1 FailLord dd if=/dev/random of=C:\ Monday at 12:14 PM #683 Noah builder of boats said: Would it be spiteful to have the Azur Lane port sucked into a black hole and then have Observer poke the remains in my story Click … Huh? Iron Blood and Sardegnian mass-produced ships are coming our way. It seems our primary target this time is the humanoid-type Conductor. Hmm... You make a good point! I'm impressed! 22: XII. This invitation comes very much out of nowhere. I will not tolerate you wasting any more time than you already have. AzurLane x Male Reader Wisdom cubes are the foundations and essentials for the shipgirls in the world of Azur Lane. This is not my lucky day. And when was the last time your intuition was right? 24K views. The huge tentacles that were part of Compiler's rigging shot up from the water underneath Heinrich. Earning Pizza Ingredients will reward items, resources, Fubuki's limited outfit "Stormy Waitress-in-Training", and a Manjuu Pizzeria Portrait Frame. Did something happen after that? Wait, whoa, whoa, what?! Azur Lane’s End-of-the-year Biggest Update: New Mode “Operation Siren” Plus Major Event “Inverted Orthant” December 22, 2020 - Shanghai, China - Naval shoot-em-up mobile game, Azur Lane has launched the patch update, “Operation Siren”, with new characters, mode, and plots enriching the game experience and depicting a bigger in-game world. And like clockwork, here come the Sirens! Do you think you can stop her in her tracks? Not lucky at all... That makes two of us. Oh, all right. Strasser, the identification signal's changed. *sigh*... Fine. But, can't talk too much right now! Besides, Eugen wouldn't be dumb enough to ask me to let you go anyway. Don't be like that~ You're the one in the enviable position here. Mini Event Memories. It's as if they were jamming our signals on purpose in order to make us fight each other. 32K views. We've got a plan to find out who it is, but would you mind working with us to solve the mystery? U-37, take Z28 with you and lead our guest here to the Floating Fortress through the D13 backdoor route. 2000x1200px 1.27 MB. Page 1 Page 2 … Strasser needs them for her plan to work. Perceived Severity: The text is still in Japanese Corrected Translation: I don't know Discord Form Submission ID: 3532. Inverted Orthant, which hit all versions of Azur Lane on 29th December, is the game’s last major event of 2020. I can deploy some reserve mass-produced units to try to stall them. Memories listed in orange exist in both CN and JP versions, but not EN. I will still play Azur Lane, but LO will probably get more attention since I'm just starting. They're just planes launched by some mass-produced Pawns. I can't believe she tried to capture a Siren by using a Mirror Sea. The enemy aircraft have changed their attack pattern. We're in a bit of a tight situation right now, so we need whatever help we can get, even if that means involving you. Mm... About right? Mhm, loud and clear. Eugen, I demand an explanation! Initiating capture. We'll back you up with our firepower! Hang on a sec... Do we usually use practice rounds this big? Smash it to pieces! Tinkers Lane Wassup (feat. Not to mention fellow shipgirls! I won't let you escape until I'm done going over every... single... point. ...Actually, quick question, what was the Conductor's gimmick, again? Yeah! Oh, hey, Strasser! By the way, where's Heinrich? Amid the blue-purple seas, in a factory shrouded in darkness, our airwing grows mightier by each passing day... Yeah, well, the Sirens built this place anyhow, so there's nothing wrong with us using it! Powering up movement module to 30%. Isn't there something bothering you about this whole situation? The training should be wrapping up by now. Azur Lane Navy Commanders. I think she's right... U-37, are you sure you didn't take the wrong route...? I don't even know what you're talking about anymore!!!!!! You couldn't have foreseen the Sirens would invade, and if anything, I'm honored to get to see all the bits and bobs behind the scenes like this! Wonder how Strasser's doing... Let's give her a call. Word of advice: try not to stray too far from the airspace under our control. Without her, our hold on the skies weakens too. Are we fighting the Sakura Empire fleet next? One, two, three... Eugen, do you copy? Noooo! If we couldn't, then I would be ordering everyone to evacuate right now. Cruising mode, initiate at 170% output. The previous major live stream for Azur Lane aired around Christmas 2020. Pawns! Heh, keep 'em coming! That's right. I know, I know! Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PYF6cnu All Naval Admirals are listed in alphabetical order, making it easy to find the Admirals you want.-----Popular Discussions View All (2) 7 … This time, with 6 IJN Ships. I've finished checking on the equipment.