This fish is not very particular about water conditions although consistency is always the key. Snails might be the best option here IMO. Out of all the algae eaters on the list, Nerite snails would be my number one go-to for people looking for a cheap and easy to care for algae eater. And breed they will, these snails lay tons of eggs frequently, which hatch in a few days to create a ton of miniature snails. CAE will feel fine in any tank if it has several shelters. A commercial food diet should still be fed, along with the available algae in the tank. are fantastic algae eaters that also eat leftover fish food, dead plant matter and other “stuff” that ends up on the bottom. Algae eaters are a must in any freshwater aquarium. Algae Eating Fish. Nerites (Neritina spp.) I have had SAE's for 10 years now. A frequent “answer” to this is to go to the aquarium shop and ask for “a fish that cleans up the algae” or an “algae eater”. phishes wrote: I would never recomend CAE. They only eat algae at a young age (they don't even do a good job) and get get bigger then cons and get really aggressive. Siamese algae eaters can survive in a wide range of temperatures (71-82F) and PH conditions (6-8). The Siamese Algae Eater is not a fussy eater; it will eat algae of live plant leaves and should also be fed a mixture of protein and vegetable-based food. As a result, you need to decorate the bottom of your tank with fine sand, lots of plants, and more. Nerite Snails are one of the best algae eating snails around, and their “from-tank” diet can include: soft film algae, soft green algae, soft brown algae, and brown diatoms. I currently have a Chinese algae eater but the only algae he cleans is around his area and not the rest of the tank. Siamese Algae Eaters are usually three times bigger, being able to reach 6 inches in length as they grow. I have listed them among my top recommendations when it comes to a … What fish is commonly mistaken for the Siamese algae eater? It is hardy, will tolerate a range of environments and will surprise you with its breeding habits. Monday (10/24): Went to clean tank and saw the 5-6 Fry (in the picture). They have a flattened body covered in bony plates, and as they reach maturity, they sprout tentacle-like branches from their head. I have algae in my tank and i have no idea how to get rid of it i was thinking about adding a few algae eaters. Care Level: Easy. Feeding Requirements. Because Siamese algae eaters spend so much of their time at the bottom of the tank, there is a good chance that they can scratch their sensitive bodies or damage their barbels if you use a harsher, sharper substrate. Or should I just leave her alone and let her produce unfertalized eggs?:-? Mollies (And other Live Bearers) Black Mollies. It has a wider head and is much shorter, fatter, and flatter than the Common Pleco.. Every extra SAE will require another 10 gallons. Expect to pay a little bit more, about $15-20 each. Many fish like to eat the tiny snails, creating an inbuilt population control. Rabbit Snail. They are a suckermouth catfish that predominantly live off of algae & algae wafers. Answer: Only accidental spawning has occurred in captivity, so at this point no one really knows, and the fish must continue to be caught in the wild. The current trio I own I've had for maybe 5 years. Okay, I have Siamese Algae Eaters & I've noticed one of them shimmying (as in when a male is trying … It was named after the French linguist and explorer, Étienne François Aymonier.Chinese Algae Eater was first exported to Germany in 1956 for the aquarium trade, prior to that, they were used as a food fish in the native countries. Algae eaters are often considered the solution to algae in the aquarium. The second time the leaves that it laid the eggs on rotted.
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