Hardy & lives up to 30 years in captivity. Mealworms should be provided in a shallow dish at all times. We have some gorgeous Bold super giant leopard geckos for sale, Be the first to review “Bold Super Giant Leopard gecko”. They’re perfect for beginners and extremely popular among long time reptile collectors alike. These are from the famous “tremper super giant” lines. No matter what, all insects that are going to be fed to your pet leopard gecko should be dusted. The Super giants have some of the most relaxed and calm personalities in the reptile kingdom once they are used to being handled. … Multiple females can be kept together with a male, but multiple males should not be kept together, even with several females, since they will fight over territory. 5 months old ... #CY1016 SNOW CYCLONE het SUPER GIANT (sold A.R.) Leopard Gecko habitat Requirement – Don’t finish shopping without them! House your single leopard gecko in a terrarium that’s at least 10 gallons. Required fields are marked *. A giant leopard gecko can average 9-11″ and 85 grams in weight. With a BIOLOGIST ON-SITE, you can buy with confidence that your pet gecko for sale, chameleon for sale, tortoise for sale or baby turtle for sale will arrive overnight the following morning via UPS or FedEx, well packaged and insulated with heat or cold packs added as needed to provide a safe reliable trip from our captive breed facility to your home or business. Lastly, you can treat your pet to waxworms super worms once a week if you wish. Giant Leopard Geckos for Sale in the United States. Vibrant colored morphs like Tangerine Super Giant leopard gecko for sale, Albino Super giant leopard gecko. Black Night. Also, because males tend to spar over territory and should always be kept separate of one another. Super Giant x Super Giant = 100% Super Giants. All of our leopard geckos for sale come with our live arrival and full 7-day health guarantee and ship via FedEx overnight and arrive the morning after shipping in heated or cooled insulated containers. They are available in a wide array of leopard gecko color morphs for sale, including bright colors, bold colors, albino leopard geckos, eclipse and marble eye leopard geckos for sale to name just a few. We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. Depending on where you have bought your leopard geckos for sale from, the baby leopard gecko may be easy to handle or also could be skittish depending upon if the leopard gecko breeder you purchased your baby from handled his or her geckos often, etc. All of our orders ship via FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled, insulated containers (when needed) and leave our facility at 6:45PM and are on your doorstep the following morning before noon. KTReptiles $200. If you considering buying 2 or more leopard geckos for sale, go with females. With line-breeding efforts the first 200-gram leopard gecko will likely occur in a few years. Leopard geckos are different. Consider our other species of captive-bred gecko for sale. Super Giant Leopard Geckos for Sale. The best leopard gecko food to use are mealworms or crickets. Be sure to checkout all of our leopard gecko for sale, as well as our baby leopard geckos for sale, crested gecko for sale, gargoyle gecko for sale as well as our panther chameleons for sale and iguanas for sale. Leopard Geckos for Sale. Super giant leopard geckos are available in a variety of super giant leopard gecko morphs. … Multiple females can be kept together with a male, but multiple males should not be kept together, even with several females, since they will fight over territory. So basically do not put 2 males together, ever, and you’re good! Over 150 grams, our “Moose’s Grand” the Grandson of the famous “Moose” has been making some beautiful big babies! Find super giant leopard geckos here. Pastel Giant/Super Giant albinos and Pastel Snow Raptors were then created. With a Biologist ON-SITE shop with confidence that you’ll be purchasing a top quality Leopard Geckos for sale online from a captive bred leopard gecko breeder. Specializing in tangerines, Firebolds, bold stripes, white and Yellows, Firewaters, and much more. Your email address will not be published. 