…………………. We have training to do today at–. (This isn't what I came here for! It's using a live ammunition loader rather than training rounds! Because I haven't been able to ascertain the exact cause of the communication failure, I've raised the security level of the research facility just in case. This is simply another on the long list of them. Peter Strasser scrambles one of her aircraft and drops a miniature dummy round right onto Heinrich's head. I've sent you instruction manuals on how to operate the facility. However, the Eternal Flagship and I cannot leave the Méditerranée. Are they programmed to attack all intruders indiscriminately? 1. It'll be quite some time before you make it back on course, after all. Chapter 15.5 - Memories of the Past ... Inverted Orthant Thread Special Chapter - New Years New Reading List. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Keep going and reclaim control over the remaining Platforms. It's rude to keep our guest waiting. Well, how about we get the show on the road then with this next exercise? And after grinding a week trying to do Kizuna Ai stuff, I noticed all my ships are USS, so decided to go for Saint Louis. H-how did you conceal a base this massive?! Kohakko. How strange nobody discovered it until we did! She's getting ready for a battle with the mass-produced ships and Pawns, to put a stop to them. Six new Iron Blood ships find their way into the … If they're going to that length to show us what they've accomplished, it'd be rude to turn them down. Azur Lane December 29th Update Patch Notes. Now, could you do as I told you to? Fog appearing out of nowhere in an unremarkable part of the ocean and engulfing our fleet. They won't hit you as long as you keep your distance. Black Friday Sale will be live from 11/18/2020 to 12/2/2020, (UTC-7)! ...Hang on, on that note, how are we even chatting right now? Great that you understand. Heinrich and Z46 in the Vanguard Fleet, Weser and I will be air support. [NOT IRONMAN COMPATIBLE] Want to stay updated on my mods? And don't be late. & TEE 01f5de38-3f89-4f2f-b9c1-ad0e087a3ab3 Uneek Ones Music Group Sensommardag Leif Carlsson But you're right, we've still got things to take care of. Did we miss something? It'd be a shame not to put it to good use. Kongou's exactly right. That will be fine. They certainly are fighting fiercely. I'll knock down whatever you throw at me! Yes, the plan is still the same. My eyes see all that lurks within the shadows. It feels kinda wrong to use the data we have on our allies to create Pawns... A live test using the latest available data is the most logical way to gauge how much better the upgrade made the airfield. Also, there's one more thing. But what really sealed the deal was the live ammo being used at defensive line 13. True. I'm counting on you, Shoukaku! This area was formerly controlled by the Iron Blood, but we quickly lost it to the Sirens... Because this region has little strategic value and is located so far from our shipping lines, we've largely ignored it all this time. The upgrade will not only make the training grounds more realistic, but also make the simulated enemy aircraft more like the Pawns they're based on. Now, as you all know, the Fortress' airfield facility received an upgrade just today. Not having to get your hands dirty, while being free to dream without any disturbances. Belfast-chan changed description of Inverted Orthant D2 crane sister skill lines still in Chinese. Considering how abruptly that fog appeared, I believe we should expect to run into more anomalies shortly. Hell, they might even think it's our Achilles heel. Gotcha. How many shots can that barrier of yours withstand? No big deal with fighting a couple of Sardegnian lookalikes while we're at it, right? Azur Lane Inverted Orthant Event PV December 29, 2020 Azur Lane Operation Siren Music Video - "Signal" by Beverly. Alright, and that's it! I still have authorization over the D13 sector. ...I don't know what to make of all this. UPDATE: Strasser now has gotten an official look with the upcoming update, hitting English Azur Lane servers December 29th with the event "Inverted Orthant" (but I like my design more XD) Link to the official design: KMS Peter Strasser. Focus on not getting hit. Can't believe what? ), Listen, before you do that, I must tell you about the test we have–. I've broken up the enemy forces and I'm headed to the control unit. I was going to be a total fucking nerd and inject some life into the thread by pointing out "Actually, it's Dead or Alive XTREME Beach Volleyball, and Venus Vacation is a spin-off of that, which barely has any characters from DOA in it, unlike XBV, which exclusively had them blah blah blah," but I couldn't be bothered to waste everyone's time. KMS Peter Strasser, also simply known as "Flugzeugträger B" was supposed to become the second ship of the Graf Zeppelin class and Germany's second carrier. Doesn't look–. Compiler, uh... she went under water just like a submarine! Accessibility Help. Assemble