It is possible that the fish sold in trade as Puntius arulius in reality is one of these species. Info. Hoping for plenty of suggestions. I just bought an Arulius Barb and would like to add more fish to my tank. I know the 1 inch 1 gallon rule but I was hoping to get more experienced Aquarists opinions. In aquariums their diet can be based around flake food as long as the diet also includes frozen and live food as well as vegetables. The Arulius Barb, Puntius Arulius, is bigger than many Aquarium barbs, growing to 12 cm (5 inches.) With the exception of highly predatory and highly aggressive species, there is a barb that can be a tankmate to almost every fish you might wish to keep. Sale Sold out. The aquarium should also contain fine leafed plants and java moss. Habitat. Keeping Snapshot Difficulty: BeginnerMax Growth Size: 12 cmTemperament: Community fish, sometimes fin-nips long finned fish Preferred Water Parameters Temperature: 20-25 degrees celsiuspH Level: 6.0-7.4General Hardness: Soft-Moderate Range India Reproduction Scatters adhesive eggs amongst plants Feeding Omnivor All of the known material of P. arulius is from the upper reaches of the Kaveri River basin. As with many barbs, nippy behavior is common, but alleviated by keeping the fish in numbers of at least 5-6 individuals in the aquarium, while taking into account the space requirements of the adult size of 4-5 inches (10-12 cm). Males develop a longer dorsal fin. It has a black, vertical blotch in the middle of its body, above the origin of its pelvic fin. This does as you can hear not sound as the species we are use to in the trade. Hardness: tolerates most conditions. (2013). Remove the pair from the tank once spawning is completed. The Arulius barb is a large fast moving barb. It has a second black, vertical blotch above its anal fin, and a third black bar or blotch on the base of the caudal fin, though less well defined as the other two blotches. It reaches an adult size of 4.75 in. Its native habitat is large streams, rivers, and lakes, with a pH of 6.0 – 6.5, dH of 10, and temperature 19 °C to 25 °C. Once they are conditioned you choose one male and one female and move them into the spawning aquarium. Arulius Barb (Desmopuntius tambraparniei) – This species of barb has an olive-brown body with several large, black blotches and thin, transparent fins. I currently have just one Arulius Barb she it just about an inch right now and I have her in a 5 gallon tank until I can get something larger. The fins are thin and transparent or translucent. Most if not all Arulius barbs in the trade today are farmed in commercial farms for the ornamental fish trade. Will accept most prepared and frozen foods Adult Size: 5″ Recommended Tank Size: 50 gallons Compatibility: Generally peaceful but fast moving, which could stress out smaller, slower-moving tankmates. Puntius arulius A large active barb, hardy and easy to care for. All the species mentioned earlier can be kept in a similar way so the distinction is not overly important for the individual fish keeper as long as hybridization is avoided. Though less common to the hobby than other related barbs, this peaceful, active, egg-laying fish is compatible with other related species in the home aquarium such as tiger barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona), and rosy barbs (Pethia conchonius) and other fast swimming cyprinid species of similar size. Dawkinsia arulius (Jerdon, 1849) Arulius barb Upload your photos and videos Pictures | Stamps, Coins | Google image. I'm looking into buying an 18-20 gallon tank. The Aurulius barb is a very hardy species that will adapt to most aquarium conditions as long as the water quality is kept high. You can post now and register later. Arulius Barb: Scientific Name: Puntius tambraparniei: Alternate Names: Species Group: Barbs: Care Level: Easy: Average Adult Size: 4.0 inches / 101 mm: Maximum Adult Size: 5.0 inches / 127 mm: Lifespan: 5 – 8 years: Water Parameters. They might harass other fish species if kept in too small groups. pH: 6.0- 8.0. There are a number of similar species living in India and Sri Lanka all belonging to the so called P. filamentosus group. Adult males in spawning condition show white spots around the mouth. Arulius Barb. Would the Arulius Barbs do better with Tiger Barbs, Cherry Barbs, or are all types of barbs pretty much compatible with all other types of Barbs? Home Resources Latest Word Glossary Home Resources Fish Photos Cyprinids Arulius Barb. I hope you guys fared the cold weather well. These barbs do well with other barb species and they are also compatible with smaller cichlids. The range of this species, based on the hydrobasin area, is between 4,000 and 4,500 km², however the area is highly restricted to just 1–2% of the range, of less than 100 km².” If indeed the Arulius Barb is threatened, we are proud to maintain a healthy breeding population of the species. However, what the fish lacks in colors, it certainly makes up in size. Adult