FRENCH bulldogs are undeniably adorable - but their gorgeous "flat" faces can contribute to a number of health problems. Protective. We give a composed deal to each purchaser that plots our well-being guarantee, and includes our commitment to our breeding program for our french bulldog for sale that … Apart from this, they lack muscle power, due to which they are incompetent to save their owners from the damage. Some like to hunt small rodents. Frenchies crave attention all the time. A guard dog he isn’t!”, “Frenchies are not supposed to be guard dogs. “Our Frenchie can at times be a little protective and jealous, but he is full of love and excitement. It is a well-known fact that French Bulldogs are one of the most preferred family pets due to their friendly and composed nature. They’ll stick by the children’s side like good little velcro dogs. Besides this, their bark is not too loud as other dog breeds in the segment. French bulldogs, commonly called the lap dog, has a tremendous amount of energy. And I mean any noise absolutely. Unfortunately, the French Bulldog and health problems often go hand in hand, as many Frenchies tend to suffer from one or … Slobbering. French bulldogs are no exception. This is unusual, but can be solved with training. French Bulldogs are friendly, playful, and full of personality. But overall, are they a protective breed or not? 11.Dress up your Frenchie with a winter coat. French Bulldog is a dog in the first place and like any other dog, he can be aggressive in certain occasions. There is always the possibility that the bulldog may attack a person if they are attempting to attack the bulldog. The best reply was from another owner who had this to say: “You need to work with him by yourself you need to educate him what acceptable and what is not. They are simply too small and don’t have enough aggression, they are good watch dogs though and will alert you to stuff.”, “Guard dog, not a chance. They are fun, entertaining and loving. French Bulldog sounds. Instead of getting territorial or aggressive on the presence of a stranger in the surroundings, Frenchies would jump and demand the cordiality. Please consult with your nearest veterinarian for such help. Frenchies are not known to be vicious, aggressive or mean animals. Apart from this, when it comes to their owners, French Bulldogs are protective. He looks at me like so, and?”, “Our Frenchie acts all alert at any sign someone is here. It takes consistency, patience, and time. 10.Protect the nose. That's because Frenchies can adapt to just about any environment. But This Is Not Aggression. And they become protective of the owner’s attention. You could also have a dog with too much pent-up energy; take him for a long run or walk, play ball or head over to the dog park. Boxers have lower than average tendency to nip, chew, play-bite, or herd people. French bulldogs are known to be easygoing and also have an amiable nature and temperament. Some dogs boast a natural instinct to protect their family and home. It is their composed temperament that restricts them from getting aggressive at an invader to scare him away. Curiously, French Bulldogs … Provided you give them the appropriate training especially when young, these pets will certainly offer all the protection you need. French Bulldogs.. Temperament: Playful, Affectionate, Keen, Sociable, Lively, Alert, Easygoing, Patient, Athletic, Bright Little Dog, Big Protector! Frenchies have to socialize with other dogs to have some play time. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re always vicious. French Bulldogs can be very good as therapy dogs, but not so much as service dogs. Claude will occasionally let out a short sequence of barks if he hears someone coming up our driveway, but that’s it. In addition to the reply above, I would also advise that the owner crates the dog until she gets the scent of the person, sees that they are settled and that they offer no threat. French Bulldogs make excellent watchdogs and will alert their people to approaching strangers, but it's not their style to bark without cause. I am one of Claude the French Bulldog's human parents. She’s not a good guard dog though, just like other Frenchies. French Bulldog Frenchies are one of the most popular small dogs in the world. French Bulldogs are prone to chronodysplasia, a general term for back, spine, and disc issues. If he is a younger French Bulldog puppy, then you need to be patient with him and less spoiling.”. To stop it, you must first diagnose the chief reason behind it. Due to their tiny size and outgoingness, Frenchies are not considered to be good guard dogs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Handling this one is easy because all you have to do is spend more quality time with him or her. Many of these infections are preventable through vaccination, which we will recommend based on the diseases we see in our area, her age, and other factors. Some French bulldogs bark due to fear or when something startles them. Consequently, occasionally give him some mental challenges like obedience games, agility training, or herding. Blue eyed French bulldogs are not AKC approved. As a breed, Frenchies openly love visitors especially the friendly and polite ones. French Bulldogs are easy-going, fun-loving additions to any family. Their barking can be in a scared, friendly, or exciting way. The fawn colors can be any light through red. They can also do so when they desire to play with you. Some French Bulldogs, especially those with heavy loose lips, slobber water when they drink. It sounds like he is in protective phase with