at Platform B3 in 3 hours after you've benchmarked your riggings. Description: Attack the D2 boss in Inverted Orthant. Noted. Also, have you seen Strasser anywhere? Visitors From Another Dimension: Mission Cutscenes, Visitors From Another Dimension: Stage Cutscenes, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Daily Memorabilia, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Purification, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Task, Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction - Main Story, Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction - Funsies. Gosh, it's almost like we were sent straight here to do Akagi's and Kaga's dirty work. They manipulated our comms and radar, too. Wait, maybe our other instruments still work? When are we starting? Legendary Junker. Do you think we've entered an even larger Mirror Sea after passing through the sea fog...? It all makes sense now! Let's hurry it up! Anyway, uh... could I at least get a visual description? AL-TH 「Azur Lane Translators」 ... ประกาศปิดอัพเดต 29/12/2020 – Inverted Orthant. Hahaha! We're contractually entitled to punish you accordingly. Kinda new, as in I had an account for a long time but never really grinded. But it feels like it's been 15 hours already... Why am I here, just to suffer...? Sortie on Inverted Orthant event maps and on Chapter 3 and onwards to earn Pizzeria Ingredient Points Accumulate points to earn items and resources, including Fubuki's limited outfit "Stormy Waitress-in-Training" ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The readings I'm getting say the only ones still in the combat area are Eugen and a Siren... Compiler. I'm lookin' right at the Mirror Sea generator. We may be short on time, but we'll work more efficiently after a break than if we recklessly push on. You sure? Wait, huh...?! 163 [Datamine] 12/29/2020 - Inverted Orthant Event. Smash it to pieces! I'll be relaxing in the guest room meanwhile. Not many other candidates. AL-TH 「Azur Lane Translators」 ... Continue reading #JP #CN ประกาศปิดอัพเดต 29/12/2020 – Inverted Orthant. I've spotted the enemy's ambush fleet. I'm sure it will prove a nice change of pace. Know that this is not a power that I dare to unleash, for the primordial knowledge of the Crimson Darkness is enough to drive one insane! feature the same shipgirls, the latter is a slice-of-life anime, with each episode running for about 10 minutes. The fact also remains that ships with histories will plateau eventually. I'm sure that this Siren research facility is the source of both the sea fog and the Mirror Sea. Therefore, all defense areas beyond D12 are off limits. She was insistent that you were a Pawn after you didn't respond. https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/index.php?title=Memories&oldid=138358, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Anyway, Weser and I will engage the aircraft. Toward the secret facility?! 1. The more ignorant they are, the better. What is it? I want to be choked by Honolulu and Zara. Even though both Azur Lane and Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! Azur Lane, Prinz Heinrich, Nürnberg (Azur Lane) / Inverted ... ... pixiv The Sakura and Iron Blood shipgirls have all made it out. It's worth noting that I've increased the ammo impact parameter by 15% to better prepare you for the real deal. What if an allied fleet happens to wander into the wrong neighborhood? Really, huh? And from the Mirror Seas come the Pawns, which we fight to improve ourselves. That's not one of the Pawns that I set. If anything, you're usually the one we all worry about, so make sure you take the necessary precautions. Today Azur Lane publisher Yostar hosted its special Christmas livestream including a lot of new info about the next few ... titled Inverted Orthant. What...? December 22, 2020 Azur Lane x Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Collaboration Event PV. Today Azur Lane publisher Yostar released two more videos about the popular shipgirl-focused mobile game. “Ahaha! We ended up here because were sent the long away around, en route to NA Ocean. Besides, why would an Iron Blood carrier randomly be attacking us out here?! I'm afraid I won't get there at the agreed-upon time, though. Putting aside whether or not I can actually get permission from Veneto, you put forth an interesting proposal. (17 seconds for a single pass through the course, with a roughly 3 second delay between shots to realign sights while zipping around at high speed...). This is news to me. Yeah, but you look like a giant sea cockroach! You would know this if you'd actually read the briefing. The Jintsuu Pawn has been successfully eliminated. Azur Lane New Contents. (Well, whatever. Anything but that!! For the latest on all things Azur Lane! The game introduces an update with a limited-time event called “Inverted Orthant. [Thanks, Game Watch!] In