100% Captive Bred baby super giant leopard geckos for sale – WE ONLY sell captive bred geckos for sale. For his health, remove any leftover uneaten food from the enclosure when he is shedding. ReptiMate allows you to select the polygenic traits your Leopard Geckos carry, and will inform you if the hatchlings are to have any influence. We ship Fedex & UPS Overnight year round. Black night leopard geckos, while large at anywhere from 75-150 grams at maturity, are pretty chill pet reptiles. They love to eat Leopard Gecko Food. April 2014 Update..... After years of trying to duplicate the turquoise blue gecko from the original three geckos mentioned above, we still have had no luck. Our baby tangerine leopard gecko for sale are the brightest tangerine leopard gecko baby you will find anywhere. Characterized by large size that can be genetically passed on to offspring. Because they have just taken a trip, we recommend allowing for 2-3 days before feeding. All insects must be first given a nutritious powdered diet for at least 12 hours before being fed to your leopard gecko. As this is a live animal, there will be slight aesthetic variations in colors. All insects must be first given a nutritious powdered diet for at least 12 hours before being fed to your leopard gecko. 100% Captive Bred baby super giant leopard geckos for sale – WE ONLY sell captive bred geckos for sale. Leopard geckos drop their tails only under extreme stress (life or death situations – as judged by the gecko). These leopard geckos are much larger than normal geckos and usually weigh up to 100 grams. On this picture, you can see a Super Giant leopard gecko. Hatching in May 2001 from a selected Tremper Giant bloodline. Bold Leopard Geckos for Sale in the United States. A super giant leopard gecko can easily reach 10 inches in length. We have some gorgeous Super Giant Tangerine Albino leopard geckos for sale! Make sure it knows that it is just your hand. Easy to care for, makes great reptile pet for kids and adults. GeckoBoa has the best quality leopard geckos on the market. Male - 92 grams - $249. Medium Bold Jungle Snow Leopard Geckos w/regrown tails. Grbw-ga-3-31 male Weight: 91 grams Price: $300.00 This is a good way to start a giant Super giants, who have both giant parents, grow even larger, weighing 110-130 grams. Kalico Gecko $600. They are easy to feed, do not have very difficult habitat requirements, do not require UV light and can be housed in a simple aquarium. In these moments several recognized breeders have managed to obtain supergiants geckos leopard, descendants of Moose. Bold leopard geckos for sale are one of the more exotic leopard gecko morphs as they are super bright and colorful. See our. $ 279.95 – $ 595.00. 100 Watt Ceramic Heat element fits in Fluker’s Sun Dome light or heat lamp fixture. The Leopard geckos we sell come from pristine, hand-picked breeders, bred for both docility, size, and color. Your email address will not be published. Once your new leopard geckos for sale are purchased and arrive home, let them adjust. They are limited in … Very hard to find and prove true Super Giants. Live insects are a must for your gecko as they don’t eat any plants or vegetables. Leopard gecko genetics have been evolving for over 20 years now since the first, 609-705-7787 | Geckos, Chameleons, Ball Pythons & more, Firewater blood Electric Tangerine Leopard geckos, Orange Tiger Flame Crested gecko for sale, Patterned African Fat Tailed Gecko for sale, Striped Tangerine Albino African Fat Tailed Gecko, Strawberry Pineapple Pacman Frog for sale, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise for sale, Giant South African Leopard tortoise for sale, Extremely Happy with baby sulcata tortoise. Sometimes they’re spotted, though they’re often just solid black. ... so I must leave it up to the worldwide leopard gecko community to pursue and discover its full power. Because raising a healthy leopard gecko is mostly based on what you’re feeding. Also, as a top leopard gecko breeder that has a real biologist on site, CB Reptile takes leopard gecko genetics to a whole new level. Crickets should be fed a minimum of twice a week. Bold super giant leopard gecko. I only sell Super Giants from proven pairs that have given me consistently large geckos. Because raising a healthy leopard gecko is mostly based on what you’re feeding. Handles well after acclimation but NEVER pick up a gecko by the tail. Our support Hotline is available 24 Hours a day: (555) 343 456 7891. With a Biologist ON-SITE shop with confidence that you’ll be purchasing a top quality Leopard Geckos for sale online from a captive bred leopard gecko breeder. We offer baby leopard geckos, juvenile leopard geckos, as well as young adult leopard gecko on sale. They’re perfect for beginners and extremely popular among long time reptile collectors alike. Our geckos are sold by age as hatchling, juvenile, and adult. Bold stripped leopard geckos have thick stripes and patterns that run down the side of their body, leaving the middle patternless. Carrot Tail Leopard Gecko The best leopard gecko food to use are mealworms or crickets. We go by age, not size, as each animal grows at its own rate.
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