you. French Bulldogs are not typically excessive barkers. Are French Bulldogs good guard dogs? Most dogs seem to do better by being exposed to people, other aspects of life, and other dogs. Here is what an expert responded with: “Dogs are pack animals by nature. Wonderfully. French Bulldog Puppies. They’re also utterly adorable, whether puppy or adult. Due to this, there are probable chances that on seeing a stranger, your Frenchie would demand a petting from him as well. As a result of this, they become more protective of their owners. The French Bulldog has a low chance of biting somebody. They require lots of attention, care, and affection from their owner, giving oodles of unconditional love in return. They don’t grow big enough to transform into a threateningly scary dog, so you can’t depend on them for the security of your home or family. French Bulldogs are very attached to their owner and don’t like to be left alone for a long time. The AKC recognizes a purebred, healthy lineage, and won’t accept many of the popular and rare ‘fad colors’. However, if you desire a dog breed that offers companionship, then I’d highly recommend a Frenchie. In short, don’t put too much expectation on your Frenchie in terms of being a guard dog. French Bulldogs may look tough on the outside, but inside they are lovably soft, caring and easygoing. Additionally, it builds character and confidence in your dog. Frenchies view kids … Obesity can be a significant health problem in French Bulldogs. Ensuring your dog is mentally active is also important. There is always something very mysterious about canines with the blue color, and these tiny bulldogs are no exception. They always crave for their owners’ presence around them. To be a good guard dog, a pet requires a stout body of huge size to safeguard the owners from jeopardies. Check out this post which is one of the most popular of all time. Frenchies do not need a lot of room and do very well in apartments or small dwellings. They are fun, entertaining and loving. After spending time with your pet, you should be able to differentiate the tone or intensity of barking. Why French Bulldogs Get Zoomies & Run Around Like Crazy? Pin This: Categories Dog Breeds Post navigation. We see a mixture of issues ranging from back pain to slipped discs also … For people coming into the home, use the crate at first as I referenced in the previous comments. French Bulldogs make good watch dogs and can become somewhat territorial and protective. For some reason Frenchies seem to be overlooked as cute fur babies, but what people seem to forget is that they are ultimately dogs and should be treated and trained as any other. French Bulldogs are dogs first and foremost and YES they can be aggressive, there is no way to predict 100%. They adore being in kids’ vicinity and consider them for their best playmates. If you have a Frenchie who is protective of you and starts biting, nipping, and yapping if anyone comes near you, then I would suggest it’s more about the dog claiming you and the territory around you. If you are looking for a pet that would guard your family, then Frenchies are not the right breed for you. This behavior stems from the fact that Frenchies are clingy to the kids. Their quirky behavior will sometime alert their owners of intruders, but not all the time. Being a laid-back dog breed, French Bulldogs are extremely affectionate and loyal. Always remember that because your pet is a pack animal, it’s normal for him or her to desire affection and attention. The most important thing to know is that the barking of Frenchies isn’t generally considered as ‘yapping.’ Theirs is more guffer and deeper than others. French Bulldogs are pretty much serene and never show aggression without a justifiable reason. Devoting time to learning about your French bulldog temperament can be one of the best things you can do to build a better relationship between you and your lovable French Bulldog. This truth is not unexpected either. Due to their sheer size and strength, guardian breeds need socialization and proper training. French Bulldogs are susceptible to bacterial and viral infections — the same ones that all dogs can get — such as parvo, rabies, and distemper. Each time your dog does this, they should get a sharp verbal reprimand and then put down off your lap or couch and on the floor immediately. The last thing you want is to pen up your dog for long stretches of time. Our own Frenchie Claude is not a huge barker. French Bulldogs are intelligent, and training them is easy as long as you make it seem like a game and keep it fun. If you want to know for certain what a puppy is going to be like as an adult don't get a puppy, get an adult. Are French Bulldogs good companion dogs? Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. For instance, when the barking is friendly, he or she tends to run towards you or wiggle the tail. Mouthiness : French Bulldogs have an average tendency to nip, chew, play-bite, or herd people. I always tell him he’s not a good guard dog. Protective Guardians. French Bulldogs are friendly with other pets and children. French Bulldogs Can Be Head Strong. Throughout history, the main objective of a domesticated dog has always been to offer protection to its owners against unwanted animals and people. With adult dogs, it’s key to looking into socialization training. Article from But they are not. He will be fine but as soon as I come in the room, he’s a crazy beast to any person in sight, as if he’s being overly protective of me.”