addition, the story will be a lot more light-hearted and comedic, with each episode focusing on the daily life of the shipgirls. Also, happy holidays everyone! Let's beat up the Sirens and get out of here already! Is Strasser adding more enemies into the mix just for fun? Were you able to get your hands on the sample? Hmm, yes, my instruments are starting to go haywire. Subscribe. Yes, these are Sakura Empire aircraft. Do not worry, I know for a fact that my candidate wouldn't speak a word of it to anyone else. Yeah. Don't set it up like that just to leave us high and dry! No problem there. I must say though, a training scenario centered around reclaiming control over a facility seized by Sirens? anyway, the Sakura fleet is in position! I lol'd at Lucianos KMF being a bloodsucker and the Guren looking like Kallen just with the wave surger hand. Dreamwaker's Butterfly Summons [GuardianE+CrimsonGhost] GuardianE. Strasser, do you copy? T4 Sakura Tech Pack ... Azur Lane Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. She's been all excited about that upgrade to the Fortress. Memories. We can't detect Compiler's location anymore! Rebooting defense module. We've managed to reclaim control over some parts of the airfield. * The New Year's 2021 Juustagram has an entry of Long Island pretending to be a kagami mochi. We managed, so it's fine. Prinz Heinrich, the P-class armored ship, weaves between buoys while firing at training targets. It's not a scenario, the Sirens really did seize the facility. We'll also get to show off the Iron Blood's state-of-the-art training facillity. I bet they sent us the long way because they wanted to hog all the honors for themselves... You know, we can use this path as an escape route in case things go awry! But the stalling that kept them at D13 allowed us to launch an attack just in time. They're using live ammunition! Anyway, we're in trouble if the Sirens found out we took back control of that airfield, so could you remain there and wait for my signal? I hope there'll be at least two weeks break after CNY event. How did it go? ...It just so happens I managed to regain control over the mainframe. Sorry, I need a bit more time on my end. Don't do that! You're the one who ruined the research facility, aren't you! Armor is incapable of withstanding a direct hit. Simply tell them we're not Pawns. That thing...? We still need to nail these swerves to really impress everyone in our next battle! Err, in any case, I'm sorry for shooting at you! Them, plus additional stragglers in the form of some mass-produced ships. It should be safe from any Siren hacking attempts. You lack all subtlety. It's entirely possible to get every file in one clearance of the map, although it requires patience to farm the X-2 & X-4 records while leaving a partially cleared map. Visitors From Another Dimension: Mission Cutscenes, Visitors From Another Dimension: Stage Cutscenes, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Daily Memorabilia, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Purification, "Virtual Connection Synchronicity" - Task, Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction - Main Story, Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction - Funsies, The Melancholy of a Princess Chevalier (Le Triomphant), An Easily Flustered Girl's Story (Honolulu), Anything and Everything for Indy (Portland), https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/index.php?title=Memories/Inverted_Orthant&oldid=137691, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. They're just practice dummies; they wouldn't use live ammo, and they've never attacked anyone out of nowhere before! Reading boring books makes me all sleepy and stuff... At least give me something cool and action-packed! I have no plans to be anywhere near there, and I've already notified any relevant allies. Them being Pawns explains why they fought so fiercely, too! If you have been playing this for a while now, looking through the game updates will excite you. Welcome to the Inverted Orthant Megathread! As part of our agreement of cooperation and information sharing, we would love to have the Eternal Flagship as our esteemed guest. While you're here, could you respawn all the targets for me? (Quite the detour? Looks like we'll need to prioritize shaking off the Iron Blood planes. Weser, were you able to locate the carrier? 