying/neutering and separate cages if bonding isn't successful. Here are some bunny care tips to learn about before you consider adding an adorable new pet. Do not give your rabbit a bath. Another great option is using Wire Storage Cubes to either build your own enclosure, or attach a run to an existing enclosure (like I did). Also consider the security of the enclosure. Bunny Care 101. Next you will want to regularly clean accidents and sweep up poop and put it in the litter box, so they learn where they are supposed to go. From fun facts about rabbits, to housing, nutrition and general care, our guide tells you everything you … When raising rabbits for meat there are many options for food. Rabbits also molt twice a year. False! Find a cage with a plastic bottom to prevent escaping. Our Rabbit Care 101 is a comprehensive guide on rabbits. It is very important that you ensure your bunny is eating, drinking, and pooping frequently. You may have thought of bunnies as low maintenance pets in the past, but it’s important to rethink those ideas, because they can be quite difficult to care for, and when it comes to health, they can decline very rapidly. You can sometimes find these in-store, but they are also available online through Amazon. If there are any changes in these categories, please schedule an appointment with a vet. Digging animals can easily dig under and through an enclosure that is on the ground, so it is important to ensure that it is predator proof. Additionally, put a rabbit chew in the cage every week to help your mini lop manage the length of its teeth. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The First Important Decisions Once you have decided a rabbit will be a great pet for you or your family, choose your pet carefully, decide if your rabbit should be an indoor or outdoor pet, and if indoors, caged or allowed to roam at will or with restrictions. Many bunny owners choose to use a large dog crate for their bun’s cage. The next area of bunny care to think about is food. I really don’t have an recommendations for other litter as we are so happy with the pelleted bedding. However, these litter boxes are currently priced much higher than they used to be, and I wouldn’t purchase them again until they are less than $15. ( Log Out / These are great. The Living World Deluxe Pet Habitat, X-Large is another popular choice as it offers close to 4ft. The answer should be less than 1%! Make sure to make changes to their diet slowly as their tummies need time to adjust. Maintain 6 feet for social distancing. The best list I have found and use is on Let’s start with the basics. Depending on the length of their nails will depend on how much you need to trim. They are high maintenance animals. Since Timothy Hay is the main component of their diet, rabbits tend like when you add in something else such Orchard Grass or Oat Hay. In addition to the options below, I absolutely encourage you to let your bunny roam outside of their enclosure for a few hours every day. Cat boxes or a small plastic totes work great. Research is so important in order to help you learn how to best care … I’m going to show you several steps to ensure you have a happy, healthy bunny who will binky all over the place and flop when they’re tired of running around and having fun. Do not offer rabbits plants, vegetation, or tree branches unless you are. Trimming your bunny's nails. Bunny Care 101 Here… Jan 22, 2019 - There are so many things to consider when adding a bunny to the family! -We recommend any food with AT LEAST 16% protein. How many rabbits have you lost during an operation? Lactucarium is the milky substance secreted by the lettuce. I changed out the floors, added wooden guards to the sides of the cages, and I extended all of the cages so that one is 6 ft. long and 2ft. They are so inexpensive, and easy to replace. I have heard people also really like Carefresh. If they ingest too much fur they can have an obstruction which will result in an emergency vet trip or even death if it is not caught in time. With the daily vegetables, you can add in things like basil or dill. The vegetable list that rabbits can have is very long. Bunny Condo Cleaning; Bunny Movers; Rabbit Socialization; Happy Tails; Abandoned Rabbits / Rehoming Rabbits Research is so important in order to help you learn how to best care … Some how my husband and son talked into getting a bunny vs. genie pig. My rabbit lives a life full of binkies and flops every single day! Rabbits also love to chew, and apple sticks are safe and fun for rabbits. To care for mini lop rabbits, line a hutch or cage with hay so your rabbit can build a nest. is your comprehensive source for all sorts of information about bunnies. If you must use a water bottle, clean the water bottle out at least once a week and replace every month to prevent bacteria from building up and making your rabbit ill. Much like hay, water should be unlimited. The cages can be purchased as a single or a double. Let your bunny get use to his/her new home for the first 72 hours. Most rabbits will need a kitten dose of treatment. Learn more about rabbit nutrition to understand what foods should be avoided and what should be fed for proper rabbit care. About one-quarter of other hay to three-quarters of Timothy is a great way to keep your bunny from getting bored. bunny care 101? Holland lops are a small breed, so they need a bit less space than large-breed rabbits, but I still like to have a space that allows a minimum of 4ft. Hi. They basically do a whole one-eighty that we call a “binky” when they really love their life! Here are a few items to have available before you bring your bunny home. The majority of a rabbit's diet should be composed of grass hay (any variety), which is rich in vitamins A & D as well as calcium, protein and other nutrients. Every bunny is a bit different and one type of litter box may not work for every bunny, but I have a few favorites. If there is a spot that they are frequently using, add another litter box in that area. Pellets should not be more than 30% fiber and no more than about 15% protein.
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