fish are dark brownish olive on the back, becoming lighter on the sides to white on the ventral surface. This can look like a disease but if the spots are focused around the mouth only it is probably just the spawning dress of this species. Other than the Arulius Barbs I was wondering what other barbs or types of fish you would recommend putting in the tank? I know he gets semi-large so I would like to get fish that don't get much larger than the 4-5 inches that the Barb will grow to. I've read that they are a harder to find barb and ithink... Log in Register The fins are thin and transparent or translucent. It look like an arulius barb max size 4.7in it will get more colourful as it get bigger Edited 14 minutes ago by Colu. If you want to spawn it in groups you condition the group in the breeding aquarium by giving them lots of live and frozen food. Family: Cyprinidae. Scientific name: Puntius arulius. They will survive on flake food only but will not show their true colours and their immune system can also become weakened. The Arulius barb can reach a maximum length around 4 to 5 inches and they are a very peaceful yet active species for the community tank. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 8 - 12°N (142.86 - 214.29ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. Adult fish are dark brownish olive on the back, becoming lighter on the sides to white on the ventral surface. Add to Cart Save. It should have three thick vertical black bands that do not extend under the belly, the first under the dorsal fin, second midway between the dorsal and caudal fin and third on the caudal peduncle. As with many barbs, nippy behavior is common, but alleviated by keeping the fish in numbers of at least 5–6 individuals in the aquarium, while taking into account the space requirements of the adult size of 4–5 inches (10–12 cm). The fish that are sold as Pontius arulius in the trade are most likely Puntius tambraparniei. Shopping. The Arulius barb is a large fast moving barb. In the wild, they are found in heavily shaded, slow flowing forested streams with a substrate of silt and leaf litter. Hello, I currently have one Arulius Barb and a new big tank to fill. February 4, 2018 by charles Leave a Comment. Recently I got this email from a customer (slightly edited): “Hi Charles. Their origin lies in the basins of the rivers Kaveri, Sharavathi and Tunga in southeastern India. Best kept with other robust species of similar size such as sharks, American cichlids and larger barbs. Up Next. Longfin Barb Behaviour Peaceful active schooling fish Typical size 10cm Max size 12cm Tank Area All Min Tank Size 80cm Min Number in Tank 3 Temp Min: 18℃ Max: 26℃ Feeding Flake, frozen, live foods pH Range 6-8 Hardness vs,s,m,h Habitat. Temperature: 19-25° C (66-77°F) Hardness: tolerates most conditions. Please ask if you need to know the current size. Classification / Names Common names | Synonyms | Catalog of Fishes (gen., sp.) I was wondering what other fish are a good mix with this type of Barb? Arulius Barb (D. tambraparniei) ... No matter the size of your tank, there is a barb that is well suited to occupying it. Scientific name: Puntius arulius It does however show a more vivid coloration in aquariums that contain at least a few hiding places. If you don’t want to use live plants you can use spawning mops. Males are however usually more colourful and more slender than the rounder and duller looking females. Also compatible with some cichlid species, but smaller fish such as neon tetras would be at risk of predation. Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 7.5. Common name: Arulius Barb, Tamiraparani Barb, Silas Barb, Longfin Barb. It reaches an adult size of 12 centimetres (4.7 in) TL. Click here for tank setup, feeding and more for the Arulius Barb. Synonyms: Barbus arulius Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks Barbs: Arulius barb: Puntius arulius: 4.7" Bigspot barb, Duncker's barb: Puntius dunckeri: 5" Peaceful when small but should not be kept with other species at adulthood. Arulius Barb Family: CYPRINDALE Barbus Arulius arulius barb Distribution:South and South east India Length:120mm 4. Cherry barb (P. titteya) Cherry barbs are ideal for the small community aquarium because of their size up to 3.5cm/1.4”. Only 75 emoji are allowed. The true Puntius arulius is scientifically described as "lacking branched dorsal-fin rays elongated into filaments in adult males" and having short maxillary barbells. It is possible that the species that we know in the trade as Puntius arulius isn’t the true Puntius arulius. Size: 12 cm / almost 5 inches. Paste as plain text instead. Aquarium Size Top ↑ An aquarium with base measurements of at least 120 ∗ 45 cm or equivalent should be the smallest considered for long-term care. It originates from India where it is found in the Tambraparni River basin. 