1. An impostor, calling ME a Pawn? Yes ma'am! So wait, were we assigned to this research facility basically just to ensure that all stays a secret? If we wouldn't go this far, how could we prepare for a real battle? Thought as much, you cheeky little rabbit. azurlane azur_lane azurlanefanart. Exemplary observational skills, Watson. We will commence training. The plan is still the same though, right? Can you try not being hyperactive for once? Ah yes, an escape route with a Siren-occupied zone smack-dab in the middle of it. Have a taste of the my Crimson Hellfire! One heck of a job you did there~ You can leave the rest to me, all right? Gear Skin Box (Iron Blood 2000x : Limit: 4. This is perfectly normal. This is Iron Blood carrier Peter Strasser! Our research facility has been targeted by a Siren attack, and we fear that both mass-produced and humanoid Sirens are advancing toward us! Added the Inverted Orthant Shipgirls to the mod. Those ships who wouldn't answer our radio message? I'm aware. I took time out of my precious schedule to go over this information with you. Hey, some Pawn-looking ship just turned up! I wonder if she actually knows how much she contributed, or if she even knows what happened at all. Smash it to pieces! The unexplained communications anomaly, our inability to radio back to Europa, those mass-produced ships going haywire, and the Sakura fleet appearing from nowhere... Those are all proof of the Sirens pulling strings behind the scenes. Why? Testing, testing. I'll head out. They're using live ammunition. Though generous as I am, know that I have no problem taking time out of my busy schedule to... educate you. KMS event: Inverted Orthant Operation Siren Wakaba Christmas skin mini event rerun Marblehead Christmas skin mini event New Year Skins >Upcoming [JP] Pizza Hut Collab Skins [EN] Pizza skins >Anime Azur Lane: Bisoku Zenshin! I found an entire mass-produced Sakura fleet placed in an unplanned area, but there were no carriers present. In (Y/N)'s world, however, the humans decided to use the wisdom cubes on … Aaahh! So if the Sirens feel like intervening, there's nothing we can do about it? It is vital that their existence is kept confidential, thus mandating the use of Mirror Seas. Azur Lane’s End-of-the-year Biggest Update: New Mode “Operation Siren” Plus Major Event “Inverted Orthant” Woah, isn't that overkill? And so are the supporting aircraft made in the research facility! It's time for a showdown, you and me! What?! I extended an invitation to Sardegna specifically to show you this. Okey-dokey! What is there to be amazed about? I'd describe it more like "playing around," honestly. Largepotato Jan 18, 2007 Spurd. Right, Friedrich. Prinz Heinrich, setting sail! All of them! To discover more about it, see all the patch notes below. Another mystery solved. Source: Official Animation for the upcoming Inverted Orthant event #prinz heinrich #azur lane #Inverted Orthant #yostar Oh, and we'll pay you back at some point for helping us out in our time of need. I have an important task for you. We couldn't tell friend from foe or Pawn from the real deal. Sorry, I take that back! Oh boy, there they are again! Make a lot of Pawns of various shapes and sizes, and make it so that we can't contact each other from tactical distances. We use these targets all the time. It was formerly occupied by Sirens. C'mon, on me! 1. If you're going to put up a fight, come at me! Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Was the Iron Blood caught up in the Mirror Sea like we were? It's lovely that you're so motivated, Heinrich. Unless... Are you using Siren technology to create a Mirror Sea?! They can't be using live ammunition in– Eeeek! Well, she played us like a fiddle, if that was her intention. Azur Lane New Contents. Attention, all ships! Stop and destroy the Siren mastermind – Compiler! Z46, Heinrich.. 163. Let us put them to the test... Command to airfields A1 through B3: scramble all aircraft, including support wings! Azur Lane, meanwhile, knows nothing about our aerial capabilities. But it's the secret facility's beatin' heart! That leaves us with little choice but to fight! Live ammunition...? [Azur Lane] Ark Royal is META ... Inverted Orthant, focused on new Iron Blood ships. ...C'mon, we've wasted enough time here. By the way, I never expected the Sakura Empire to find their way into this research facility. And, uhh... We are allies, after all! Roger-dodger! Taking on one should be simple. Veil of terror... Omnipotent gaze...? Thanks for having us, Strasser! You sure about this, though? Anything that makes it through will quickly get turned to fine dust. Let's show these Pawns what we're made of! Hold it there and wait for my signal. Planes produced by the Mirror Sea? It also fell back into Siren control just like that. I'll get in touch with Strasser and tell her not to launch an attack on this place! We'll be able to communicate while in the Mirror Sea with these, right? In this video Prinz Heinrich, Peter Strasser, U-37, Nurnberg, Weser, Z24, and Z28 are rev... Invidious. I think Akagi called it the Sanctuary? The Mirror Sea generator has been destroyed?! Psst, Eugen! But it's a shame. However... seeing this in action may prove to be more informative than anything I can say. I have to say though, I'm thoroughly disappointed with your attitude. Pretty sweet, huh? Maybe the Iron Blood got us mixed up for those Pawns? Hmph! NO, YOU HALFWIT. I put myself at