. Did you know? Owning a Frenchie is equivalent to having a lovable furry companion by your side to wipe away all your worries. Velcro Dog Syndrome is often confused with separation anxiety because of their similarities, however, there are a few key differences. Read more about Marc Aaron. They are fantastic companion dogs. They can be protective of their home and family and some will try to defend both with their life. Therefore, avoid leaving your pet alone for too long. Compare this to how Yorkies will bark like crazy until they’ve figured out exactly who the intruders are. Are French Bulldogs easy to train? French bulldogs act gentle toward toddles, however, they don’t like to fall into anyone’s shadows. Frenchies like to cuddle and get close to you. Low. For example, when family members or any known friends show up, it does not bother them at all. The coat of a French bulldog should short haired and fine and silky. But they are a breed that lets me know when he hears a noise. This is unusual, but can be solved with training. But don’t expect anything more than that! Historically French bulldogs come from fight dogs, that’s why when you see two Frenchies playing you may think they are fighting. Loving Pal. These sounds are endearing to some people; nerve-wracking to others. For the most part, this breed is one of the friendliest on the planet. Here’s what I found out. Your Frenchie needs to be part of your life. This makes them an unreliable pet to have in the family as a guard dog. Whilst yours might bark upon hearing the ringing of the doorbell, once the door is opened, they are more likely to jump up, sniff, and get all excited about the prospect of a new face. However, it’s not really the type of behavior you should encourage and can lead to problems as we’ve seen with the comments above. After all, they still have the same genes as their wild ancestors and people domesticated them to protect them and their property, so it is more appropriate to say that dogs in general have the potential to be aggressive, but they are usually not. They have a bulldog's personality in a small dog's body. Frenchies are not very tall. These furry acquaintances get attached to their owners in a very short span of time. With this one, I would suggest that the dog is being territorial so any introductions to a new dog should first be made on neutral ground. The breed is considered very reliable with, and protective of children. The Boxer has a low chance of biting somebody. Due to such traits, you cannot make a Frenchie do anything that is against his will. This dog breed was originally bred for the purpose of bull-baiting and dogfighting. A French Bulldog is not the type of breed that barks too often or unnecessarily. Frenchies can become somewhat territorial and protective, which are assets for a watch dog. If he is old, then it might be too late to change. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. Here’s a selection of the best comments I found on Facebook: “Our Frenchie has to be top dog! We are an AKC BREEDER of MERIT kennel, and have every puppy certified with a Veterinarian prior to placement. Joking aside though, this is a big problem below. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. These dogs are affectionate, loving, playful, and excellent companions. French Bulldogs aren’t good guard but can be good watch dogs. They make a very pleasant companion for both children and the elderly.. You've only seen one page. There are some excellent Facebook groups dedicated to Frenchies which I am a member of. Our own experiences with Claude are that he will get jealous if our cat or another dog gets attention. I know of other Frenchies were this isn’t the case though. But the only threat you’re under coming in here is being cannonballed by 30 pounds of love.”, “Frank would greet a burglar with unbridled joy and amazement that they hadn’t been introduced before. There have been many occasions where French bulldogs have been seen interacting perfectly fine with other pets, living in the same house, sleeping and eating together, without either being aggressive to the other. Most times, their bark also gets overlooked by the owner due to a lack of audaciousness. Height and weight of the French Bulldog. If your Frenchie is like our Claude, then in most cases yours won’t be overly hostile. After this read, you will get a fair idea about French Bulldogs’ personality and trait. French Bulldogs tend to love the kids of the family. French Bulldogs can be a good option for first-time owners. It will act as a protective layer and protect them against irritants or chemicals. Expression alert, curious, and interested. Our Frenchies alert us to unexpected visits, like the UPS man, or some unexpected event. The following are the few characteristics of Frenchies due to which they are protective pals. French Bulldogs are extremely possessive for their owners. If you’re a new owner, the first time you see this it will blow your... Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? These playful companions feel neglected if they are not checked upon. If allowed to remain indoors and get used to a few individuals, some of them can grow to persistently bark at strangers. This will moisturize and heal the nose also disinfect the area. They are stocky, compact dogs with a … Frenchies can live happily in a flat and have fairly minimal exercise needs, but do require daily walks, even short ones of around 15 minutes, to keep their weight down. French Bulldogs are not typically excessive barkers.. French Bulldogs make good watch dogs and can become somewhat territorial and protective.. Here’s the kicker my Frenchie sleeps through everything and I mean he literally sleeps through everything.”