7" Tank Length:90cm 36" Diet:Worms,crustaceans,insects, plant matter and dried food. Other common names includeTamiraparani Barb, Silas Barb and Longfin Barb. Size: 12 cm / almost 5 inches Puntius arulius: Common Name: Arulius Barb: Size: Up to 4.5 inches (12 cm) Habitat: MAINLAND SOUTH ASIA: Rivers in southern India. The adult male differs from a closely related … Note the filaments on his dorsal. Adults possess more pronounced colors than the juvenile. (12.0 cm). Behavior: Peaceful when in a school. Usual size in fish tanks: 8 - 12 cm (3.15 - 4.72 inch) 0 14. [2] Other common names include Tamiraparani barb, Silas barb and longfin barb. I was at my local Ifs and they had 4 arulius barbs, all between 3&4". Arulius Barb. If you want to breed the species in pairs you separate the males and females from each other and condition each group separately with plenty of live and frozen food. I just wanted to ... Read More. A torpedo-shaped fish which is orange in base colour, this can appear very pale when the fish is stressed. The Barb is an active, colourful and popular aquarium fish. Its native habitat is large streams, rivers, and lakes, with a pH of 6.0 – 6.5, dH of 10, and temperature 19 °C to 25 °C. The aquarium should ideally be decorated in such a way that there are areas with dense vegetation as well as open areas for this fast moving fish to swim around in. Arulius barbs do not show any parental care and will eat their own eggs and fry. The true D. arulius is exceedingly rare in the hobby, and almost all the fish sold as arulius barbs are in fact D. tambraparniei. It reaches an adult size of 12 centimetres (4.7 in) TL. A male Arulius Barb (Puntius arulius or maybe Dawkinsia tambraparniei) in front of a one-inch grid to show size. Diet: Omnivorous, flake, Frozen, live food and sinking pellets. Puntius Arulius barbs, Melon Barb, Gold barb, Bolivian ram. The group was revised in 2005 which resulted in some species earlier considered sub-species becoming true species. tambraparniei: named for the Tambraparni river, type locality of the species. It is advisable to choose the fattest female and the most colourful male. The name arulius is derived from the name "aruli" used by local inhabitants. Share. Arulius Barb(Puntius arulius) Arulius Barb compatibility and care info. The Arulius barb (Dawkinsia arulius) is a tropical cyprinid fish native to the Kaveri River basin of south east India. ? Arulius barb. 5. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. Also rusty plec, rainbow cichlids, madagascan rainbows. Not only do we sell fish livestock and tanks, we go the extra mile! The adult male differs from a closely related filament barb species found in Tambraparni River basin, Dawkinsia tambraparniei, and lacks the filament-like extensions to the branched dorsal-fin rays which lend to the incorrect use of the common name, longfin barb (Dawkinsia filamentosa). Native to India, grows to 10-12cm. Scientific Name: Puntius arulius Min. Arulius barb is harder to sex when dealing with younger fish and fish that aren’t ready to spawn. The three-banded barbel (the locals call them “Aruli”) with the scientific name Dawkinsia arulius can also be popularly referred to as splendid barbel. Watch later. Arulius barb. Aurulius barb is a shoaling species and it should always be kept in shoals of 8 or more fish. Maximum Standard Length 90 – 100 mm. Dimmed lighting helps trigger spawning. Identification. This is a large species and the breeding aquarium therefore needs to be quite large. A few shaded regions among roots are also appreciated. This fish can live for ten years under good conditions. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. This species can be spawned in pairs or in groups. If they are kept in smaller groups they will not feel secure and will not show their true colors. Dawkinsia: named for Richard Dawkins, for ‘his contribution to the public understanding of science and, in particular, of evolutionary science’. Cover the bottom of the tank with marbles or a mesh that protects the eggs from the hungry eyes of their parents. Dawkinsia arulius Picture by JJPhoto. In the aquarium. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. This species is the ideal choice for any community aquarium containing mid-size species that appreciate the same environment. In the wild they are omnivores feeding on both meaty foods and plants. Adults possess more pronounced colors than the juvenile. | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa. Etymology. Min Tank Size: At least 55 gallons for a school of six. The only recent collections have been at Kodagu. We try size the fish as accurately as possible but size can vary so much depending on how long we have had the fish. The Arulius barb reaches full color late in life and is often overlooked for this reason. Water: Filtration is important when keeping Aurulius barb. Arulius Barb (Dawkinsia tambraparniei) Origin: Wild India Locale: Western Ghats Diet: Insectivore and omnivore in nature. Remove the fish from the aquarium once you see eggs.
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