risk so I could come see you in person, and you repay me by trying to run away? Are you all done playing cat and mouse yet? ...Make us fight each other...? I do apologize for leaving you to fight without me. Come on, folks, let's keep moving! If we are to have any strength left for the actual operation, we'll have to find a way out of here as quickly as possible. This entire zone is full of Pawns flying the colors of just about every faction, I can't tell who's real. This page was last modified on 16 March 2021, at 05:30. I can't help but admire your dedication! These strange buildings clearly point to this being a Siren research facility, but this isn't showing up anywhere in our navigation records... Kongou, do you know anything about these islands? If you have been playing this for a while now, looking through the game updates will excite you. She seems pretty much the same to me. Oooh, I think you've been had, you subprogram, you~! While there are many Mirror Seas that are generated due to separate machinery (e.g. But I didn't even get to land a single torpedo yet, damnit! I know I wouldn't have been able to. You've got the Sirens all but cornered. As representatives of the Iron Blood, calling the enemies "octopus" and "cockroach" in front of our close allies stains our name. You refused to listen, so I had to get your attention somehow. Here is the D3 boss fight of the current event. Heheh~ The secret base is right before your eyes. Today Azur Lane publisher Yostar hosted its special Christmas livestream including a lot of new info about the next few ... titled Inverted Orthant. The real problem is finding out the mastermind behind this plot. Fortunately for us, we still had an additional way to communicate despite their best efforts. Yep-yep! There's one thing I forgot to ask about. You didn't answer my call in the first place, so I just assumed you were Pawns... Well, Z24 assumed the same of you. I never told you to destroy the generator. It would be a stain upon our honor if we just helped ourselves to your supplies while ignoring you in your time of need. I can think about the more troublesome issues later. I sink 'em before they can even villainously introduce themselves! AL-TH 「Azur Lane Translators」 ... Continue reading #JP #CN ประกาศปิดอัพเดต 29/12/2020 – Inverted Orthant. I knew something was up when Strasser didn't respond to my call. Are you okay? Hehehe~ Impressive, Strasser. [Azur Lane] Inverted Orthant Review - First Look at New KMS Ships. Azur Lane: Crosswave New Mirror Seas Operation Siren Character Stories Events (The Golden Doubulin to Inverted Orthant) Events (Swept Away to Microlayer Medley) Events (The Solomon Ranger to Empyreal Tragicomedy) Events (Ink-Stained Sakura Steel to Trick or Treat Halloween Night!) Jump to navigation Jump to search. I just realized something else! Inconceivable. Lady Littorio, concerning the demonstration of the Iron Blood's new weapons and technology. I don't know myself, so that's all I can really say. Hmm... Is it just me, or is there something different about Strasser today? Typical of her... You two, get your things in order and do as I've instructed. Looks like she launched every single aircraft at our disposal. Alriiight, Prinz Heinrich, heading out~! ...There, that should do it for the Sakura fleet. Make your choice! Anyway, I'm not here to appraise her performance...). W-wait, that rigging is so massive that we can't get through it...! Now, we go in pursuit of Compiler... That's the plan, right? U-37, looks like the rest is up to you. We just thought you could use a brief respite from your routine work. Then let me be amazed, dangit! Furthermore, a new major event “Inverted Orthant”, will be ready in the following week. You said you had orders for me, Lady Littorio? Don't make me repeat myself. We have anti-air combat on our training agenda today. !” New KMS event, "Inverted Orthant" will be live from December 29th to... Jump to. You'll follow my orders for the time being. Hmm, maybe the secret base is much smaller, like a clubhouse. D-did you hear her? Make sure to take note of the location and landmarks of these islands. From Azur Lane Wiki. Break any fingernails? The enemy's formations, tactics, maneuvers... they all felt much more accurate to how real foes would behave. Just when I was about to make you a focal part of the Iron Blood's main fleet, considering you potential. (...It seems I must take a more blunt approach to get her attention.). We'll maintain the same formation we had this morning. But you must be sure that the person you're sending can be trusted, as the research we're conducting at the base is top-secret. You've already thought everything out! Owch! If we've destroyed all the carrier Pawns, there shouldn't still be any operational aircraft. 49:12. Oh, hi. And if really need be, we can always just show ourselves in.
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