. They are patient with children, friendly with strangers, and loyal to their pet parents, sometimes to the point of being overly protective. A Complete Guide To The Black Labrador Retriever. We are the proud parents of Claude the French Bulldog. Due to this, they get protective and often prefer to stay by their owners’ side. Being a highly convivial dog breed, French Bulldogs do not like to stay unaccompanied for long hours. French Bulldogs make good watch dogs and can become somewhat territorial and protective. Frenchies are touted to be amongst the most caring and lovable companions that would cheer you up in distressing times. Like most of the other dog breeds in the segment, French Bulldogs are also protective of their owners. This way you know the personality of the dog. The furry pals tend to demand the same fondness from everyone around them. Unable to alert effectively during alarming situations. So long as they are socialized as puppies, Frenchies get along great with new faces and other dogs or cats. This is a particularly common behavior for Frenchies to adopt when they are surrounded by children. And while this may not be dangerous for your kids, it can be for others. This candidly implies that in times of danger or invasions, there would be uncertainty whether your Frenchie would guard you or not. Apart from this, when it comes to their owners, French Bulldogs are protective. The female puppies, in particular, are extremely protective of the children in the family. link to Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See. The following are the characteristics of Frenchies that make them nothing less of mediocre guard dogs. You can break into my house and he would love you and slobber you to death before anything else!”, “I wouldn’t call ours a guard dog but more of an alarm dog as she’ll tell you someone is there, but she likely just wants to play and love you.”, “Our Frenchie barks at everyone, everything, the wall, thin air, a leaf blowing by. Yes, can be but don’t expect protection if someone decides to mug or attack you when out on a walk. An effective way of teaching your Frenchie to bark less is by teaching him the ‘’quiet’’ command. He will also get jealous of our son sometimes too. You need to be firm voiced with her and if you tell her to do something and she doesn’t, don’t give up.”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We do not constitute any kind of medical advice. Don’t be fooled by the cuteness . Some of the best watch or guard dogs include: All dog breeds bark. There’s no doubt that there are better guard dog breeds out there if that’s primarily what you’re looking for. How much do they bark? Here is what you need to … These pooches can also be moody at times. In many states and counties, if a person is bitten and seeks treatment, the person treating must report it, then the health department and authorities can get involved. It should be noted that clingy dogs are more likely to develop separation anxiety. They are fantastic companion dogs. For example, if my son comes and sits in my wife’s lap, Claude will jump up and try to engineer a way in, so he also gets attention. But in most cases the Bulldog is not very protective. We have lots more on the site to show you. The aggressiveness of the French bulldog is often misunderstood. Welcome to French Bulldog Ranch - we are based in Clancy, MT and has bred and exhibited French Bulldog since 2007. Another person on Facebook had this problem, and it sounds like their own French Bulldog could actually be a good guard dog. But, does our French Bulldog make for a good guard dog? Even though Frenchies do not bark a lot and can sleep with the best of them, they are generally fairly decent watch dogs. If necessary, use your physical correction or body language to shut him up. Boxers are extremely protective guard dogs. Also, Frenchies might or might not bark during the alarming situations. There is no denying the fact that French Bulldogs make up for an excellent family pet. This attribute makes them excellent guard dogs. Because of their short face, most Frenchies snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. They only bark to announce their presence. I would not chance a bite. If a little drool on the furniture bothers you, a Frenchie might not be the breed for you. Some Frenchies like to think that they are they ruler the room, the attitude of certain Frenchies is, in truth, part of their attention-seeking behavior. Overly-protective dogs. French Bulldogs can be easy to train, but they can also be stubborn. They are of unreserved nature and get along with people really well. You can also apply the small quantity of coconut oil on their cute little nose. They have a lot of personality and even more love to give, and are a great dog for individuals and families. You should reward him always and not when he is naughty. Barks (and by barks, I mean gremlin noises) and stands there acting like he can contribute some form of protection. She’s so protective of my family that when new people come into my home, she tries to head butt them or even bite them until they’re sat down and it’s calm then she wants to make friends.”. On a different note, these adorable pooches are efficient enough to alert their owners in case of inevitable dangers. This bundle of joy is an attention seeker and very social. It is quite evident from the aforesaid facts that French Bulldogs do not excel at guarding their owners as they lack the traits that are required to become a successful guard dog.
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